Yellow Ribbon Love Episode 21

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19 thoughts on “Yellow Ribbon Love Episode 21

  1. WaLao Waey, wat is Wen Qian doing sia? Didn’t he love YouNan so much now? Now he’s so rich liao thn he forgets abt her. Y can like that the sia?!! This let me hate u a lot!!!>:( 

  2. How is it possible for a soon-to-be engaged woman just switch to another man on the same day without even trying to find the groom-to-be for a face-to-face explanation?? Furthermore to sms each other “congrats”. The scriptwriter is absurd.. and the storyline is sadly fake.

  3. 自從被爆說黑又男是女扮男裝之後的劇情真的是很瞎,很爛。
    一下子跟WQ, 一下子跟TJ,一下子又說要訂婚可是自己不清楚。演員們也應該演到很頭痛吧。

  4. 哎。果真每集都在換交往對象。

    看到廷君還不會避開?不是被放鴿子傷得很深嗎? 還暢所欲言,還約喝咖啡。 暈。

  5. 黑又男一心一意只知道要求別人 要求文謙不要帶她進姚家 也等於要文謙放棄家族事業 看姚媽媽情況危急 也沒放在心上 等文謙什麼都做了 都付出了 她再來一句 ” 對不起,我喜歡姚廷君”

  6. 所以現在黑又男是在跟另一個男人討論 要怎麼疏遠她男友?
    我真的很佩服她這種 不x臉的行為 

    明明不喜歡就算了 還硬要說別人是她男友 然後讓文謙跟她求婚了 又在那想甩掉他 還自以為: “我不忍心傷害你”

    另一方面,喜歡她的姚廷君,又男婚禮那天 搞不清楚狀況 不知道廷君正趕在路上 卻自個兒先跟別的男人跑了 要不現在是怎樣....

  7. 我比較希望又男和廷君在一起,我覺得如果文謙真的愛又男的話,他應該讓她幸福 而不是耍心機拆散又男和廷君. 這樣子就算他們結婚了 然後發現原來文謙和又男的感情是建立在他的謊言上..就算不分開大家心理也會有刺.

  8. you can’t really blame YN. it’ll be worse if she stays with WQ when both of them know that her heart is with TJ. WQ treats her really well and especially after he promised her that he will not be involved with Yao Jia she is very touched and doesn’t want to hurt him a second time. It’s hard for the poor girl to handle these situation when she cares for both guys (one she loves a lot as a boyfriend, and one she loves as a best friend) she may not be able to make the right decision on the spot or at the right moment but i’m pretty sure many girls will do the same. Love is something where there’s no absolute rights and wrongs.

    • 別忘了,文謙也有錯啊! 他為了得到又男他跟米亞和總裁夫人合作讓又男跟庭君分開,這是不對的行為耶!他覺得感情是可以用條件換來的!

    • The problem is about her being wishy-washy!  Stop giving the dude false hope if you dont like him. After giving him false hope the first time, she disappointed him, hurt him, just to then return to him a second time to do the same when she knows her heart hasnt change from liking someone else?  What kind of logic is that?  It my seems like a nice gesture for her to try and accept his love..but really, both times she went to Wen’s because things didnt work out with Ting Jun. Can she please grow a spine and stop changing between two guys every other episode?? This is why it’s so hard to root for her. I think she sets the record for worst heroine ever. 

    • if she dsnt know how to choose between da 2, then cant she at least stay SINGLE for few “””hrs”””? such a foolish and selfish person!

    • she is nuts …反覆不定~
      文謙為了她放棄繼承權  這點又男又何嘗了解呢?? 
      文謙為了母親的心願違背意願住進姚家 可能過者看人臉色的生活 ~~~
      ~他的難處又男也沒花心思了解體諒 ~ 
      醫生告訴文謙母親只有一年的時間 獨自承受即將失去母親的傷痛

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