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i feel like ting yu and alice slept with each other but they both thought of the other person. ting yu is probably thinking about die fei and alice is thinking about hai jie… i hope. cuz the scene is actually quite messed up
Haha, they’re eating Mc. Donalds.
What is Alice’s mission ?
我明明知道什麼是什麼,但就是說不出來。其實霆宇想說的就是喜歡蝶菲就是說不出口的意思 :)。
when HeTing’s Mom died, he didn’t even look that sad…Just shed a few tears..
Actually for some people, that’s normal.
if only lara’s father knew that his precious elder daughter is a xiao-san.
what song did liang he qun’s mom play for the piano in 50:57?
三分鐘就知道誰是你最愛得人? (98的準確率)一個很準的心理測試:按下面的步驟一步一步做,不要作弊,否則你的希望會落空(用3分鐘完成)發送這個留言的人說:她的願望在十分鐘內變成現實,記住:不要有欺騙行為。這個戲的結果非常有趣,注意:按順序往下讀,不能跳躍地往下讀(只要花3分鐘,值得一試)首先拿一枝筆和一張紙,當你在作出選擇時,如果是人物,保證是你認識的,無論是數字或名字都是第1直覺,每次向下移動一行──記住:不要跳行往下讀!一、首先,在一列中寫下1到11的序號(即1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11)
1. 你必須把這個遊戲告訴給(序號2旁邊寫下的數字)個人。
2. 序號3是你所愛的人。
3. 序號7是你所喜歡的但不能與之相伴的人。
4. 序號4是你最關心的人。
5. 序號5是非常瞭解你的人。
6. 序號6是你重要的人。
7. 序號8的歌適合序號3的人。
8. 序號9的歌適合序號7的人。
9. 序號10的歌最能代表你的想法。
10. 序號11的歌是你對生活的感受。
why are the ratings so low?
i think this drama would be better if the instrumental music was a lot better, because frankly, the violin sounds are off tune and irrates my ears.
裡面的配樂真好聽! 很感動!
lara is a new artist meh? i thought she also acted inside hot shot?
tats tracy zhou
lara isn’t new she acted in engagement for love
i’m sorry but i seriously dislike lara!!
猛到爆 ! WTH how to watch next ep ?! think shoting p*** arh ?!
Is it just me or did Aaron look like he was about to lick Lara in the preview ;P lol
hahaha, I thought that too! 😀
But it’s actually his finger. 🙂
that’s just disgustingly f’ed up
Oh No!! The preview is so bad!
Oh God~
Cant wait for the next episode. I kinda hope that 蝶菲 will end up with 賀霆宇
me too! Supporting 蝶宇!
lol I like everyone just sleeps with everyone in the last scene =.=”” so messed up lol
i am so confused….
i feel like ting yu and alice slept with each other but they both thought of the other person. ting yu is probably thinking about die fei and alice is thinking about hai jie… i hope. cuz the scene is actually quite messed up
yea they did, because if you look at yu’s hair, it changed, and changed back too.
Thankyou so much for the fast uploading <3! 😀
you are the second not first
is it really important?
Yes it’s here!