Alice in Wonder City Episode 08

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

45 thoughts on “Alice in Wonder City Episode 08

  1. 為啥會發展的那麼奇怪啊
    說真的 劇情真的很不通= =
    突然去他家 燙衣服 之後就上床 然後交往
    我感覺劇情跳越太多了  很多東西都沒詮釋出來
    這是我看過最奇怪的一部偶像劇= =

  2. 周采詩這麼胖也可以當女主角?是沒別人可以演了喔,她每一部戲都是穿的很寬鬆,是想欲蓋彌彰嗎?這集一開始她下床鏡頭特寫她的小腿,還真是又肥又短

  3. 女一換一換人,應該會好很多


  4. 好失望. 最初期望劇情會有追逐理想的成分, 但劇情越演越奇怪, 撇開理想的事不說, 愛情線在搞甚麼? 首席和ALICE不愛彼此幹嘛要上床? 也許是我太低層次,但我真的完全看不出思想高深的編劇在寫甚麼、想表達甚麼!!!

  5. 我不知道为什么。看着首席和alice我越看越生气。明明喜欢的不是对方。生气又想继续看下去,看结局是怎样。 哈哈。

  6. 看不懂这部剧是要讲些什么,既然首席喜欢蓝蝶菲,为什么还跟爱丽丝纠缠不清?他到底喜欢谁?而且看了那么久真的看不出这部片主要是讲音乐和梦想,成分太少了

    • I don’t think it’s necessary. English is a tool to communicate. It’s not important to pronounce “it” right.  When you speak Chinese, maybe you need more corrections than others.

      英文是溝通的工具,無論你從哪裡來都有當地發音特色。在看韓劇,日劇時,你會要求他們用正統英文發音嗎? 這是台灣偶像劇,如果聽不慣,請回去享受有”正確”英語發音的歐美劇吧!

    • learning a language is also doing it by pronouncing it RIGHT and using the correct grammar. the accent is NOT  important because people coming from different parts of the globe have different english accents.

  7. 不好意思…請問這集…有跟前七集那樣…一次就可以全部一起看…不用分段的嗎?!

        •  How come 首席suddenly 喜歡藍蝶菲?  I thought they were bickering at the beginning. When did he like her?

          • the script should have shown that he gradually had feelings for her because of…(reason) . rather it was shown that he suddenly had an eye for her and this caught the viewers by surprise.

        • for me, it is ok if there had been a one night stand between ting yu and alice because  diefei had not yet accepted him as her boyfriend at the time. he is free to do as he wish but if he and diefei were a couple and he did that, that would be unforgivable

  8. 導演拍得很細膩,海傑演奏時,Alice感動又不能完全表露的表情,霆宇抓住蝶菲忌妒她只在乎海傑的眼神,都很到位! 讚讚讚。

  9. 謝謝上傳。

    真是超好看的! 海傑望著Alice走時的眼淚和片尾歌,真的好感人!
    沒有一刻會用到快轉, 大家一起享受這好看又好聽的偶像劇吧!


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