Autumn’s Concerto Episode 17

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676 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 17

  1. [YT] I bet this is where ChiXin starts to fall for Tuoye.
    Tuoye is by far the SWEETEST MAN on earth.
    If only there were more breed of TUOYE.
    The world will be a better place.

  2. [YT] Guang Xi was so calm~calmer than I expected… he should’ve rushed her to zeh hospitall or somesin likes zat~ more excitement :DD
    whole family has wounds~! GX on the stomach; mu cheng on back just naoo; xiao le on the legg from the operationooo!

  3. [YT] Yeah! That’s what I thought too, until I rewinded back and heard the guy with the eye patch (forgot his name) say he is letting tuo ye keep his hand so he could raise the money to quicker and give it to him.

  4. [YT] @soccerfanatic11,
    yeah sometimes v hv to u/s sequels might also ruined the original. remember meteor garden? whats up w/part 2? its so damn long n i dont really get it hahaha.. ISWAK – i didnt care for part 1 either so i didnt really watch Part II. Ariel n Joe are both popular i guess thats y they had a sequel…

  5. [YT] @littlefatmouse Of course. He said it himself that he was the one meant to protect her. And in the preview the way his mom looked at him while he was walking away shows that he finally has realized his feelings. ^^

  6. [YT] i agree they should make AC2. sometimes i dont u/s taiwan dramas, when they are draggy series they have so many episodes but when they are good they end it so short at 20. If they do AC2, they should do something about a career for MC i mean shes a great piano player but she basically do have a profession besides hard work to make a living. They can create a career for her in the next chapter? heheee i mean u know…since shes basically just a simple housewife now.

  7. [YT] Haha… Mucheng look cute & finally react when she jealous Guanxi being honey stick by another woman. They do care for each other. Simply can’t wait for episode 18. =p

  8. [YT] Haha… Mucheng look cute & finally react when she jealous Guanxi being honey stick by another woman. They do care for each other. Simply can’t wait for episode 18. =p

  9. [YT] i know that stabbing scene is really something hahahah even if u can stand pain u dont just stay put and comforting someone ahha….dont u immediately want to take a look at it in the hospital first before bacterial or whatever? oh well..its just a drama so….

    i find it funny sometimes, that people used to love her w/DYLAN and now they all want her to be w/VanNess hahaa… its just a part they play and its their jobs but its not real… hehe still like the drama thou

  10. [YT] phone in taiwan rings for a really long time, in america it stops after like 6 seconds, i dont understand none of this but the girl is really cute, is she the same girl from hi my sweetheart?

  11. [YT] do you think he really likes her? i think he still sees her as his sister. and she suffered so much for him, of course he’d be superly worried.
    but of course i could be wrong..maybe he will end up liking her.

  12. [YT] 可是这就是现实世界里每天发生的事啊。

  13. [YT] 可是这就是现实世界里每天发生的事啊。

  14. [YT] 哇! 仙女婆婆变得好棒!
    看到17集快18集, 才觉得方董事长其实很好,笑起来也很好看!
    哈哈哈!! 下一集一定很好看!

  15. [YT] 這部偶像劇隱含一些社會問題值得我們重視
    小樂真可愛 他戲外父親演過多年前星星知我心 也是深得觀眾的心

    讚啦 希望收視率長紅

  16. [YT] 我記得上次有一個很有名的檢察官,來我們學校上課,

  17. [YT] 醜い混乱したアジア売春婦である。 会えば私はあなたの胸を切り刻み、私の犬に与える。 それから私はチェーンソーを取り、あなたの膣を切り、そして私の床のカーペットとして使用する。 それから私はソケットからのあなたの駄らしない女のアジア売春婦の目の両方を彫る。

  18. [YT] Arrrrrrrrhhhh!「下一站,幸福」大結局 2010年02月14日

  19. [YT] @shizukaUme
    劇情有交代阿, 方哥讓他們在外等幾小時, 確定沒有警察才出現見他, 後來也說如果發現他們報警就等著收屍吧.
    拓也了解方哥做法, 所以沒報警處理

  20. [YT] haha even thou this last part was so so sad but i love the part where’ bing zai’ says ‘UR FACE IS SO UGLY, N U R WORTH A MILLION, WOR PAYYYYYY’ HAHAHAH thats so true n funny at the same time… some nice dialogues in this series really.

  21. [YT] HAHAH…LMAO….thats true. i think thats what every employee wants to say to their boss’ in the freaking REAL WORLD hahaa…
    WTH is so right, like v can say that in reality but hahah funny line and series ARE NOT REAL so hahaa..

  22. [YT] 吳麗花是誰演的!!!




  23. [YT] oh aiyo need wait for another week for next ep cant wait, it is a good drama they become more and more幸福 yay:) happy 4 them if real life they become couple more good

  24. [YT] i wanna say that to my boss!
    “I come from a rich family,sack me if you want i can afford to be unemployed for the rest of my life”

    wth…this show drags me out of reality…
    n i m not saying it’s a bad thing

  25. [YT] 這個世界沒有正義的法官, 看了幾個判例, 真的讓人覺得法官只會維護加害人的權益:
    1.12年前新竹的一個小妹妹被加害人以異物插入下體後來死亡, 法官判加害者無罪,
    2.襲胸之狼法官後來判加害者無罪, 只因為襲胸的時間過短,
    3.性侵少女成功的色狼, 法官判無罪, 因為少女喊”不”的聲音過小
    4. 遭受父親性侵的少女, 檢察官好不容易踩到檢體, 後來那位父親卻被判無罪

  26. [YT] 沒有剁阿~應該只是挑手筋吧~畢竟那刀也太小了~要剁基本上不太可能~如果真的剁下去~一定會有一堆血的~而且拓也會昏倒~但…挑手筋也不是一般的痛阿=口=

  27. [YT] 下集好期待喔

  28. [YT] 痴心哭的時候口音變標準了…

  29. [YT] Ooh before guangxi lost his memory, he got stabbed bcos of mucheng.
    Then now mucheng got stabbed because of guangxi.
    Hehe so now it is Fair!!
    They both sacrifice for each other. So lovinggggggg ((((((:

  30. [YT] Ooh before guangxi lost his memory, he got stabbed bcos of mucheng.
    Then now mucheng got stabbed because of guangxi.
    Hehe so now it is Fair!!
    They both sacrifice for each other. So lovinggggggg ((((((:

  31. [YT] @cm1595 but she was only stabbed by a little key, with a tiny bit of blood 🙂 although it probably hurt, it shouldnt be THAT big of a damage
    so it IS pretty believable.

  32. [YT] 下一站, 幸福真的好像放羊的星星,
    1. 老婆被老公的父母避走, 讓老公誤會她。
    2. 老公娶老婆是為了報仇, 然後又愛上她。
    3. 拓也為了愛,”失去” 了右手.

  33. [YT] haix i was so anticipating the stabbing part where guang xi would you noe rush her to the hospital or sth but it’s a little rushed here..
    no offence i still love the drama lots

  34. [YT] @algebra2qaz
    But at least now his mother bothers to talk to MC about the kid..It shows that she cares about the well-being of the kid and importance of MC..that’s an improvement from before 😀

  35. [YT] chen yen 站’—>千人斬
    (Kill a thousands people) –>translate literally
    Yes, It’s similar to womanizer.
    What he tried to say was that he was a heartbreaker who captured many girls’ hearts.

  36. [YT] 慕橙被刺了一刀還能正常講話.去抱人.而光晞不急著幫忙止血.叫救護車.而是披外套.這劇情未面也有違常理.就算要大和解也應該安排在這橋段後啊.不然很難叫人信服耶

  37. [YT] @piney12gurl nope, she was GX’s ex 6 years ago (before she met MC) and he was just playing around with her

    she tried to take revenge, think during episode 2 or 3

  38. [YT] The preview for ep 17 wasn’t acurate I thought dat scene when he help mu chen take of dat shirt was gonna be in ep 17 now its 18. None of the less am still excited to wat ep 18

  39. [YT] 令人真情流露的對話

    學習力也快 我不覺得是因為演戲讓他提早成長 

    他的眉宇之間 就是有一份聰慧

  40. [YT] wow…cant wait for this ep…seem like MC got jealous…hahaha….im also happy to see her agian (mei li, the girl that Tou ye drop when he was runin and carrying her)….hahaha….welcome back for her…hope to see more of the old charaters to come back…

  41. [YT] 下一集好好看那,两个人终于要冰释前嫌了~~开心,不过也是快要结束了吧,就算再拖几集,也不希望这么早结束,估计全季结束之后我要空虚了~~~

  42. [YT] “也許悲劇只是你人生的開頭,但是不代表是結局!你可以重新來過….”——-這句話真是太棒了…每個人都有屬於自己的悲劇故事,卻總要保有這樣的態度才是自己人生的戰士!!

  43. [YT] i think there are 20 episodes, hopefully there is, i love this drama sooo much. but the drama right after this one is called P.S man or something, blue lan is in it and ya. hopefully this helps u out a little

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