Autumn’s Concerto Episode 21

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690 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 21

  1. This is the best drama I have seen, and love the ending. Watched it over 10x already, like seriously, no kidding. The two of them look so good together, I wish they can be together in real life… XD

  2. [YT] Awesomeeeeeee! This drama rocks big time!! Its th best twnese drama ever!! 😀 😀 i like fated to love u too, but this one’s different its more of th touching kinda story my gosh its just perfect!! Love everyone’s chemistry!

  3. [YT] ahaugotit :
    XL calls his dad by name too but he does call him father once a while but MC is always MC thru the whole series…. ok but the director should explain at least once Y he never calls mom mom

  4. [YT] @ ahaugotit ,

    i know i ve waiting for the director to explain once just Y XL doesnt ever call MC mom when they are alone or something u know… if u want to act a big kid in front of others by calling her by MC in front but not even when they are together and the director never bother to explain Y…sigh.. U R right asian culture is not too right not calling parents directly by name but the whole series its like that so ppl just ignore that part haha…oh well…

  5. [YT] yea.. i wanna say dat too, why 小樂 nevr call 慕橙 mum? I think 慕橙 should teach him to call her mum because in terms of respect, a kid shouldnt call his mum by her name. But wierd thing he doesnt call his dad by name.

  6. [YT] omg, that was such a nice and great ending!!!! best drama ever!
    since I havent been following from the start, why was guanxi so happy when his secretary told him about the mother who havent seen her daugher for 6 years case?

  7. [YT] 雖然結局很甜蜜,旦我還是想說…我寧願沒有看過結局,

  8. [YT] perfect ending, perfect love story, although it is short(i mean the ending), it is enough becuz it is really really really happy! if i find my true love, i will say what mucheng said to GuangXi to my love!!!=]

  9. [YT] 相反地我覺得拓也的對話節奏拿捏得很好
    但其他時候(例如要表白時) 又能自然地流露出那種欲言又止的不流暢
    他和 Vanness 都做得很好!

  10. [YT] 我在台灣遇見最幸福的事,就是遇見他,他在三天內幫我追求到我喜歡很久的對象,是他讓我遇見幸福,我們即將結婚,你們一定要來喔! 或者你們可以去找他幫忙,就能和我一樣幸福,找真愛就要找他,最好忙爆他! 快上網搜尋:求婚顧問事務所

  11. [YT] @teamkristen,

    i know Blue is very cute too but NOT HERE. I dont think its just his hair its the whole look its quite weird. not that attractive to be a character that can get any girl…. uh..uh

  12. [YT] @teamkristen ,

    I know so diappointing i mean BLUE hes a good looking guy but this hairstyle or dress code???? weird hahhaa.. he doesnt look like a womanzier and hot to me in this getup?

  13. [YT] Guang Xi asked for psychological compensation from Mu Cheng. The compensation is… …
    Guang Xi: “Stay by my side for LIFE.”
    The most beautiful & sweetest vow conservation they ever had between them. I love it. ;p

  14. [YT] i think this is a pretty good drama overall. a lot of touching scenes, made me cry loads…very very sweet ending too…though i found it a little abrupt, short and wu li tou… although some parts of the show are draggy, as a whole, its really worth watching

  15. [YT] 花痴心好用心!!!很感動

  16. [YT] On 9/11, World Trade Center tower 7 fell straight down at free-fall speed through 47 floors in 6.5 seconds. Unlike twin towers 1 and 2, no plane hit tower 7. Both CNN and the BBC reported the collapse of tower 7 before it actually happened. Why is this?

  17. [YT] 慕橙變得這麼主動不是沒有原因呀,

  18. [YT] @vitadolcemoderato7: nah. the drama is not really based on a novel. however, the company always publishes a novel that has the full storyline of a drama. since autumn’s concerto started airing before the drama finished filming, the plot of the drama does not end up following the plot in the novel.

  19. [YT] @GiGandDett
    “i love you even tho my happiness isn’t at your stop” and then when she woke up after being sick, they talked.. (fast forward) then he took her on a date on the bus.. i guess she wanted a date riding in a bus with him (something she said in the tape) and then when they just sitting on the bus, he put a headphone in her ear and she heard his voice saying this long speech then at the end it said “i love you, my happiness is at your stop”.. very cute ending

  20. [YT] @GiGandDett well it has to do with a voice recording thing in the bracelet.. and it started when he wanted a divorce (like the movie) the she got sick bc she misses him.. then he got home (he left for 3 days) and found out she is sick and then xiao le said sorry to reung xi because he broke the bracelet and then reung xi found out that there is a voice record thing in it… and he heard it and mu cheng voice appear and she said something and the end it said

  21. [YT] 慕橙的台詞太趕…


  22. [YT] yea i agree! i think the ending is way too short! and the character changed too fast. But really it was a really sweet ending! now i just hope they made the sequel! to show more about their family life, and guang xi facing another challenge in his career life…..! reallly i hope ‘THE REN’s FAMILY’ back on TV again!!!

  23. [YT] how come the final ending so short? so fast end le?? OMG waited for 3 weeks for a short ending… T.T btw in e doctor magazine did i saw ruan jing tian on the next page?? o.O lovely drama! i love it!

  24. [YT] 这一整集我都看到笑得好幸福哦!!!!

  25. [YT] Woohooo… Great ending!!! Simply LOVING & Sweet!!!
    幸福的結局. Like Van & Ady loving chemistry on & off screen. Xiao le is super adorable chap.
    What a pity that it’s finally end.

  26. [YT] Seriously? Guang Xi had been a mad and angry man for so long, and now he just decides that, oh, I’m going to stay. What a cheesy lousy ending. And Mu Cheng is sooo fickle. It’s plain to see that her character took a 360 degree turn!

  27. [YT] 哈~ 好可愛哦~

  28. [YT] “光晞跟慕橙,托也跟癡心還有小林跟方董事長­,大家都找到屬於自己的幸福,太棒啦^^小­樂也是超可愛的,最喜歡他跟光晞跟慕橙的互­動,一家人真的好幸福喔!完美的結局,可是­還是十分不捨,我想我以後一定會不斷重播來­回味的~”

  29. [YT] DAMN SWEET + TOUCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sadly, din show Tuo Ye & Zhi Xin together as a real couple + din show xiao ah yi appear as well, ony mention dat she wants Mu Chen to be her heir =.= should show dat she too should be happily in the family… sigh
    Anyway, guess it’s because the show’s TOO AWESOME i wanna watch more of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  30. [YT] Nice ending! (: But seems to be quite short. How come, some parts wasn’t in? :O Why, like dont have the guangxi, muchen and xiao le playing water one? But, after all. AWESOME ! 😀 i wanna it to continue la, hahaaaaa! :p

  31. [YT] 點解…

  32. [YT] 每部偶像劇都差不多辣~

  33. [YT] haha i love how…oh my haha when they put up Xiaole’s been kidnapped and it was just a plan all along….oh hahahahaha
    then xiaole goes like, “my mother and father’s so smart will they be able to discover the trick?” and everybody else is going like “???”

  34. [YT] wat a short last ep… i wanted more ,, something should have happened and then solved and then happy ever after… .. that would be more fun to watch … this was a great series …..

  35. [YT] 雖然有點趕沒什麼fu


  36. [YT] 为什么结局只有三十分钟啊?好失望哦~~期待能拥有一个很完美的结局说。。。怎么会结束地那么草率呢。。而且光希那么聪明,哪可能会相信那个绑架是真的,不逻辑哦。。

  37. [YT] yea!! tht was so weird and too much a coincidence w/ them all giving birth at the same time. but in this drama, i wished they talked about muchen and her stepmom more. tht’s wat i really hate the most. the other stuff, like closing all the misunderstanding was so obvious. but i really hate how they didnt talk about the stepmom. ::[

  38. [YT] 那本雜誌是不是隱含有敗犬女王的續集啊?


  39. [YT] 真的可以理解因為下一檔戲要上檔…但是真的剪很多吧…有些甜蜜的畫面沒有播…有點遺憾..半小時中間還有兩段廣告..真是昏倒…勉強接受但是應該可以結束得漂亮點

  40. [YT] just wondering if any one knows the answer to this. In this drama xiao le always calls mu cheng, “mu cheng” instead of “mom”. does anyone know why this is?

  41. [YT] @phanaryk they did but they’re shy. Vann is into it, he enjoy the kiss and Ady is so shy. IF u watch the BTS of ep5, you can see the huge difference from their

  42. [YT] 感覺大家似乎非常訝異慕橙的表現…其實因為慕橙很希望可以把光晞留下來啊..所以想把握機會把話都說清楚希望她的光晞可以了解…所以說那樣多的話大家不要驚訝啦

  43. [YT] 太甜密了啊!!听了每个人的甜言蜜语整个心都飘飘然了。拓也和痴心的部分也好棒,沉默简练的对话却散发出彼此之间萌芽的爱恋,连小林和任妈也在一起了,甚至小阿姨也回来了,gary也加薪了,最最最重要的是光晞慕橙小乐一家三口终于能在一起了。好一个结局!

  44. [YT] 基本上可以理解因為下一檔的戲..所以留了30分鐘(不到30分因為中間還有廣告)…但是我真的有點覺得結局是我們知道的…但是應該可以結束的再漂亮一點…這樣有點草率ㄟ

  45. [YT] why must all dramas that started out good comes out with crappy ending.
    seriously this drama was good from the start then started going downhills in the middle with all the misunderstanding to stretch the length of drama.
    then suddenly with the stupid fake kidnap n the abrupt ending.

  46. [YT] @happipplrock
    yeah it wasnt a bad scene but the actual scene was a FAR AWAY SHOT? they didnt hv to do it real if it was meant to be a far away shot..what a waste hahahhaa…

  47. [YT] season 2 are always bad…sucks even ahhah


    bottom line, sequels usually sucks so this reason the ONE and ONLY is good enough too bad they cut too much

  48. [YT] but the ending i have to say was WAY BETTER than alot of series. lots CUT OUT but its SHORT AND NICELY DONE. thank you for a great show, now the torture has ENDED… BRAVO hehehee good night ppl… 🙂

  49. [YT] hes such a great guy like his personality more than GX actually and hes so shy w/CX at the end, we didnt get to see more. MC supposedly was was hoping to get into college b4 she became an accidental single mom so she basically have no career or her piano talent, and whatever happend to GX’s college friends???

  50. [YT] actually the ending was rushed but i kind of like it. I do believe thou they could have extended to more episodes but 21 is probably long for taiwan series? sometimes i dont u/s some sucky ones they are so damn long but this director this storyline is cliche but it’s nicely done and so many parts where they can elaborate u know…

  51. [YT] i think they kinda rushed the ending because of the upcoming drama… the part where the stepmother leaving her assets to mu cheng kinda made a cliffhanger in the story at least that’s wat i thought..

  52. [YT] don’t have the scene where the three of them splash water at each other? and don’t have the scene where guangxi and mucheng are lying on the bed and she is squeezing guangxi’s face?

  53. [YT] lawyer ren’s mom + glasses lawyer guy.. xD unexpected well i agree i guess since he has been helping for a long time, i miss this drama already D: why did it have to end

  54. [YT] @saruki1217 i agree! i mean, they basically tied up all loose ends but they were so abrupt! they shouldve shown a reunion scene b/w mucheng and xiao a yi, that wouldve been nice. and other stuff too! this episode shouldve been at least as long as the other ones =(
    so sad its over!

  55. [YT] 新年好!~ 我不是中國人可是真喜歡中國和台灣的文化和音樂。 我希望你看我的MV. 我唱﹐月亮代表我的心。謝謝!~ just click on my profile name to get there.

  56. [YT] 你們說 幕澄以前什麼都不說 現在就說這麼多?
    從第一集到21集 應該所有事情都應該做一個了結了吧 以前她總是為了誰誰誰 放棄…著一次所有的事情都解決 了 不是應該好好面對自己愛的人 說出自己心理話 嗎? 還是又要等一個六年呢?

  57. [YT] 這樣就演完了? 天哪! 感覺很快~而且光晰還有幕橙之前都一值在吵架…兩人恩恩愛愛的戲份好少….然後就這樣在最後一集突然和好?感覺怪怪的~感覺好突然的樣子!

  58. [YT] I just want to say thanks to everyone who participated in making this drama and producing it on TV and the people who worked hard on subbing these episodes on YouTube late at night (:
    Thank you! 😀 ♥

    It was worth it. Epic drama ;D

  59. [YT] 我覺得話多才是慕橙的本性

  60. [YT] Wow! The ending is so perfect!

    On another note, thank you, Autumn’s Concerto, for making Sundays one of the best days of the week for five months. You are indeed one of the best dramas ever. I hope ady and van ness can cooperate on another drama really soon! and best of luck to autumn’s concerto at the jin zhong awards this year! you deserve the best!

  61. [YT] @crazy4vamps

    i think it’s the other way around. their relationship was dragged for an episode or two too long, so everything was already fizzling.

    nonetheless, the ending is epically cute.

  62. [YT] 真的好幸福啊!!!!我看了兩次這part了…很sweet…光晞和小樂的笑容好可愛…我看到的也不禁笑了…祝光晞和慕橙…奶奶和小林…拓也和痴心…還有以茜…他們都永遠幸福快樂!!!!^^

  63. [YT] 以茜在杂志里的隔壁是阮经天卢卡斯(败犬女王)耶!

  64. [YT] mad love for this drama, i have never watched a Taiwanese drama, but first time watching one and watching Autumn’s Concerto definitely made me really happy.i wonder if there will be a follow-up to this drama,maybe they have another child lol.
    hehe, i kinda harbor some thoughts that there will be a Korean remake of AC,lol,just wishful thinking.
    mad props to the entire staff,cast,crew for such an awesome and enjoyable drama 😀

  65. [YT] 終於完結了,謝謝你犧牲睡覺的時間喔!PS男我沒有看耶,我太氣啦,根本就是手段嘛,先放半小時,到最後又說有花絮,根本就要我們看ps嘛!

  66. [YT] lol, did anyone notice that they put yi qian’s picture with ethan? lol i must say again. AUTUMN’S CONCERTO ROCKS!!!! BEST DRAMA I’VE EVER WATCHED, BUT PROBABLY THE BEST TW DRAMA EVERRRRRR.

    everyone has a happy end like a fairytale…<3 =) it'S CUTE
    really good job

  68. [YT] 痴心的國語變標準了….用這樣的方式掰回來…有點硬耶=.=,不過還是感謝編劇給我了一個合理的解釋啦,這部真的很好看喔!!!推推推!!!

  69. [YT] 下一站幸福真的完了, 看來我要一段頗長的時間來適應 我愛下一站幸福!!!!!!!!
    希望不久將來, 可以看到完班人馬的 ”下一站更幸福”

  70. [YT] 終於還是結束了(淚奔~淚狂奔~)



  71. [YT] 一直追着下一站幸福,很舍不得它就这么结束。
    Happy Ending! 真为他们高兴。

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