Because Of You Episode 14 The End

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90 thoughts on “Because Of You Episode 14 The End

  1. 这个结局和普遍的偶像剧结局还真的不太一样,或许是真的因为收视不够好,所以把最后的子浩和星野的结局剪掉了吧。看到孙帆终于和彤彤在一起还蛮高兴的,但是看到子浩难过和逞强的样子更伤心。觉得中期陈楚河把孙帆的任性诠释的有点点过头,再加上李国毅真的帅到不行(尖叫),会造成大部分的观众比较支持二号男主角吧!但是最后如果子浩和星野在一起,就太俗套了。感觉他们两个都值得找到自己的幸福,但是不太适合在一起呢。


  2. [YT] 虽然是一般的happy ending

  3. [YT] 看完結局~雖然孫帆跟彤彤在毅起很開心~可是子浩…喔~好難過唷!!!
    怎麼感覺李國毅演的角色,最後都很悲呀!= = 不…

  4. [YT] dats wierd.. I saw some phtos of zi hao n xing ye kiss scenes which hasnt been shown in this drama yet so i thot they will b back together at da end. Bt then they didnt. Ahh.. too sad

  5. [YT] this was a beautiful ending. not the usual couple hug and kiss type of ending. but flashing back from the start to the ending, seeing everyone maturing and finding their dreams, i think this ending is even better. altho zi hao ended up losing his first pure love, tong tong, im sure his next love will not be far away.
    thank you sugoicts2, you made my every sunday a sunny and colorful one!~

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