Hayate the Combat Butler Episode 11

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97 thoughts on “Hayate the Combat Butler Episode 11

  1. what commitment?? you were kids then, don’t know what you are doing. the separation was longer than being together as kids, nobody is going to hold into the commitment. it can be considered invalid.

  2. I hate how this strays from the anime…… well expected the anime version would fair well in a movie series… Still wished Xiao Sa was with Xiao Na (fiona)….. : (

  3. they are crazy.so young want to married.lol.but they are too cruel.poor ze yu and xiao na.somehow i find xiao sa is lucky cus he know clearly whatever he do

  4. 我感覺和大家有點不同     我覺得三千院是三千院的 但是白皇學院有可能是瑪莉亞的   因為那看起來也像是一個城堡 而且三千院也好幾代了~~

  5. Oh wow… I find xiao na really pitiful… Her memories stolen away… Her inheritance stolen away… And her lover stolen T.T

  6. i still think it would be much cuter if Xiao-Zhi was with the other guy (forgot his name… he was her “fiance”?) im sorry to say but Xiao-Sha’s character is so…..>.<;; …..boring…T.T plus i like george hu but i think park shinhye looks better with that other actor. she and george look more like "friends" or "brother-sister"~~ maybe it's just me…

  7. 費歐娜能不能不要突然跑出來??

  8. It happened when they were 9 years old! That girl needs to get over it! They haven’t even reached puberty at that age for goodness sake. What a stupid plot

  9. Can someone tell me what Maria said in the last parts?The ep 12 preview?

    Please please please…I’ve been trying to watch this without subs because I was very excited..But I can’t help but be curious on that part..

  10. Can someone tell me what Maria said in the last parts?The ep 12 preview?

    Please please please…I’ve been trying to watch this without subs because I was very excited..But I can’t help but be curious on that part..

  11. Can someone tell me what Maria said in the last parts?The ep 12 preview?

    Please please please…I’ve been trying to watch this without subs because I was very excited..But I can’t help but be curious on that part..

  12. doesn’t matter if Xiao Sa met Fiona/Maria first.. it’s Xiao Zhi that he really loves IMO.. plus this story won’t make sense anymore if he chooses Maria over Xiao Zhi

  13. 我觉得若我们把自己放在玛利亚的角度看

    • I agree with you. Even though Maria’s action abit too much, but she have thought of not hurting xiao zhi before she made the final decision. She should get what she deserves.

  14. 我觉得若我们把自己放在玛利亚的角度看

  15. 所以…瑪麗亞有可能是大小姐?
    瑪麗亞這樣也太賤了 小三

    • 那只是小孩子的無聊戀愛好不好!
      可憐有屁用 你去當瑪麗亞的男朋友啊!

      • 小孩子, 那又怎样? 你应该还没尝试过被背叛有多伤人吧. 以前瑪利亞是个有钱人的女儿, 但现在还需要服侍一个大小姐. 对她公平吗?

        • 小姐 不要生氣了好嗎?
          這只是演戲 就算你把演戲當真 她 也只是個第”2″女角
          被背叛? 誰養瑪麗亞的 誰收留她的?沒有放他流浪街頭就很好了啦!


        • 呵 這也太好笑了吧
          我是沒戀愛過啦 因為我知道世界上有像你這種人

    • 他失去了記憶超過十年了. 菊軒至少可以那個回憶,他也沒有像小颯跟瑪麗亞一樣有那麼深的感情. 不要那麼快就講話.

      • 小芷也是跟鞠宣從小玩到大的 他沒有那麼深的感情?

      • 小颯自己都說過他跟小娜認識相處的時間不長

    • ㄜ…三千家的東西 應該都被帝老爺買下來了吧(我認為~)
      而小芷是帝老爺的孫女啊= =!
      所以應該還是不太可能都是瑪麗亞的˙ ˙

      • 我也覺得三千院家的東西應該都是三千院自己的
        所以不太像是瑪莉亞的東西…. ( I think~~ )

  16. 瑪麗亞那麼完美. 我都覺得我應該有她的一半才對. 她真的很可憐. 我猜三千園的一切都是從費歐娜她那裡奪來的. 她會想搶回來也是理所當然的. 小芷從小就是一位小公主. 她很任性, 而且還關於別人的感情太隨便了. 真不知道小颯為什麼會喜歡她.

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