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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
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January 1, 2010
so interesting whenever the ru ci ru ci zhe ban zhe ban usage of explaining things even at such a serious situation lol
the siman thing is rubbish! the miniature person is always not looking at his own siman while the person talking is always looking at his own siman on his wrist.
[YT] 孙权在水里的样子有点像李李仁
[YT] omg, sun quan.. so poor thing. Just to get the ring then he became deaf..
zhou yu, xiao qiao and the dog super cute together.
[YT] haha, zhou yu thinks too much.
[YT] eh y all ppl gone liso de ?when they all come back leh ..i miss them ==
[YT] zhou yu so caring for the dog! so cute!
[YT] The dog soo cute! Zhou yu and the dog so cute, haha.
[YT] The dog is so cute!!!
[YT] i love the ending song!!
[YT] i agree….i wish he would just drink that and be smart, but it doesn’t even work…
[YT] I know!!! I thought he was gonna drink it once and for all, and then hed be completely smart then…but it doesn’t even work!
[YT] i heard he quit the band, but i dont know…
[YT] 狗那段好瞎-.-
我要看阿香啦 @@
[YT] why until now still no hav pei ci de???
[YT] 阿蒙说话真的很像小学生好可爱不过很喜欢甘宁和周瑜都很喜欢拉!!
[YT] 鬼鬼 Supperr Duperr Cute La! x.x
[YT] 太史慈到哪儿去啦??为什么只有看到周瑜,吕蒙和甘宁??
[YT] I just wish there’s more of GuiGui
[YT] 我不喜歡小喬, 我覺得她太自以為事. 這個世界不是繞著她走的. 周瑜好可憐哦
[YT] 4″18的时候..大乔的美瞳..-_-!!
[YT] 4″18的时候..大乔的美瞳..-_-!!
[YT] 真的超希望 孫權能跟大喬在一起的~
[YT] 於是不知道該說周瑜還是劇組沒常識
[YT] 会长哪里来的钱买坏蛋装置啊?
[YT] which actor?
[YT] 小瑾都不會長大的?
[YT] wu, does he?
[YT] yeah! but i rather axiang never comes back – –
[YT] same here
[YT] erm, no
[YT] 周瑜…T.T…
[YT] does anyone think that zhou yu looks like a singapore actor?
[YT] no sun ce next ep? den when?
[YT] @christy19970305
i watch both. so free? come here spam comment. go spam hi my sweetheart, momo love. why ko3anguo?
ko3anguo is nice btw. 😀
[YT] 3 more eps to ep 48. is it finishing soon. NOOOOOO
[YT] i do miss ah gong/dong zhuo. even though dong zhuo is evil.
[YT] get sun quan someone to love!
[YT] so, wat did sun ce steal from ah biao sao this time?
[YT] bo fu is coming back, zhong mou is in trouble
[YT] are we going to see zhou yu and xiao qiao for the rest of the series? maybe we shld see a new devt of xiu-xiang?
[YT] the steak looks nice..
[YT] at last xiu and ah xiang is back!! can the rest support themto be togther but not split up again?
[YT] 哎。。只是聽到孫策的聲音..看不見人v ^ v
[YT] guigui so cute 😀
[YT] 如要殺 就不用送藥了
[YT] 柴犬吧
[YT] Looks like everyone is slowly coming back!!! I’m kinda missing Wu Hu Jiang!!!
[YT] @cellarjudge
對啊對啊!!!! 贊成~~
[YT] 諸葛亮這樣靠運氣 乾脆不要這個角色好了~這種搞笑很爛!
[YT] omg..zhou yu actually did so many things for xiao qiao..hope they can be tgt! looking forward to next epi! xiu and ah xiang will be back!
[YT] 黄月英=]
[YT] da qiao so smart! she realized that the students were fake!
[YT] i think it is a mixed breed. like two different dog breeds mix together… if i’m wrong pls correct me.
[YT] 突然有点可怜孙权啊!
[YT] 好ㄉㄧㄢˊ子
[YT] 黄月英太可爱了啦!!!!!
[YT] 阿蒙:开Party!开Party!
[YT] poor thing…..
[YT] @lovetim12
赵云,马超,黄忠 去打仗。
关羽 去找貂蝉。
[YT] fyi…zhou yu(huang niu) isnt that young so it’s not too suprising to see him having white hair.
[YT] cux he lost his yearing abt 2 years ago. if he can hear it that mean he lost his hearing after the quarrel lahh. lols
[YT] 阿蒙笑死我了啦~ “超精彩” 好好笑阿
[YT] 會長好浪漫阿 XD
[YT] i feel bad for quan.. 🙁
[YT] 對啊!!! 我也快受不了了 = =lll 然後周渝真是有夠白目…而且諸葛亮喝了那個什麼天機不可洩漏~根本無用…lll
[YT] 我想問一下
[YT] 我喜歡這段的甘寧^^
[YT] gui gui so cute !!! super cute !!! love her !!!
[YT] 太史慈=小花早在之前退團啦..
[YT] 周瑜不是說他會那麼拼事業是為了小喬跟他美好的未來嗎為甚麼還說為了江東未來要讓小喬永遠不原諒他這樣小喬也會很難過啊
[YT] 哈哈哈哈哈!!!他们的校歌也太好笑了吧
[YT] 哈哈。
[YT] 白蘭氏雞精…..
[YT] y more&more ppl leaving de…sad case~ T.T
[YT] 武虎將 快點回來吧~
[YT] 武虎將 快點回來吧~
[YT] xiujiekai so shuai!!!
[YT] rofl ah biao sao again.
[YT] Where’s Tashi Ci?
[YT] 2:41 top right got the lighting pole lol
[YT] 速度 還真快阿= =川
[YT] What type of dog is 小瑾??
[YT] What type of dog is 小瑾??
[YT] zhu ge liang always so lucky….haiz..when r they gonna discover that this was all by luck?==”
[YT] zhu ge liang always so lucky….haiz..when r they gonna discover that this was all by luck?==”
[YT] family but still cant remember… nvm, i will try to recall…
[YT] heart pain for zhou yu…..
[YT] it alone wont do harm…but after a long time in the water, the water will enter the ear canal..if not removed in time…it will cause infection..thats how i lost part of my hearing
[YT] yea xiu and ah xiang come back le
[YT] 小瑾好可愛喔
[YT] 脩香終於回來了!!!
yay! (:
[YT] cool video
[YT] 脩和香終於回來了, 還差武虎將,武虎將何時回來啊?
[YT] she’s that auntie back from some episodes.
[YT] 小瑾 : 怪我囉?
[YT] 阿標嫂又來!!
[YT] 阿標嫂又來!!
[YT] 鬼鬼真的好像大元 XD
[YT] 鬼鬼真的好像大元 XD
[YT] you know what , i find tht 1 week one ep good leh…
make me qi dai
[YT] you know what , i find tht 1 week one ep good leh…
make me qi dai
[YT] 阿標嫂 is 阿標’s wife
[YT] 阿標嫂 is 阿標’s wife
[YT] hope xiu and xiang and rest of the crowd show up soon. scenes look so empty without them
[YT] 嗯 以前那種設計的機關是在舌頭
拉一下就會動 不動的話是停止
跟敵人打仗敵人如果不知道機關在哪 推也推不動
[YT] 嗯 以前那種設計的機關是在舌頭
拉一下就會動 不動的話是停止
跟敵人打仗敵人如果不知道機關在哪 推也推不動
[YT] 兩年前還沒失聰嘛…所以聽得到..沒有出錯啦!==
[YT] 兩年前還沒失聰嘛…所以聽得到..沒有出錯啦!==
[YT] 木馬在蜀國的時候,諸葛亮用它們來運送糧草!!!!!!! ^^
[YT] 木馬在蜀國的時候,諸葛亮用它們來運送糧草!!!!!!! ^^
[YT] so funny!!! but awesome!!!!!
[YT] I didnt know holding breathe will caused deaf!
[YT] the doggie is sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!
[YT] ah meng is sooooooooooooo funny!!! lolz!!!
[YT] 感觉是他老爹派人杀的霸。。。谁有那么打权利能让敌人在自己部队戴那么久。。除了她老爹还能有谁? 周于? 不可能。。
[YT] 现在会长也走了,又少一个人!
[YT] did i hear jiro voice?
[YT] 果然果然
[YT] who is 阿標嫂?
[YT] zhou yu doesnt have a choice he has to listen to orders too xiao qiao has to give him some slack
[YT] zhou yu doesnt have a choice he has to listen to orders too xiao qiao has to give him some slack
[YT] um yes but after the whole drama come out or else it will be confusing
[YT] she is too strict on zhou yu she cant expect him to always go against the rules for her he has ppl he has to listen to he is in between and cannot alway save her school just for her
[YT] maybe that’s before he’s deaf? :O
[YT] 修香终于回来了!!1 <3
[YT] YEAHH !! xiu and ah xiang coming back !!! xDDD
[YT] 下一集脩就跟香回來了;
[YT] 哈哈。bug 孫權,聽不到,怎麼知道大橋和他大哥吵架。^^
[YT] yea xiuu finally bck le !!! shooo happy manxx jux left out with zha0 yun,ma chao,huangzhong and guan yu !!!
[YT] 修小楷好帥~~
[YT] Every friday will come out next ep
[YT] 真的!!!還欠武虎其他成員而已..
[YT] Xiu’s hairstyle nicer this way:D
[YT] 諸葛亮老是靠運氣 真是遜斃了~!
[YT] 受不了了!!!!諸葛亮老是靠運氣 !!!! =___= 這種設定裝假還要多久?
[YT] 後來程普聽了周瑜的治軍知道後.相當慚愧.沒有想到周瑜如此的用心良苦.從此之後程普十分敬重周瑜.甚至還對別人說過這段話:
[YT] 不…之前.程普確實看扁過周瑜過
[YT] 无聊到现在,终于等到修回来了。不知道曹操打赢袁绍后有多强大。真期待下集!
[YT] TMD程普 = =^
叫人钻跨下= =
[YT] 挖賽
[YT] 胡說八道~程普與周瑜互為左右督都~怎可能相忌??
[YT] 會長的那個方式好浪漫,,
[YT] 修香 <3 !! yay!!! all faithful 终极三国lovers will gather around sugoidrama070109 channel next week again!
[YT] 剛剛下午.寫了一些有關周瑜的故事.以後有機會.會再讓大家知道一些周瑜的故事.例如:
[YT] @x3silence3108 slowly watch lor every week come out 1ep than u every week see 3 ep 15 days u will catch up liao
[YT] 脩的髮型變了
[YT] the dog is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee x3 The sound he is making iss soooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😀
[YT] she said that she discovered a secret of his in the close years, she did not say she discovered that secret during kindergarten. and she did not confirm if sunquan being deaf is the secret. and in last episode, sunquan revealed to daqiao that he lost his hearing 2 years ago.
[YT] xIU N xiang finally come backk le !! yayyy
[YT] 只要在網址後面加上&fmt=18就行了
[YT] yay! xiu is back! hopefully everyone will be back and fight yuanshao together. that’s nice afterall 🙂
[YT] actually, in 三国, they did use something like trojan horse for transporting.
[YT] OMG ! next ep gonna be soooooooooooooo ncie !
[YT] 會長好可愛喔
[YT] LOL. meeting with 二少爷… so… 小瑾 = 二少爷?? haha~
[YT] OMG ! sun quan lost his hearing is becuz of DaQiao !
so kelian !
[YT] 孫權真傻,為了大喬 得了潛水夫症 好可怜啊!!! 希望孫權能跟大喬在一起!!!
[YT] 這套戲這一季裡的男生都愛做傻事=言情小說的狗血幻想也
是BJ魔化了吧 之前的兩季的愛情線清新多了!現在都在玩狗血!
[YT] zhu ge liang’s luck is really veh good sia !
[YT] 嗚呼~
[YT] 木馬屠城已經不是三國更不是中國的吧(汗)
[YT] i think is chow chow xD
[YT] the doggie is so cute!!! when zhouyu snatched him back from the ground, he looks so so so cute!!!!
[YT] ya lor sianz sia
[YT] 這一幕狗血得吐血了ORZ 嗚嗚~我的瑜喬不能稍微正常嗎?
[YT] 最近的愛情線愈搞愈狗血~還我當初的感動來~
[YT] the cheng gong too over le larh ! OMG ! xiao qiao CRY so nice. hahas
[YT] ah meng and xiao qian dat part veh funny and touching !
[YT] 妈妈我要小瑾
[YT] shld i rewatch zohong ji san guo ?
but skol gonna start le . . .
[YT] 希望小喬不要跟會長回東漢
[YT] Well that’s because he was deaf 2 years ago(maybe it’s the pressure from picking up the ring or something related to da qiao), so of course he’s not deaf yet during that time.
[YT] 大家要看時請按 HQ
[YT] 會長他們打勝袁紹啦.大家都會回來了!!
[YT] what’s the background song on 4:37, sounds really good
[YT] yeah!!! xiuxiang is back!!!!
[YT] 脩香 回來了 太好了…
這幾集都很無聊呀 = =
[YT] @christy19970305
[YT] @christy19970305
你不是很闲吗?还有你也是半斤八两,骂我们烂咖?含血喷人丢脸死了!! 好好笑哦。
[YT] 我也是
[YT] 下一站,幸福的影迷那么空闲来这里捣乱?还以为自己有资格批评?这样就很有水准咯?
[YT] 孫堅沒有那麼壞啊
[YT] 我看不到ㄝ….怎麼會這樣??
[YT] i tot gui gui wear tat uniform is diao chan one? coz i remember tat ribbon!
[YT] 周公瑾怎麼可以把過錯丟給周小瑾
[YT] 點解我睇個時睇唔到,個圓圈係到動好耐都未得,但其他個得ga?
[YT] 你凭什么批评他们演技不好?你又不是展业演员。即使你时,你也没有资格这样批评他们。不爽就不要看,没有人必你看。
[YT] 如果不是你来惹我们,我们也不会骂脏话。是你自找的
[YT] YAY !!!! 修香回来了!!!!!
[YT] 孙权怎么听得到他们吵架??
[YT] 潛水夫症的確會這樣ˊˋ
[YT] @hashimoto33217 只會飆髒話?好無聊喔~都沒有別的?我~不跟你們吵了~跟你地這群爛咖說話~很浪費時間耶~
[YT] @wander9998 第一次又怎樣呢?第一次就大不了啊!?原來你這不是哪一國的屁話~是終極三國的屁話~有夠臭屁的~
[YT] 修香回來啦~~我們要開香檳去celebrate呀XD
[YT] @LoveMeBZF 原來終極三國的影迷都只會飆髒話喔~沒水準!
[YT] 孙权真的真的很可怜,就算在两年前就知道大乔的心愿,还一直都没放弃看来他真的真的很爱大乔
[YT] @christy19970305
1st: most of them are new actor and actresses…. like kristen ren, pets ceng ,nylon chen and i think champion oso…. xiu is the first time acting the main character
2nd: this show’s main point is not abt romance…. its abt comedy…
so of cors their acting is more 夸张
[YT] zhou yu hv white hair le!
in 0:06!really!
[YT] 那些假学生好笨哦。
[YT] next ep a xiang n xiu cum bck liao…syok ah!!!
[YT] Woohoo!!!! xiu and ah xiang are coming back!!! i can’t wait for the next episode! love 修香 <3
[YT] Haha their school song so funny sia!
OOMG finally Xiu and Ah Xiang come back liao!
The episode 45 is bluff one lor lols!!!
Haiz still have to wait another week so sian!!!!
[YT] off sync man.. last ep xiao gui said that she knew sun quan since kindergarden and discovered his secret…
But now he only become deaf 2 years ago..
[YT] trojan horse… -.-
[YT] 我有個疑問 那片海域在哪@@”
[YT] 为什么找不到 Part 4 ?? T_T
[YT] Yay Xiu is bak!!!!!!1
[YT] 猪葛亮好可愛!!!
[YT] 修好帥呀!!
[YT] 等你們等的好苦阿~~~~脩香~~~
[YT] cannot see agian… ):
[YT] 脩香good^^
[YT] go army as in the show or real life?
[YT] WOOYEAHH!!! finally man!! 修香 are BACK!! really cant wait for the next episode!! sure be very interesting!! XD
[YT] 東漢書院恢復正統了嗎??…脩香我很想你們啦..最後那裡不見阿香了??..
[YT] OMGGGGGG … when zhou yu is talking… xiao jin keep looking at him… OMG… SOOO CUTEEEEEEEEE XDDD
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] ah meng very shuai at 5.52!!!
xiao jin so kawaii!!! lol and the way zhou yu tries to coax xiaojin out is like hypnotism, just that it fail.
[YT] 廢話
[YT] 脩香..等你們回來好久..
[YT] 很想你們啦!脩香~
[YT] 權好可憐!!
[YT] xiao jin soooooooo cuteeeeee XDDD
[YT] Yoohoo, ah xiang is finally back. Cannot wait for the next ep to out =x
[YT] 這集還蠻感動的!特別是周瑜餵小瑾吃東西的~~
[YT] hahaz..i agree…cause i am doing the same thing as you…=X
[YT] OMG!!!!!! xiu is back! =DDDD next ep looks so interesting now. =)
[YT] Lolz. Sun Quan!!
[YT] me! 😀
[YT] Ahxiang cut hair le! Xiu is back! I wonder whether they’ll show more of Huang Yue Ying/GG ^^
[YT] Xiu hope to see u in this ep
[YT] 修香 is back! i dont need to fast forward every episode le! LOLS. xP
[YT] 晓瑾啊~好可爱
[YT] 跟樓下的一樣很期待修香回來啊
[YT] 銀時空的孫策就是大東喔
[YT] 孫策跟阿標婦有聯絡?-0-
[YT] 周家有兩千多畝土地.五百多家佃戶.周異夫婦也相當善心.每逢災年都自動減租.從不威逼.但每天還是有人到周家門口鬧事.官兵也都不聞不問.周家就因此而衰落下去了
[YT] 鬼鬼蛮好笑的
[YT] 但是劉勳相當欣賞周瑜.劉勳占領舒縣第四天.寫了一封信請周瑜去作客.周瑜婉拒.卻也回了一禮.周瑜勸劉勳要先得到中央的承認.才能理直氣壯的治理盧江郡.於是劉勳派人前往洛陽.重金賄絡李儒.半個月後.董卓果然下令罷免陸康.劉勳就成為真正廬江郡的太守
[YT] 五虎將那時還在彩俖
[YT] 是脩吧!
[YT] 但是舒縣的百姓.不但不反抗劉勳.反而是熱烈歡迎.因為.當時的朝廷相當的腐敗.陸康每年都向朝廷繳大量的錢糧.百姓不堪負荷.十分不滿.劉勳反對用百姓的血汗錢去養貪官.舒縣的百姓相信.如果劉勳能接手.將會免除不少的賦稅.而周家在舒縣是數一數二的保皇派.劉勳要殺一敬百.周家自然是首選
[YT] 小喬好幸福喔!跟周瑜還蠻好的
[YT] 唔,你唔知咩?
[YT] 会长好可爱啊,又鬼打墙了~
[YT] 嗯…周瑜年少時.家裡的確很富有(周瑜是廬江郡舒縣人)
[YT] 小喬真的好幸福喔!我希望小喬可以跟周瑜在一起
[YT] 危機百科係咪即係維基百科(依普通話黎讀)=.=?
[YT] 虽然高兴修香回来了。
[YT] 会长唱得好好听哦~
[YT] 周瑜~可憐唷~
[YT] 小喬那些話都是在關心周瑜吧?
[YT] 好久没看见修和香的画面了,好想念哦!
[YT] 這次瑜喬的對話每一句有弦外之音
[YT] 是戒喔,你可以去找戒唱的版本,你仔細聽的話就會發覺兩個聲音相同,當然,脩可能也有和音
[YT] 編劇讓這部戲的男生都很愛做傻事..
[YT] 周瑜家蠻大的麻~
[YT] 幼犬那會吃那麼大塊的肉=.==.==.=.=.=.=.=
[YT] 看來孫堅也不是太冷血,還會送藥喔
[YT] Man, that dog is super super cute !!!!!!!!
[YT] 以戰止戰.對手.夠愛.最近ㄉ片尾曲都很好聽
[YT] i know i love guigui and i am bias haha.
but anyone agree with me that her acting skills actually improve alot?
[YT] When 阿標嫂 will come out???
[YT] 小喬很幸運身邊有曹操跟周瑜一ㄝ
[YT] 好想貂蟬哦 =.=
[YT] 當然是脩,彈的也是他喔
[YT] 什麼什麼不看,觀眾等的就是這一刻!!
[YT] 熊熊好可愛!!!
[YT] YES !!! next episode xiu is back !! i been waiting for him to come back !!! ah xiang is still mad at her father and sun quan
[YT] 以战止战不是价唱的吗? o.O
[YT] Xiu and Ah xiang BACK !!! 😀 Yeah!! LOVE IT!!
[YT] 我好想念脩和阿香喔
[YT] @penguyi :我怎麼聽出他們兩兄弟的聲音都在里面啊?
[YT] i thought this is last ep??
[YT] that dog looked like a soft toy to me.
[YT] Because that time Sun Quan haven’t lost his hearing.
[YT] 會長so sweet
[YT] 五虎將哪時才會回來,好想看到他們團聚
[YT] 難怪阿蒙說”超精彩”..原來是他出手..
[YT] YES! 修香万岁!!
[YT] Suan quan so ke lian :(.. lost hearing and lost da qiao too..:(
[YT] cant wait 4 the nxt episode…
[YT] yays jiro is coming back !!!
[YT] 會長好好笑…
[YT] 會長可能有點誤會小喬的意思
[YT] xiu is BACKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 唱以戰止戰的不是脩。。。是戒。。。
[YT] wat breed is the dog?
[YT] cao cao treat xiao qiao really very good:D
[YT] 修香回來了~
[YT] was that 大东’s voice? it sounded like it though..
[YT] 程公is so bad !!!!一只小狗也要杀!
[YT] Off the HQ then can watch liao
[YT] I oso cannot watch 2 🙁
[YT] 劉備我終於等到你回來囉
[YT] 小瑾is so adorable!
[YT] 我爱修和阿香~~~
[YT] 袁绍输了,官渡就是曹操的了,之后,袁绍好像在三国演义中病死了。
[YT] 小瑾好可愛偶~
[YT] 我第一个抢位
[YT] D: 我先说的
请排队 😀
[YT] @lcefantasy 不要跟我搶拉
[YT] 我最♥的脩香終於回來了!!!!
[YT] Huh so long e show when wil it finish?
[YT] 孫權好傻
[YT] 阿鬼好可愛啊XDD
[YT] I cant watch :;( Its loading but not playing…Did sth happen 2 this video?
[YT] So fast!!! Thx so much! Love Zhong Ji San Guo 4eva!
[YT] 阿香~~~~~~~等到我快疯了。。。太棒了。。。下集一定看爆终极三国!!!
[YT] Woah!Zhou Yu very wat leh…I cant believe him~If he continue acting like this,he 100% really need REAL hospital,haha!
[YT] i can load but cannot watch D:
[YT] 为什么,当程公和周瑜抱狗时,他动也不动
[YT] Ye、劉備和阿香終於回來了、
[YT] 好想美麗的貂蟬哦@-@`
[YT] @KEYnHEXfan
[YT] 终于!我再等官渡大战!
[YT] GuiGui so cute !
[YT] 不是啦,是司马家的八个儿子,每个人的字后面都有达,所以叫司马八达。司马义排老二,字是仲达,他大哥是伯达,明白吗?
[YT] he wasnt deaf then
he became deaf later that day
[YT] zhou yu really lve xiao qiao loh! so cool ! i want them tgt!!
suncei and sunquan, i think sunquan love da qiao more loh, from wat is shown.
[YT] 请问,唱以战止战的,是修吗?
[YT] how come at 8:25 sun quan can hear his dad shouting frm the room ? he reacted by turning around.
[YT] cannot wait for next ep ! :[
[YT] yay! xiu is back!!!!!
[YT] How come at 8:25 the sun quan can hear his dad shouting frm his bro’s room?
[YT] the dog so cute ~
the front part veh touching ~
[YT] YAY! xiu and ah xiang is back !
[YT] haiz . so sad xiu go army . ):
[YT] where is xiu??
[YT] 脩与沛慈的服装搭配怎么有点像情侣装?而且,脩和沛慈好像都有剪头发?!
[YT] 小谨好可爱哦
啊!妈妈我要那只狗狗 D;
[YT] 司馬家生了八個兒子名叫八達
[YT] 就快有大東呀=]
[YT] 修香修香修香修香~~~~ yay~~~~
終於回來了 好開心~~~~~
[YT] 會長唱得很好聽喔!!
[YT] Live 版本那段, 好可爱 haha.
[YT] gui gui cute extremely~XDD
[YT] guigui!!!!
[YT] 幼犬那會吃那麼大塊的肉= =
[YT] 小瑾:是我的错吗?
[YT] wads the breed of the dog???
[YT] 貂蝉死了吗?好久没有看到他好想他
[YT] @Jackobe24 五虎将应该没有这么快回来吧…
[YT] 戏差不多要拖一年了 。。。
[YT] my pretty GUIGUI!!! LUV U 4 EVER 🙂 =) <3
[YT] 我建了新站,只需缓冲两分钟就能观看两小时
[YT] 觉得阿蒙好可爱“·说话·动作·都好好笑
[YT] hahaha do many new students
[YT] 小瑾狗狗好可爱哦!!!
[YT] 终于要跟着历史走了,讨伐袁绍,估计之后曹操就一统北方了。
[YT] funny thing is ah pao sao on his simen hahahaha lol maybe ah pao 1sr love is him lolz sooo funny!!
[YT] 現在拖戲是為了襯托後面的精采吧
[YT] such a cute doggy
[YT] i have the dong han school song long time ago! but first time hearing them singing in the show has a totally different feel!
[YT] so he lost his hearing cause of this incident?
sighs, he did everything for da qiao.
[YT] i also like zhouyu and xiaoqiao together, but in the preview the don’t show if sun ce will come back! so excited seeing jiro again <3
i already begun preferring sunquan and da qiao but seeing jiro sad makes me meditative-.- i like both with da qiao 🙁
[YT] does anyone know the name of the ending song?
[YT] 周瑜超Man的!爱死你了!!!!
[YT] 周瑜真的是太深情!超爱瑜喬戀!
[YT] sugo is always the fastest and has the highest quality video~love u forever ..
all the dramas i watch are from u~
[YT] wow!` zhou yu help xiao qiao a lot.
really hope they will be together in the end..
[YT] 劉備跟阿香總算要回來了…
[YT] YAY xiu and ah xiang back, DONG HAN IS BACK!!! Wa xiu smart also….eh xun ce leh? They say he coming back mah so when holding ah xiang back should come out what???? Aiyo…… now still abit confusing leh. Call all wu hu jiang come back also since cao cao can come back so i think war win le. Hope everyone gather at nxt episode
[YT] cant wait to see liu bei and ah xiang!
im so gonna watch the next episode…
[YT] i prefer zhuo yu, dont know why i just find xiao qiao and him very the match….
some more he belongs to jiang dong cant expect him to keep helping dong han what….
i think xiao qiao should be more mature and stop thinking only for herself….
if she can do that, im sure there would be totally no problem between her and ZY…
[YT] kind of pity sunquan actually..
and i hope to see sunce/jiro soon.lolz!~^^
[YT] 哦 脩終於回來了 想死我了 還有香我也好像她哦 脩香終於又在一起了
[YT] lolz!` guigui so funny.
[YT] awesome (: thanks sugoi (:
[YT] sunquan ke lian sia..
[YT] i doesn’t know much history… but if cao cao is also same as will cao cao willing to sacrifice xiao qiao for his school?? anw differenet people have different view because i prefer 周瑜 with Xiao Qiao… and i also like quan yu with diao chan together…
[YT] 鬼鬼 好可愛~~~
[YT] that dog is sooo cute!!!
[YT] wow!` 鬼鬼 really look so matured le! voice and the look also not the same like last time.. and i’m still doubting if it’s really her.
[YT] try come back in 10 minutes time or something.
[YT] 😀 thank you ^^
[YT] i prefer xiao qiao to be with cao cao, i know it will change the history but like guan yu and diao chan, so it is no really nessaary to follow real history.
[YT] hahaha..guigui so cute!!
[YT] i did that but it doesnt work… it works for the other parts though…
[YT] but zhuo yu is willing to sacrifice xiao qiao for jiang duo, this show that he care jiang duo more than xiao qiao.
[YT] zhouyu managed to find the dog?
[YT] luckily lu meng is there.lolz!~
[YT] anw next ep. have ah xiang and lie bei…
[YT] I hope Xiao Qiao can with the周瑜 because 周瑜 help her alot alot of thing…..
[YT] why this is not in HQ?
[YT] Just press the HQ button jiu can lerrrr
[YT] press HQ
[YT] y isnt it working? the red bar appears but it doesnt play 🙁
[YT] 總算等到你們了~囧
[YT] @Daomilk now can le
[YT] can le 🙂
[YT] finally can watch liao..
[YT] can le..
[YT] oso cant play T.T
[YT] i still cant watch 🙁 it shows a fully loaded bar and it doesnt start playing.
[YT] can watch le!
[YT] anyone can tell me where else can i see tis part? T.T
[YT] Hi u have the other link to watch right…. can u send me too…
[YT] can i have the link too?
[YT] thanks =]
[YT] welcome
[YT] Thx a million.
[YT] i send u as a msg already
[YT] an error occurred please try again later…
[YT] this one is fine.
[YT] where?
[YT] yes but not as clear i think
[YT] For those who cannot watch, click the HQ button below the screen.
[YT] is there other links to watch it
[YT] i cant play this too
[YT] me too!!
[YT] the doggy so cute =D
[YT] keep on error
[YT] me3
[YT] same here.
[YT] xiao jin is cute!!
[YT] wah~ I can’t watch this~ T.T
[YT] 感謝!! 上船的如此迅速
[YT] 千萬不要有壓力喔 哈哈~
[YT] yyeahhh yeahh!!!!
[YT] this one is clearer!
[YT] thks so fast u r the best!!! fast and clear
[YT] 每次都很快!支持你
[YT] 好亂吖~曹喬戀與瑜喬戀都一樣很不錯吖~
[YT] 希望大家別再討厭周瑜了
[YT] ya lor
[YT] 韩文的菜单???
[YT] thank for come out of fast
[YT] 最愛看周瑜跟小喬這一對了!!
so sweet~
[YT] 声音和画面不对!
[YT] 大東就黎番黎啊=]
[YT] 邊到有得睇直播啊?