K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 47

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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457 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 47

  1. [YT] 问题是如果时空毁灭,修和阿香都不会存在了。我觉得应该要有这种事发生,戏才会比较好看。因为如果修和阿香结果在一起,观众会觉得更开心。

  2. [YT] 可是我认为最后故事里一定会发生什么事,让修和阿香在一起,因为他们总不可能让他们分开,不然这就不会是个快乐的结局了。除非导演不想要有快乐的结局。

  3. [YT] 比较喜欢这一部,大橋和孙權在一起,因为可能大家受了上一部-终极一家,夏天和寒在一起的影响,导致你们可能会觉得两人应该再在一起,可是,你们不会觉得孙權在终极三国里为大橋付出的比较多吗?孙權应该和他一啊…

  4. [YT] 我还是相信阿香是从铁时空来的。。。阿公不是说银时空的危机在17年前就产生了吗?还有,阿香听过搜魂曲。很有可能她在baby 的时候被带过来的。。。要不然阿公干嘛吃饱没事做教一个路过的小妹妹用异能来赶蚊子阿?! 教银时空的人铁时空的异能不也会捣乱时空次序吗?

  5. [YT] 管她是不是壞人阿 也已經要完結篇了~!
    請搞清楚 就算鐵時空有另一個阿香是壞人!
    銀時空的 阿香跟 鐵時空的根本是兩回事

  6. [YT] 應該想也知道~







  7. [YT] 誰知道鐵時空的阿香是不是壞人啊!像夏天和zack是不同時空的分身,但是一個是好人一個是壞人


  8. [YT] Poor da qiao!!
    Sun ce is dead?
    Plus Ahxiang and xiu are going to
    be enemies!!!!!!!!
    But its good that guanyu is back.
    Hopefully the rest will come back to help too.
    Argh.Have to wait another week.

  9. [YT] 雖然說關羽回來了很令人開心
    可是孫策就這樣死掉了 總覺得大喬好可憐
    如果說汪東城回來客串只有這麼一個鏡頭也太可惜了吧 我還想再多看他幾場戲說

  10. [YT] HOLY
    ok he probably came back a while ago but i stopped wtaching after diao chan disappeared lol
    holy crap now i have the incentive to start again

  11. [YT] OMG! Sun ce died? i don’t wan him to be dead. I wan him to come back!
    Xiang just found out that sun quan is deaf?! Xiang is leaving xiu?! I thought she’s the one who wants to treasure the time together. Guan yu is backk!! Omg, gonna hate the next episode.. ):

  12. [YT] ohhhhh i finally get this!!!!
    so 大喬 has been dreaming the same thing over and over for 3 weeks. its the dream they showed in here, where sun ce and Da Qiao is together but then sun ce leaves…..
    so sad!!!! i really cant believe hes dead!!!

  13. [YT] @pie9272 You are wrong, this is just for 大喬to have something else to think about other then the death of 孫策. If she has something else to focus on, in this case taking revenge on 孫權, then she won’t be as depressed.

  14. [YT] got a shock hearing sun ce // da dong is dead ! he mustn’t be dead :X i want to see him again 🙁 it shouldn’t be that way, i haaatee unhappy ends 🙁 it should be 有情人终成眷属 !

  15. [YT] Haiz why become like that?
    I thought it would be a perfect ending but why Da Dong “bu yi er fei” haiz,
    Why Xiang abandon Xiu,
    So ke lian sia,
    They both…;[
    So sad,
    Guan yu is back but dont know whether with Diao Chan a not?
    This show i think going to finish liao le.
    I predict that the ending is quite sad de…
    Anyway is still the best show that i ever seen!;]

  16. [YT] 可是重点是阿香要于修为敌噎!还要跟修打战!她怎么可能狠下心来,跟心爱的人打战??? 反正孙权已经失聪两年了,早就习惯了,阿香也不必那么关心他啊。他们兄妹两的感情一向来也不算很好。

  17. [YT] YES! GUANYU IS BACK! YAHOO! although i don’t know what happened to diaochan, but glad that he’s back 🙂 REsidencevil1997, i don’t think they will just stop like this, at least until 6 cause the sima’s haven’t come out yet [ an example! ] 🙂 hopefully my prediction is true! nothing above is confirmed. just predictions 🙂 GUANYU IS BACK! YAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO! hopefully the other 3 comes back the next next episode 🙂 that’s the best already!

  18. [YT] i totally agree with you, I think what 孫權 was to let 大喬 snap out of her depression and have a target in life, like take revenge on him. so poor thing D: 加油孫權 大喬 and 脩香! If we really want to dislike any character we should be disliking 孫堅..

  19. [YT] 周瑜和小乔的在一起不是情侣的在一起好可惜啊!

  20. [YT] yup. but he didn’t die due to attack. he ordered the execution of someone, but he later found out that person is innocent. he then got distressed, thinking that the ghost of the innocent one is haunting him. he got so stressed and died.

    erm. am i right?

  21. [YT] 阿香體諒脩,甚至還為脩感到辛苦,就算沒有未來,也想保有唯一可以擁有的現在,並不是為自己著想而因此怪脩,為什麼要這樣對她




  22. [YT] not something wrong. he destroys the shi kong if there is too much evil in it. or rather, he destroys part of the shi kong, so that it can reconstruct itself. i think so it’s like that, if i remember correctly 😀

  23. [YT] 難怪用 移動箭靶 + 鼓聲 讓兩人比賽
    但是 孫權 果然也非泛泛之輩

    孫堅只要用孫權的好勝心欺敵 並不想讓孫權贏
    但孫權還是想到破解的方式 克服障礙 並出奇制勝

  24. [YT] 为什么阿香不要跟修一起回去东汉书院,甚至还要于他为敌???? 就算她知道孙权失聪,也不用到离开修这种程度吧? 会不会是因为他知道修是铁时空的原因?

  25. [YT] @hallbbyyee 說的好 那個什麼濫時空阿

    脩有說過 時空毀滅也要一起的



  26. [YT] Did Sun Ce die?
    I feel like the show will be ending soon!!!
    Yay Guan Yu is back!!!!!
    I think the brother-sister relationship btwn Ah Xiang & Sun Quan will get better. Poor Sun Quan, his one sided love…

  27. [YT] Xiu is from SliverDimension so if Xiu merry AhXiang Xiu will change the ShiKongZhuanSh? thinggy so he can’t be with AhXiang.Well its hard to explain but I dun understand why Xiu have Clone.

  28. [YT] 好心痛………..好心痛……….好心痛………..
    修香為何不能在一起…..為何最终都要悲劇收場……如果編劇真的要走回歷史三國,是否意味著孫尚香如歷史傳聞所說..投江殉情??!!!!! 我不要…..我不要…..阿香呀

  29. [YT] 為甚麼東那麼快就死了啊!

  30. [YT] 孫權好狠心



  31. [YT] i think what you saying is

    how sun jian know sun quan is deaf ba?

    i also dunno

    But sun jian is sun quan dad,
    i think he can find out
    what happen to his child right?

  32. [YT] XIu & Ah Xiang are good actors, especially Xiu. His acting has improved a lot. The scene was touching and very believable. The two of them have such great chemistry.

  33. [YT] I think 孫權lied here, I don’t believe that he would do something like that to his own brother. He’s only using this as a way to distract 大橋from the depression she’s in to taking revenge on 孫權。雖然孫權是反角,但是我還是覺得他好好噢!這才是真正的大愛!I don’t think 孫權and 大橋getting together is a bad idea at all, I’m kind of hoping that even this isn’t something that happened in real 三國。

  34. [YT] 關羽回來ㄌ!!!!!!!
    random thought: 我覺得大喬應該已經知道孫權喜歡他吧~之前孫權在那邊告白說什麼月亮行星的~大喬的表情變化就證明說他有聽到嘛~~所以才會一直對孫權窮追猛打~逼他招共~~哈哈哈

  35. [YT] @anin880711 你沒發現在在他們在一起的畫面中,看起來都有白光,很飃嗎?就像阿策託夢給大橋一樣,並不真實。而且,在三國演,孫策是在很早的時候就死了,如果像東城衛說的那樣銀時空要走真正三國的路綫的話,孫策是應該英年早逝的。T_T淚奔啊!就不能讓東多待一會嗎?

  36. [YT] 各位大大.我有個疑問喔….就是那個孫策不是回來跟大喬在一起了嗎?為什麼他說他該走了的時候是那麼的傷心???而且後面就突然說孫策死ㄌ???


  37. [YT] 阿香說他會當作他喜歡的人改了名字的時候我還以為他說他要改喜歡劉備勒-/-….因為脩以後還是要回鐵時空…所以真劉備回來時他就真的改名字了啊.0. 還好後來有說會繼續喜歡脩~~~~~脩香戀讚喇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  38. [YT] when i heard the guy name “ying xiong” which is “hero”
    it 1st thing i think of is Hero Kim Jaejoong of DBSK
    korean band lol

    The flashback so cute

  39. [YT] WOOTZ NEXT WEEK BATTLE BETWEEN GUAN YU & SUN QUAN!!! GUAN YU IS BACK!!!!!!! Wonder if he found diao chan….And if all of them fight together i think liubei side will win sun quan because sun quan got 20000 power,liubei 10000 over,zhang fei 10000 over,ahxiang 10000 over

  40. [YT] 為什麼明明相愛的兩個人,,



  41. [YT] W-What… Sun Ce….O.O…D-Died…..?
    N-NOOOO!!!! this ruined everything NO! ughhhhh what a complete LET DOWN! omg i am so upset! he just came in! ARGH!!!!! so sad! Wait howd he die…by Dong Zhuo? WHAT?! OMG YES GUAN YUS BACK!!!! YAY finally!!! epic fight next week!

  42. [YT] 大喬好可憐好可憐好可憐好可憐!!!!!!!!!

  43. [YT] 那個…

  44. [YT] Because if she like him as Xiu, she would die when the shi kong zhi xu changes and the shi kong will be gone, leaving only darkness. Xiu doesn’t wants Xiang to die.

  45. [YT] I have a feeling this is gonna end at ep 50…not that i want to, but it so seems like it. They’ve already anticipated the last battle between Wu and Wei, and everything is getting together now, like xiu is with xiang, da qiao is with da dong since hes back, and xiao qiao is with zhou yu. and then guan yus hopefullly gonna find diao chan and then its gonna end when the last battle takes place. Its gonna end i think 🙁 Wow this is so Epic… lol kinda sad

  46. [YT] lol who the heck is that archer guy? he looks really cool. Lol im ying xiong.
    quan”WHat, your name is wu?”
    and then “skills are awesome, face is handsome, archery is the best, in jiang dong thats only me.” lol copied off pi ze ying xiong!

  47. [YT] i kinda dun think its true…i think sun quan was saying it to make sure da qiao will want to go after him for revenge and not do anything stupid~…i mean when ah meng said cong zhang chu shi le…bo da qiao and sun quan were very anxious..so shld be lying bahs..

  48. [YT] omg i felt SOOO sad when xiu told ah xiang that this wil be the last lie that i ever tell u…its like..his WHOLE body is shaking and he is like prancing up and down so that he wont lose balance…

  49. [YT] 我要修香永遠在一起

  50. [YT] 为什么相爱的人就是不能在一起!

  51. [YT] Xiu and Ah Xiang so sad, they love each other so much but reality is cruel. They just cannot be together :[ i’m so sad hearing that Ah Xiang would die if Xiu is to be with her forever.

  52. [YT] 不过如果孙策死了,权就可以跟大乔在一起了。权为大乔牺牲了那么多,我觉得他对大乔的爱绝对没有比阿策来得少。。希望大家都可以Happy Ending! 😀
    权的耳朵还是因为大乔而失聪的耶。。其实大乔如果劝权不要和修他们为敌,或许他真的会听?毕竟爱~能够超越一切 😀

  53. [YT] 鳴鳴…一知道阿策死了..我就哭了[超催淚]
    又要重複一家嗎= =夏天跟寒都夠苦了 干嘛又要生離死別阿….編劇你好壞喔…恨!!!
    感覺好像….有一點點的拖戲= =

  54. [YT] 香叫他 ‘修’!!!
    all the flashback is so memorable.
    不在是劉備與香, 而是[修與香]!!
    加油! 修!!

    最近好多管于”修”字哦! 米修米修!
    Opps! haha!

  55. [YT] 就算會與修為敵, 也不會後悔自己的選擇?
    不是說好要在修離開前,一直再一起嗎?香現在就要離開修了 🙁
    修好可憐哦~ 心疼~ 修加油! 香幫修吧!


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