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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
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February 5, 2010
[YT] 脩变得很怪…
[YT] 我很开心,脩和阿香可以在一起爆.
[YT] 阿公 is awesome
[YT] hahaha.. 权的惊讶表情很好笑, 说真的只看嘴型真的会以为是尸体~
[YT] hahaha.. 权的惊讶表情很好笑, 说真的只看嘴型真的会以为是尸体~
[YT] poor zhong always have to act as girl
[YT] xiu is not xiu ,xiu has return to tie shi kong
[YT] 6:34
[YT] 唉~最後果度趙雲攞悠優奶瓶出黎話咩8000點武力指數已經好唔掂啦!~扮雄霸這個鐵時空的人應該要講異能指數。編劇連咁少的錯都犯得….唉!~難道真係爛尾嗎??
[YT] yay now xiu and ah xiang can be together now
[YT] 第51集的予告片….修会来了….不过感觉怪怪的…..备戈戈(刘备)不可能是东城卫对手啊..再说…….(以下是瞎说别骂我)会不会….盟主…修..和备串通进行某个计划?
[YT] 修和阿香的幸福终于降临了!
可惜现在的修 好像是刘备!
[YT] 要是阿香他老爸老妈是铁时空的人,那她也是铁时空的人咯!!
[YT] ah gong is super funny la!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahah
[YT] 幹麻不測驗他是不是脩= =我覺得那個劉備應該是故意裝的像脩讓大家不懷疑~然後實際行動卻還是自己的作風!!關羽跟張飛這樣就掛?!會不會太扯辣@@為什麼最後趕戲趕成這樣?!劇情都亂湊的?!整個就是來龍去脈不清楚= =不過脩演的還不錯~後面應該會有回顧~看看到底是哪個時候脩換成真劉備的~
[YT] 對ㄝ!!!!是不是編劇也沒想到這點??!xDDD
[YT] 可是既然魔性被洗掉..為甚麼還會魔化?
[YT] 我覺得脩香可能是悲劇
[YT] 不是已經用洗魂曲洗掉了嗎??
[YT] 以战止战真的很好听!
[YT] 不過如果阿香脩有小孩,又會有個鬼龍了~
[YT] … somehow i got the feeling that they are rushing to end this show =\
[YT] 照劇情來說,大東的分身還是夏天,
[YT] 真刘备回来了…
[YT] wth happened to Zhang Fei?
[YT] 那…大東的分身是誰阿?
[YT] 孫權…
[YT] 不對阿
[YT] omg!! next week so interesting.. must be liu bei come back already then xiu forced to go back without calling ah xiang.. xiu is not the type which would break a promise..
[YT] 因為在金時空..
[YT] are you serious?? Ahhhhh!!!
[YT] 約翰和瑪麗亞終於又出現了!!!
[YT] 終極三國有些橋段
[YT] Eeeeeee… the real Lu bei Is back
[YT] 51!!! 51!!! episode 51!! OMG!
[YT] 就是權是另外一個時空的人吧…?他可能給人送走的時候還記得這個東西吧!?
[YT] sun quan so ke lian…
[YT] 感觉剧本越来越烂
[YT] H2N2!!HAHA!!so funny!!
[YT] H2N2!!HAHA!!so funny!!
[YT] 看太多了..
語無論次了 -.-
[YT] ······修怎么会知道编剧后面是这么写的···
[YT] 他们的老爸是双胞胎····
[YT] 脩不見了辣
[YT] 那是不是終極一家 脩跟寒打的地方阿
[YT] omg!! i just love seeing 阿公 in this show!!! he’s just soooooo soo funny!!!
[YT] lols! ah gong so cutee!! XD
[YT] 秩序要恢复了?
[YT] 兄妹戲好好看喔!
[YT] 喔~~~~~
[YT] Thanks for yours!
Recommending ‘KP BAG’…
[YT] Thanks for yours!
Recommending ‘KP BAG’…
[YT] Thanks for yours!
Recommending ‘KP BAG’…
[YT] 阿公那句
[YT] 修回了鐵時空了!因為修說過他回去要打siman給香香!香香說他沒有通siman!so他是回了鐵時空!
[YT] 羽跟飞居然不翼而飞??他們很強哦!
[YT] 雙生的生出來有可能是一樣的~~~
[YT] “死人”來了!他的合金官才!
[YT] 3:18~3:21
lols~ ke lian fei XD
[YT] just… two cosuin, look similar
[YT] which meant these two cousin looks really similar~ they are act by the same actor but they are not the same person
[YT] cnt wait for the next ep !
[YT] WOOT! Ah Xiang is a Tie Shi Kong person means that she can marry Xiu!! XiuXiang forever!
[YT] 葉赫戒指不是在一家的時候毀滅了嗎?
[YT] 我看不下去ㄌ啊!!!!!
[YT] 這個一定是真劉備 我不懂 前面2級也是真劉備的話 怎可能說的出那些話 還說要安撫災民 再來就看真劉備如何害死那些兄弟
脩一定在要跟會長會合的途中 貝真劉備抓走了
[YT] i didnt realise the first time =P
[YT] OMG ! xia liu ah gong so cute sia !
[YT] ah gong! <3
[YT] 天啊 !! 修和阿香好可怜啊!
now real liu bei back liao … TT^TT
[YT] 現在ㄉ劉備不是休
[YT] but if he 不翼而飞 , there will be no show liao what ?
[YT] 那到底是刘备还是修??他去找曹操谈和的时候,手上有三魂七魄戒!!
[YT] 好像真的慢慢走入三国的轨道,只是羽跟飞居然在同一集就不翼而飞,也太赶了吧 ! >:(
[YT] LOL Ahxiang call si ren duan zhang laopa
[YT] 對這樣的劉備反感 🙁 兄弟就是兄弟 但有時候容易被表面干擾…
[YT] ya lo hor ^^
man! I MISS XIA MEI!!!
[YT] 这根本就是刘备的作风嘛。。。
[YT] 應該是以前的曹家大宅
[YT] @zoom95
no they’re cousins cz si ren n si ti are brothers …..
[YT] 我猜应该是那时脩不知道死人团长和孙坚是双胞胎。因为盟主就是为了确定死人团长和孙坚的身分才派死人团长来银时空和孙坚见面的啊plus盟主不确定脩怎么会知道呢 ;D
[YT] if ahxiang big bro is from tie shi kong, then means tie shi kong xia tian and ahxiang’s big brother is the same? -.-
so confusing.
[YT] omg zhao yun looks like a vampire!!
[YT] ah gong very funny when he say how about your feeling.:)))lols
[YT] that is not xiu le should be liu bei le.100%.
[YT] 劇情越來越緊促 真的要結局了 🙁
[YT] “少爺,這裡漂不漂亮?”
[YT] 对呀。。。我也想知道
[YT] 对呀。。。我也想知道
[YT] If sun jian,sun ce n ah xiang listened to the xi hun qu before, how come they still have their wu gong? Or should i say, yi neng?
[YT] If sun jian,sun ce n ah xiang listened to the xi hun qu before, how come they still have their wu gong? Or should i say, yi neng?
[YT] but at least there are some difference in their hair.
[YT] but at least there are some difference in their hair.
[YT] 阿公可愛慘了 .
[YT] 阿公可愛慘了 .
[YT] 想不到刘备一句话,让自己兄弟惹来杀身之祸
[YT] 想不到刘备一句话,让自己兄弟惹来杀身之祸
[YT] 終極三國確定只做52集喔 !
[YT] 終極三國確定只做52集喔 !
[YT] Wow. What a twist in story…
[YT] 他果然不是脩
[YT] 脩真演的很棒, 把劉備演的真好, 一演出來, 大家就知道他演的是劉備而不是呼延覺羅脩
[YT] 修到底怎么了,他怎么变了呢?那张飞呢?他该不会是不翼而飞了吧?这集真的好复杂哦!!!
[YT] 尼套野簡直係垃圾明明係古代 比班低能台彎佬搞到用現代來拍,不知所為
[YT] 孫策and 夏天are both 鐵時空的人,they look the same but they aren’t twins. But they do have the same looking dad, but the mother is different… this is soo confusing!
[YT] Haha 阿公: 劇本難道一定要這樣寫嗎
so funny
[YT] 他手上有三魂七魄戒壓!!
[YT] 所以阿香是铁时空的人!!! 太好了!!!那她就可以和脩在一起了!!!
[YT] 討厭真劉備 脩快回來吧!!
[YT] 吖公真的好好笑、经典、
[YT] thats make it confusing!! sun ce and xia tian are cousins…but….arent they “fen shins”???
[YT] i am so BLUR NOW -___-?!!
[YT] haha. zhao yun looks like a vampire
[YT] they were scolding each other so they sneeze at the same time
[YT] wat do u mean its funny, i know that it is funny…wat i asked was. What were Guan Yu and Zhang Fei’s role in the flashback?
I did not say that it wasn’t funny?.?…
[YT] 很矛盾
[YT] 很矛盾
[YT] 还有几集呀?
[YT] because it’s funny…have you watched the episodes from before
[YT] because it’s funny…have you watched the episodes from before
[YT] 太好笑了H2N2
[YT] 太好笑了H2N2
[YT] 感觉剧情越来越乱尤其是真的刘备回来了.
[YT] 感觉剧情越来越乱尤其是真的刘备回来了.
[YT] i think liue bei might have been attacked by the real xiu…like i think that after liu bei went to cao cao, he might of met up with xiu where he might have locked him up before returning to the house.
OH NO…Fei can’t die wtf!!!!!!!
Poor Fei he was such a great and trustworthy person.
[YT] hhahaha…..they sneezed at the same time=D
[YT] wait who did Guan Yu and Zhang Fei act as in the flash back…
What happen to Ah Xiang when she was younger?
Why is the dad not returning to his own dimension?
[YT] wait who did Guan Yu and Zhang Fei act as in the flash back…
What happen to Ah Xiang when she was younger?
Why is the dad not returning to his own dimension?
[YT] 不过,孙尚香的大哥(孙策),不是夏天的分身吗?如果孙策是铁时空的人,为什么修说他是夏天的分身?
[YT] This is Liu Bei, but where did the real 脩 go? Locked up by Liu Bei?
[YT] ya woo….ah xiang whole family is tie shi kong den like dat ah xiang and xiu can together lo.
[YT] 这样看来,马上要大结局了
[YT] 终于等到啦
[YT] 终于等到啦
[YT] 那麼孫策跟夏天不就是堂兄弟嗎?
[YT] 啊公好像說叼吳叼啊- –
[YT] 啊公好像說叼吳叼啊- –
[YT] 孙策是铁时空的人 , 为什么夏天和他
会长得一模一样? 他们又不是分身或
[YT] 孙策是铁时空的人 , 为什么夏天和他
会长得一模一样? 他们又不是分身或
[YT] ah gong makes me laugh very hard until i cried laughing.
[YT] ah gong makes me laugh very hard until i cried laughing.
[YT] h2n2 haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] h2n2 haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] ah gong very funny
[YT] ah gong very funny
[YT] 難怪了 後面的劇情好亂好downㄛ~~
[YT] 難怪了 後面的劇情好亂好downㄛ~~
[YT] 還好孫堅愛上的不是阿標嫂
[YT] 這是真劉備….
[YT] 那也不錯啊!!!不能會被脩香迷罵翻吧!!哈
[YT] 阿香好可愛
而且太好了 阿香是鐵時空的人
[YT] 死人有屍體
[YT] poor xiang.. she veh poor thing when liu bei come back.. liu bei soo ugh!! go frame cao cao.. i hate liu bei! omg, so fei and yu died? i forgot about their promise! Why din xiu call siman to xiang ): ahhh!!!
[YT] oh nu, whr is xiu?
i dunwan liubei
[YT] that’s definitely liu bei and not xiu.. Xiu don’t talk this way and the way he acts and talks to xiang is also weird.. he shud be happy that xiang is a tie shi kong ren.. I wan xiu backkk!!! ):
[YT] haha, it’s always ma chao and huang zhong, so cute! so xiang is from tie shi kong!
[YT] yup~~ I can accept Xia Tian and SunCe are cousin…
but think about his in another way…. Ar Xiang and Xia Mea… how can they be so different?!!
[YT] “yin wei zhe li you H2N2” “zhen de jia de” “jia de” haha!
haha, the re-enactment so funny.
[YT] LOL @ ahgong!
腰瘦 丰满 屁股超结实 ‘
[YT] this is liu bei. xiu and liubei have a different tone when they take. liubei talk with more ego.
[YT] hey, so the used XI HUNG QU to erase sun ce’s yineng so how can he still have yineng?
[YT] 太好了啦!
[YT] that means xiang can be with xiu!!
[YT] haha, xiang so cute trying to overcome a fears.
[YT] i am confirm tt this liu bei is not xiu
[YT] 难道飞走了??
[YT] i saw it too.
[YT] 低成本製作吧
[YT] @peichun51 好眼力阿我禮拜五都沒注意看
[YT] 脩都不穿东汉书院的校服了~
[YT] 我的天!! 终于等到啦!!!!!!! 等惨了
[YT] 我也这样觉得
[YT] 哪個脩有戴戒指嗎?
修不是代理校長嗎 而且如果脩回來 超和忠也會回來阿 所以那是真的劉備
[YT] Fei died here cuz he too sad cuz he trusted xiu so much and thought that the liubei is xiu and he noe he not xiu then too sad cuz folo the real liubei do wrong things then those 2 go attack him when he very weak
[YT] but it’s still impossible 2 twin brothers have their own sons not only “look alike” but equal…
[YT] 聰明欸 其實叫他彈吉他也可以知道它是脩還是劉備
[YT] in sanguoyanyi fei will die cuz his subordinate killed him when he was sleeping and guan yu died cuz he was ambushed by sun quan
[YT] no wonder everyone thinks that episode 48-50 is real liubei.
[YT] hey, some people look alike with their cousins. my friend looks exactly like her cousin. except that they are 6 years apart. other than that, they look exactly the same.
in ko one, duan chang ren has a twin. and now, ye si ren has a twin too! haha~
[YT] yu fainted? but fei is confirmed die, ending already la, no wonder so many people die.
[YT] 所以,到最后,张飞不翼而飞了,关于也不翼而飞了? 如果到最后,这么多人不翼而飞,这出戏到最后有什么好看呢? 可是我追了这出戏这么久,我想,我会继续看下去。
[YT] but i think that’s the real liu bei.. look how he react when ah xiang said that she’s from the same shi kong than him… he was totally indifferent and only want to know that sun quan isn’t sun jian’s real son…he is using ah xiang to know more about she’s family and then he will be something evil… yeah, you’ve got reason when you said that xiu’s said that he want to keep yin shi kong as sanguo story but that one’s not xiu and we can see througt his expressions and the way he talk to ah xiang
[YT] WA LAO FEI!! Die by two idiots. and Yu Will Die ? Real Liubei ….
[YT] 剧本开始有点fail… – -!
[YT] 你什么意思啊???
[YT] 不会…
[YT] 係死江東軍+死真劉備
[YT] 一定是劉備..
[YT] 這個石地好像是東和的吧
[YT] wait wait wait…
So this means…
JIro(Xia Tian) and Jiro(SunCe) is cousin?
[YT] they cannot be changing xiu just like that. forgotten? he says he want to keep yin shi kong as sanguo story, that’s why he enemy with caocao
[YT] 我覺得脩在終極一家的頭髮比較好看<===同感 脩的演技真的超好ㄝ~大家都看的超入戲的0.0 脩把戒指拿下來的時候因該是已經換真劉備了巴~阿不然以脩愛阿香的程度不可能只為了做菜就拿下戒指<===純個人猜測
[YT] BanJie yan XiongBa not got la…
no offence la
cause my image of XiongBa is evil and cunning …
BanJie is not …
but he act as ZhaoYun is not bad
[YT] LOL… Suddenly got SNSD…
[YT] WHY ?
no offence
but i HATE snsd
I think ahxiang better then her
[YT] LOL you snsd fan ?!! xP
[YT] yup, it’s patched…
[YT] erm… that sign behind when ahxiang and quan are talking? is it me, or is it like, a patch up from another one which was 曹? budget on show? haha~
[YT] it’s ah gong!
[YT] lol si ren
[YT] how many episodes are there total?
[YT] 脩
飛不可以不翼而飛啊!死真劉備!死臭真劉備!去死!Falling Thunder 烏拉巴哈!<<這是寒的詛咒,借用一下 ^__^
[YT] i think zhang fei said the ‘sorry’ and ah xiang say about the siman is both saying to xiu.. :”[ sobbs..
[YT] maybe is because they are twin brother then they give birth out sons will look alike.
[YT] 所以之前透漏的那個會不翼而飛的那個人
[YT] ah gong!! <3
[YT] yu and fei died?
[YT] Tat’s bcoz type English easier than Chinese!!! Need to open Zhong wen zhi xing…==!!! Anyone agree??? 😀
[YT] it now really getting in to san guo yan yi liaox..
[YT] 葉思仁和葉思提是雙胞胎長的一樣
[YT] 阿公也有講過屍體
[YT] lol I love how ma chao and huang zhong always act out the little boy and girl scenes so funny and cute!
[YT] 小阿香好可愛!!
[YT] Now it’s really going according to san guo….
[YT] 嗯嗯,超~~~愛脩跟沛慈的,
[YT] 寫錯 = =
不是阿公 是孫權
[YT] 哈哈詹士德還在玩游戲哦,不是玩完了嗎?哈哈。
[YT] 看到死人團長還有阿公
那個屍體 真是笑死我了
[YT] lol what is xiang doing fighting off vampires lol
[YT] 赤壁之戰之後就不是三國啦ˊ
[YT] 赤壁之戰之後就不是三國啦ˊ
[YT] 照这样看来
孙尚香 不就是 铁时空的人咯….(叶赫那拉 雄霸 派 铁时空的女人给 孙坚。。。。修 和 香 在一起咯!!^^
[YT] 不知道大家有沒有注意
[YT] 飞?????!!!
[YT] 我想,脩应该是在把戒指取下来的时候走的!!!呜呜呜,我无言了……..
[YT] 所以說是因爲要恢復時空秩序所以把真劉備弄回來了?
[YT] @funnygalzz 的想法和我的一样哦,^^
[YT] sun quan and ah xiang gan qing yue lai yue hao!
[YT] 好懷念全員齊集的日子
[YT] 這個應該是真的劉備而不是脩吧…
[YT] 阿公說的好好笑
[YT] 現在應該可以確定真劉備回來了,那修咧?修去哪裡了??
[YT] 為什麼會打中文還故意打英文
[YT] 那不會是關羽大意失荊州!
[YT] hahahahahhahahahahahhaha h2n2
[YT] i hate real liu bei!
where on earth did xiu went?!?!!
[YT] 阿香說他們約定一定要打最后通Siman,可能她而知道脩回去啦…
[YT] ah xiang veli cute lox…love xiang~~
[YT] maybe the injuries tat liu bei get is on the way he get back to yin shi kong. as da dong,xiao yu and ya se wang are helping him to cure his injuries when liu bei go back with da dong they all tat time. then maybe xiu is forced to go back to tie shi kong. cos the real liu bei escaped. or something like this la.
[YT] the more i watch more confused omg
[YT] 終極一家有說過;不是每個時空都有他自己的分身;
[YT] 我覺得現在的脩是銀時空的劉備,不是鐵時空的脩!!
[YT] 现在阿香是铁时空的人,他和修也不必最后通Siman了,不是吗?修到底去了哪里????
[YT] 我觉得在预告里,前面的是修,而当阿香说修,我们约好了 那个部分出现的,应该是修。
[YT] i dont think xiu will do that, if he is indeed xiu. if he really wants to do that, he will tell ah xiang. but now he knows that the only way to hui fu shi kong zhi xu is to get si ti to go back to tie shi kong, he has no need to act as the real liu bei, if that’s what he’s doing. and when ah xiang told him that she was from tie shi kong, he should have been very happy, but he wasnt.
[YT] that means xiu and ah xiang can be together!
i think someone commented very long ago that ah xiang is from tie shi kong.
[YT] 三国演义里是的,刘备为了给关羽报仇,率领几乎全国兵力攻打东吴,结果被陆逊打败,黄忠战死,张飞被暗杀。最后刘备也病死在白帝城。桃园三结义就此没了。
[YT] 我都覺e個唔係脩
[YT] 为什么修走的时候没跟阿香通Siman? 他又为什么不说一声就走了呢?反正阿香都知道他是铁时空的人,干吗不能跟她说?如果阿香真的是铁时空的人,她能跟修回到铁时空,就算银时空毁灭了也没关系嘛。
[YT] ==根本是为了修河香
[YT] 所以阿香跟脩可以談”情”了嗎!!??
[YT] 那奶瓶真厉害!
[YT] 預告裡的是脩嗎?
[YT] @thelok213 终极一家的夏天也会死?
[YT] 我赞成!
2.13 阿公&死人团长so cute !!!
阿公: 错边你还跟
死人团长: 我又没来过! haha !
[YT] that is the real lui bei!!!!
[YT] if sun ce is also from tie shi kong, that means he is not xia tian’s fen shen right? but xia tian doesnt have a twin brother. this is so complicated!!!!
[YT] @anin880711
因為孫尚香跟孫策是鐵時空的人呀 那即是夏天跟孫策是堂兄弟
[YT] 哈哈哈!!趙雲好好笑,樣子好像鬼哦!!
[YT] 天啊马超和黄忠又开始演过去了哈哈
[YT] 對!為什麼4:38的地方…孫的後面有曹字阿!!??
[YT] 霹雳MIT。。 😀
[YT] 這根本就是為了修香戀而寫的嘛~~~
“你家就你最爛” 我笑翻了 阿公好好笑阿
[YT] 我覺得脩在終極一家的頭髮比較好看
[YT] so excited!!!
now, 阿香 has an even better chance of staying with 修~!!! <3
[YT] 武虎將裡應該只有一個不翼而飛(武虎將是這麼說的)
[YT] 關羽 與張飛死後不是蜀不是開始衰弱了嗎? 忘記了
[YT] 蛤?!真劉備真的回來了喔?!
[YT] I think he MAY be xiu, but he is trying to let yin shi kong follow the san guo yan yi story, so its easier to hui fu the shi kong zi xu. So maybe liubei is back too. Haish. Xiu looks scary in this ep ! 🙁
[YT] ah xiang reminds me of SooYoung from SNSD lol xD
[YT] 不一定每個時空都有分身的,在終極一家時有說過
[YT] 會不會是脩去談和時就回去了?然後真劉備回來?
[YT] lol.. that’s somehow ridiculous.. coz their son looks the same also.. refering to Jiro.. lol.. but anyway Xiu and Ah Xiang can be together already <3
[YT] 死人(思仁),尸体(思徥)
[YT] 最後一塊拼圖。。。霹靂mit XDDD
[YT] 如果阿香是鐵時空的人,那他在銀時空不是應該有一個分身??
[YT] 阿公!!! <33
[YT] a xiang so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] yi si ren come back le
[YT] 終極一家說 死人團長睡鈦棺會加強男性何爾蒙- -“
[YT] 真是的!脩倪一定要回來啊!!!那真劉備閃邊去角落畫圈圈旁邊蹲啦!!!我要脩香戀的結局圓滿!!!
[YT] 真劉備回來了…那脩呢?怎麼想就是想不出來脩是什麼時候回去的?而真劉備又知道一些事情!又覺得是有人告訴他…真難想啊~
[YT] 脩,你要回鐵時空嗎?
[YT] OMG, I’m gonna be shot for squealing at the implied(but not suggestive-ed) yaoi in this series…
Oh well. Zhong looks cute in drag :D:D
[YT] 那我很好奇耶!!!為什麼孫策跟夏天長的一模一樣?他們也是雙胞胎嘛?還有為什麼他們生活了那麼久都沒有再銀時空遇到分身??超好奇ㄉ耶
[YT] hahaha! she hit zhang fei’s _ _ _ _
[YT] HAHAHA! 叶赫纳拉尸体!!! XDXD
[YT] @xFruityStarx 对咯。而结还是想把修的女朋友!没死过。
[YT] 劉備真的會來囉!?
[YT] 阿公跟思仁都是演技超棒的!~
[YT] 啊香,會不會跑去鐵時空找脩呢
[YT] 阿公真的好好笑,找他演阿公真是對啊!!!
[YT] 不.不.不
[YT] 是啊!應該是會到52集,也就是會播到春節的那個禮拜就完結篇了,超~~不捨的
[YT] 又照历史走了。。。最后估计只剩赵云,诸葛亮(难怪赵云留守许昌阵营,亮还在黄家)。然后修回来把刘备干掉。但是已经太晚了,三国鼎立已成局。
[YT] 我看到晕~~~
[YT] 死人團長真是的 -.- 有了雄哥還把妹 xD
[YT] 关羽也是不翼而飞了。。。。wtf
[YT] 哈哈!阿公真可爱!身材真好!
[YT] i think that is liu bei not xiu
this is what i think liu bei saw xiu , and heard what xiu and cao cao said, xiu being stronger then liu bei sort of hurt liu bei, then liu bei when back a told a different story…
san di did you forget that xiu and liu bei is not the same person and is just a fen sheng… you have the secret sign between xiu and yourself and you can find out who is the real xiu…
[YT] 下一集好悲傷的FU
[YT] i think that is liu bei not xiu…
[YT] 對阿 醬怪怪的
[YT] 那個不是脩吧
[YT] 最後一塊拼圖,,是霹靂mit嗎^^?
[YT] 越来越亂了!
[YT] 哇靠 下一集緊張哦 張飛不翼而飛了?zzz
can”t waiting ne xt ep
[YT] next episode so sad
[YT] 孫策是鐵時空的人, 那他就不可能是夏天的分身啦~
[YT] they here have H2N2
si ren scared until like that then ah gong say is fake hahaha
[YT] 是了啊 劉備來的!
[YT] omg why did liu bei come back? ah xiang so poor thing, she has so many troubles and xiu is not there to help her.
[YT] 預告:張飛口中[不用聽他的話對不對],我覺得那個他有可能是真劉備,而他後面說[我對不起你]那個你應該是關羽,因為三國中是關羽先死後,張飛才被兩個部下殺害,而你注意預告殺張飛的人,確實是兩個人,完全照三國走!
[YT] 下一集好像又跟三國走了,劉備那方剩下劉備、雲、超、忠和Mr.諸葛。
[YT] @taffilicious there not twins reality, they just used computer, theyre the same person
[YT] ahhh. den th eldest son is he frm tie shi kong oso?! :O!
[YT] 可是孙策死了。。。
[YT] 他是阿香的帅哥师父
[YT] 他是阿香的帅哥师父
[YT] so they’re twins..
and their sons look exactly the same too?LOL
[YT] 張飛的頭被玻璃打到。。。希望他是沒事。。。
[YT] 哈哈, i thought is still gonna be 黄忠and 马超, but 关于 and 赵云 hahah
[YT] 阿公超可爱的~<3
哈哈哈 也太準了吧!!
[YT] 我看不懂预告啦==
[YT] 原來是這樣….
[YT] Omg!!! Next episdoe gonna be interesting!!!
But i think will be very sad…
Fei bu yi er fei le?
[YT] 把脩還來!!!!
[YT] H2N2 lol funny sia
[YT] 各位入戲太深= =
[YT] 0:27 阿公 丑不拉机包死无疑大病毒
vs 陈宝茱 “丑不拉机香菇头
[YT] he obviously not xiu,
if is xiu, he definitely wont remove the ring de. is because he has to keep the timing track. So sad…;[
[YT] 其實我有個疑問,既然孫堅叫葉赫那啦 思緹,那孫策叫做葉赫那啦 策?阿香叫做葉赫那啦 尚香??
[YT] OMG ah xiang looks so cute! so ah xiang is actually from ye ke na la jia zu? then she and xiu can be together!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!
[YT] 如果葉思緹不回去,就會有困難囉!
[YT] 脩也會。。。。因為劉備是很油腔滑調的
[YT] 更要命的是,孫策和夏天這對堂兄弟長得一模一樣。。。
[YT] 好像还有两集。。。
[YT] Ah xiang is tie shi kong de ren!
Haha!!! Cool!
Can stay together with Xiu le!!!
Didnt expect this!
[YT] 跟昭烈說話的,應該就是真劉備,在2:00時他看到阿香時的藐視咀臉…..真的很想揍他
[YT] =.=太乱了,好乱水哦,做么张飞会哭的==
[YT] 大喬啥時候會出現啦!
[YT] LOL . the ahgong kena threaten : . hahah
[YT] lol! i love this ep man!!!! wooooo
[YT] i think both timing, is not xiu
[YT] 希望吧。。。可能叫终极四大天王,哈哈
[YT] @peichun51 摁摁 應該是
[YT] no in reality he’s one person
[YT] 牌子好像之前真的是曹家的==難道要結局了?
[YT] @ying0128 跟”絕交”意思一樣
[YT] 我想問問,什麼是切八段?
[YT] 絕對是真的劉備啦..= =
[YT] 好讓人驚訝的梗喔~~
[YT] are they really twins in reality ?
[YT] 7.25是真劉備 7.50是修 個人感覺
[YT] Wtfck lah . Sure is LiuBei not Xiu lor . Xiu wont like tat de . Why Xiu dint call Ahxiang): Make me cried a little sia .
Xiu ~
[YT] 阿公超強
[YT] 林北實在有夠雖-.-
[YT] 孫權跟阿香在講話時後面的那塊牌子好像原本是”曹”也~~
[YT] 不想再等了现在就想看下一集!!!!!
[YT] 要完結篇了嗎?
[YT] huh???? Y always make it so mysterious?? Head very big!
[YT] 越来越亂了!
[YT] 5:00
[YT] 请看51集予告中他的眼神…不会有假的!!他100%是修
[YT] i also think that is liu bei not xiu
[YT] Y is it so messy?Y that Liu Bei cant just folo Xius instruction!?Y Yu n Fei die?Y Fei dont noe thats NOT XIU!?Y Xiu never call Ah Xiang?This n the last episode messed me up.Wats going on?XIU,TELL ME STH!!!
[YT] 脩的演技進步很多
[YT] 阿公好可爱哦!!!
[YT] that is not xiu lah
[YT] oh no WTF happened to zhang fei???
[YT] YES!Xiu Xiang can be 2gether 4ever now!But,im all mixed up :S y suddenly si ren got twin?Then….AHHHH!!!
[YT] 真劉備一定回來了
[YT] 應該不是脩啦 ,是劉備吧
[YT] ah xiangg <3
[YT] If like tat means ah xiang is 铁时空 的人 吧 cause de 孙坚 only say 孙权 is nt his 亲生儿子 wahh like tat 修 cn be wif 阿香了
[YT] 说的对!!
[YT] hahah “because there’s H2N2 here”
lol the flashback benji looks so funny
[YT] Yay~~~ta men quan bu lai le~~~Chou Sun Jian,how u get Sun Quan?!How Sun Quan come here!@?
[YT] 毫无疑问,真的刘备回来了。只是他是什么时候回来的?应该是阿香看到那个戒指放到桌子上的时候。不过后来真刘备的一些举动还蛮像修的。
[YT] 孫權其實是很疼妹妹的 ~
[YT] 一定一定!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] What is happening anyway
[YT] I don’t think fie is dead maybe he just fainted
[YT] yes da dong is ye si ren son, but neither me know how it go with da dong and sun ce
[YT] i think xiang noe its fake liu bei and instead of th real 1
[YT] Woah!Xia Tian ah gong,hao jiu bu jian~~~~Si ren,yuan lai ni he Xia Tian Ah Gong ye you mei ren zhi dao de mi mi?Hoho…Xiong Ge,poor u.Whos….Sun Jian?He belongs 2 TSK,but WHO?Ah Gong son????
[YT] 修到底在哪哩?! = =
[YT] 超級好看的一套戲劇
希望會有第四系列 吧
[YT] 我也覺得一定又是壞劉備搞的鬼…
沒有出現就代表 壞劉備又把他trap住了~”~
[YT] I think that is liu bei not Xiu…
[YT] haha omg so funny how ah gong is inside
[YT] H2N2
[YT] so CUTE !!!!
[YT] -.-….亂湊~銀時空的危機這樣來…讓我傻眼了~關羽張飛一定不會死=_=…
[YT] lol
[YT] so funny!haha!
[YT] 这什么剧情啊? 乱七八糟的
[YT] 所以阿香是鐵時空的人囉 就可以跟脩在一起了!!!
[YT] 考他数学题就考出来啦~
[YT] 我觉得这套戏里面的人会人格分裂,尤其是死人团长
[YT] 真刘备换回来了吧
[YT] 是耶
夏天跟孙策既然一摸一样可是事实上却是表兄弟!演的太假了吧 =.=
[YT] this is what i think happened: Xiu met liu bei accidently after or b4 cao cao, and then liu bei tricked xiu again, trapping him prob somewhere. OR…xiu just went back. AND now next week liu bei traps and/or tricks zhang fei too and then acts like hes dead, but when actually hes not, trapped with liu bei somewhere. THats what i think/hope
[YT] WHAT?! ZHANG FEI DEAD?! ALREADY?! NO NO NO NO NO!!! noo he was probably assassinated by his subordinates as shown, probably even by liu bei! NO!
[YT] 越看劇情越亂
[YT] alright that is without no doubt real liu bei, but xiu is at the yi zhou school place. And you can tell liu bei doesn’t know whats happening at all but hes trying to go along with it to look normal since he knows xiu has been taking his place. Uh oh liu bei’s planning something evil.
[YT] where the hell is 6/7 ?!!!
[YT] LOL the wife hahahaha zhong lol!!! Wait…so…the old general pretended to be sun jian’s father? and then wow xiong feng used to be so cool lol. and haha so i see how it is so ah xiang is tie shi kong and so she CAN end up with xiu.
[YT] 覺得怪怪的 他是很的劉備嗎
如果是那脩呢 他捨的離開香嗎
[YT] Whoaa they’re twins?? What a twist! WOw! wow i like this how they’re getting into dimension stuff instead of politics and stuff. Haha the baby scene lol!
[YT] how come jiro is his own cousin now……
[YT] i still don’t get what’s going on.
[YT] 真快~~謝嚕
[YT] woot all the ppl i wanna see are showing up!
[YT] LOL ah gong said, “Why’d the script have to write it this way? SO complicated!” haha!
[YT] what happened to xiu la?! he seems to be more to the real liu bei..
and i certainly cant wait for the next episode! why zhang fei die?!
[YT] yay ko 3anguo finally reach the holy ep 50! yay!!!
[YT] 阿香是鐵時空的人, 那麼她和修就可以在一起了耶. 太好了 ~
[YT] hes been there since like ep 30
[YT] 这剧情真虐。。
[YT] 刘备真的回来了。那脩为什么会离开?如果离开了,那买可乐回去的应该就是刘备了。可是脩怎么可以把戒指取下来?
[YT] 奶瓶是什么啊?
[YT] 阿公真的是太可爱了 lol….
[YT] 那個是真的劉備,不是脩
[YT] 雙胞胎兄弟的女兒也太大分別了吧…
阿香 vs 夏美 -_-
[YT] 看来下集要流眼泪了!!!
[YT] 奇怪下流阿公怎么会在这里????
[YT] cnt wait for nxt ep ………..
[YT] if they are all a happy family, then how is da dong’s alternate identity sun ce? are they twins or something? i didnt watch x family completely so im not sure if da dong is ye si ren’s real son
[YT] 愈來愈精彩真的不想等啊
[YT] 這個一定是劉備@@!!!
[YT] cant wait!!
[YT] 孫堅跟死人團長的一模一樣阿
[YT] 阿香超卡哇依xdd
[YT] YAY! 死人团长!
[YT] 非常谢谢你!:D No words can express my gratitude. Hahaha 😀
[YT] 3/7 doesn’t work.
[YT] no part 3?
[YT] 好快哦 謝謝:D
[YT] 1st!!!
[YT] hahas…lol.
[YT] same i was waiting also, its been 2 hours liao