Love Alishan Episode 30

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12 thoughts on “Love Alishan Episode 30

  1. no words to describe this drama…
    its not a totally happy ending but touching though and also shows life is really unstable…
    however…i see the msg from the drama: it is all because of the governments at that time causes these to happen and this might be just a little story of three families…
    really. citizens are fragile like ants. an order from the top can step us into pieces 🙁

  2. 真讓女人給他提行李啊?  —- 完全的不合理。

    編劇根本是且戰且走,  完全沒有章法。  而且對背景很不負責, 功課做得不夠。

    奮起湖便當是真有這東西, 是個道道地地的臺灣老阿伯創的, 人還在; 編劇這樣隨便亂講, 很不厚道。  講成是個爛老芋頭弄的, 真是糟蹋人!! 

    還有, 下了戲後,梁正群應該去唸國語正音班, 已經不帥不會演了, 口條還那麼爛。   靠老爸很難混一輩子的。 —這是誠懇的建議。

    • 這齣劇是很多缺點沒錯, 但是奮起湖便當不管是誰開的, 請問你為什麼罵人”爛老芋頭”? 你的意識形態這麼重, 完全顯示你是一個沒文化的人.

      • 對不起如果引起你誤會。

        說他 “爛老芋頭”  是因為 梁正群這個角色本身就是個爛人, 而他正好又是  “老芋頭”。

        “老芋頭” 不是個罵人的話喔, 如果你真了解 “芋頭”  和 “蕃薯” 的背景、出處的話。

        編劇這樣亂編是該負責的, 對奮起湖便當的原始創作者是個大傷害; 人家明明是個老實的好人,怎麼莫名其妙地被影射成一個拋家棄子的爛人呢?

        梁正群如果沒那個導演老爸, 我不認為他有演戲的機會。  臺灣有多少比他帥比他會演的人正排著隊想進演藝圈啊。

  3. well, Li still didn’t find out that Ba Su Ya is his biological son according to what the mother said why she abandoned him in the train station….

    • they opened many new store lines, but didnt try to finish them….

      like what happen to Ba Su Ya’s mom and his adoptive mother???  didnt mention them at all…and i thought the adoptive mother was fall in love with Li…

    • no Li isn’t the father.

      Ba Su Ya’s mom told his adoptive mother that, after Li rejected her, she run off the station and told her ex-fiance she doesn’t ever want to see him again, then went away on her own, met a guy, got pregnant, then they guy disappears, she can’t support herself and a kid, so she thought if she abandon Ba Su Ya on the train, Li will take care of him. 

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