Love Keeps Going Episode 05

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138 thoughts on “Love Keeps Going Episode 05

    • continuation…. it seems like she could not exercise her facial muscles. even the tone of her voice can’t show anger…always gentle. well, anyway, her role here fits her to a T, perfect for her.

    • one flaw…. maybe she is so familiar with yifeng’s phone and know about speed dialing. she has pressed the number intentionally to let meile hear their conversation so meile will be the one to cancel the wedding since yifeng could not tell meile about their relationship.

  1. 很喜歡那個住在美樂隔壁房的阿媽,  三種不同聲調斥責以烈的話, 很自然的演出口音, 由輕而重, 很專業ㄝ, 內陸版的變成國語配音, 完全走樣….

  2. 哈哈哈哈哈。。。。。当以列打给美乐出车祸那天,她的iphone 显示12月4日, 但又说后天他们要结婚,怎么会是28号呢?

    • yeah, like a version. meile and sonia sui’s character in fierce wife almost the same…. they worship the grounds their men walk on, they do  everything they can for their men. that’s the only similarity. here, yilieh severely sermoned the xiaosan(the other woman) while in fierce wife, the exbf of the mistress only give advice.

    • yeah. that’s why i love yi lieh’s character here. reminds me of daomingse in METEOR GARDEN wherein daomingse told off the women who were interested in him to back off( he threw the cakes they gave him on the floor) because he was so loyal and devoted to only 1 woman. yi lieh has the same trait!

  3. yi feng is so greedy!!! He loves the bitch now, but still wants mei le to stay with him to serve n solve his problem for him. wtf!!! Yi feng’s mother so selfish aswell. I don’t understand why meile don’t spite out what yi feng done to her in front of his mum??!!

  4. is it just me or did xuan xuan get uglier? no, i know now. its because of what a bitch she is, her face gets uglier just like her person.

  5. 第六集文字预告】面包店裏少了美乐,一切都好像乱了秩序似的,瑄瑄藉机讨好奉承著韩母,美乐来到面包店裏,看到众人反应才发觉原来以风并没有告知大家实情,以风苦苦哀求美乐留下,没想到瑄瑄却跳了出来对众人喊话,说明自己和以风是真心相爱的,请大家成全!以风和瑄瑄的地下情正式浮出台面。以烈明明是为美乐抱不平,却还是口不留情的教训批评起美乐的没有原则、讨好别人,而以烈的话竟令美乐毫无反驳的余地,以烈挣扎的看著她,只能静静的陪在她身边,最后两人达成协定,只要以烈在那卡西餐厅上台高歌一曲,美乐就会亲手为他做白吐司。以烈送美乐回家后,看到美乐有些乾裂泛白的嘴唇,以烈拿出之前买的护唇膏送给美乐,并细心的替美乐涂抹著,两人的超近距离让以烈失了神倾身吻向美乐的唇,美乐用力推开他,以烈只好用轻浮的态度掩饰自己受伤的感觉。情绪慌乱的两人,以烈懊悔著自己的一时冲动,美乐更是烦躁到无法入眠。翌日,美乐还是依约定前来做吐司,两人见面不免一阵尴尬,很快的两人又恢复以前斗嘴的习惯,边做吐司边玩了起来,后来美乐想将以风送的婚戒还给他,两人约见面,她总算弄清楚自己被抛弃的原因,能干有用向来是自己的强项,如今居然成了被抛弃的理由,美乐离开后,瑄瑄竟然追了上来恶狠狠的羞辱了她一番,想起以前鼓励瑄瑄追求爱情的画面,美乐简直气到极点!以烈趁机以那近乎恶魔诱惑的声音语调说服美乐报复,报复的最好办法就是让自己活得更好!以烈找来名设计师帮美乐彻底改造一番,被名师打扮过后的美乐,如脱胎换骨一般,整个人不同了!王姨看不惯瑄瑄在店裏作威作福的模样,更看不下去以风对瑄瑄唯命是从,累积的不满终於爆发,就在双方吵的不可开交时,脱胎换骨的美乐来到面包店,拿著当初以烈注册的商标权,不但顺利要回面包店三分之二的股权,也保住了王姨的饭碗,以烈更以美乐护花使者的身分出现,以风和瑄瑄对这一切完全无法置信!

  6. 第六集文字预告】面包店裏少了美乐,一切都好像乱了秩序似的,瑄瑄藉机讨好奉承著韩母,美乐来到面包店裏,看到众人反应才发觉原来以风并没有告知大家实情,以风苦苦哀求美乐留下,没想到瑄瑄却跳了出来对众人喊话,说明自己和以风是真心相爱的,请大家成全!以风和瑄瑄的地下情正式浮出台面。以烈明明是为美乐抱不平,却还是口不留情的教训批评起美乐的没有原则、讨好别人,而以烈的话竟令美乐毫无反驳的余地,以烈挣扎的看著她,只能静静的陪在她身边,最后两人达成协定,只要以烈在那卡西餐厅上台高歌一曲,美乐就会亲手为他做白吐司。以烈送美乐回家后,看到美乐有些乾裂泛白的嘴唇,以烈拿出之前买的护唇膏送给美乐,并细心的替美乐涂抹著,两人的超近距离让以烈失了神倾身吻向美乐的唇,美乐用力推开他,以烈只好用轻浮的态度掩饰自己受伤的感觉。情绪慌乱的两人,以烈懊悔著自己的一时冲动,美乐更是烦躁到无法入眠。翌日,美乐还是依约定前来做吐司,两人见面不免一阵尴尬,很快的两人又恢复以前斗嘴的习惯,边做吐司边玩了起来,后来美乐想将以风送的婚戒还给他,两人约见面,她总算弄清楚自己被抛弃的原因,能干有用向来是自己的强项,如今居然成了被抛弃的理由,美乐离开后,瑄瑄竟然追了上来恶狠狠的羞辱了她一番,想起以前鼓励瑄瑄追求爱情的画面,美乐简直气到极点!以烈趁机以那近乎恶魔诱惑的声音语调说服美乐报复,报复的最好办法就是让自己活得更好!以烈找来名设计师帮美乐彻底改造一番,被名师打扮过后的美乐,如脱胎换骨一般,整个人不同了!王姨看不惯瑄瑄在店裏作威作福的模样,更看不下去以风对瑄瑄唯命是从,累积的不满终於爆发,就在双方吵的不可开交时,脱胎换骨的美乐来到面包店,拿著当初以烈注册的商标权,不但顺利要回面包店三分之二的股权,也保住了王姨的饭碗,以烈更以美乐护花使者的身分出现,以风和瑄瑄对这一切完全无法置信!

  7. 第六集文字预告】面包店裏少了美乐,一切都好像乱了秩序似的,瑄瑄藉机讨好奉承著韩母,美乐来到面包店裏,看到众人反应才发觉原来以风并没有告知大家实情,以风苦苦哀求美乐留下,没想到瑄瑄却跳了出来对众人喊话,说明自己和以风是真心相爱的,请大家成全!以风和瑄瑄的地下情正式浮出台面。以烈明明是为美乐抱不平,却还是口不留情的教训批评起美乐的没有原则、讨好别人,而以烈的话竟令美乐毫无反驳的余地,以烈挣扎的看著她,只能静静的陪在她身边,最后两人达成协定,只要以烈在那卡西餐厅上台高歌一曲,美乐就会亲手为他做白吐司。以烈送美乐回家后,看到美乐有些乾裂泛白的嘴唇,以烈拿出之前买的护唇膏送给美乐,并细心的替美乐涂抹著,两人的超近距离让以烈失了神倾身吻向美乐的唇,美乐用力推开他,以烈只好用轻浮的态度掩饰自己受伤的感觉。情绪慌乱的两人,以烈懊悔著自己的一时冲动,美乐更是烦躁到无法入眠。翌日,美乐还是依约定前来做吐司,两人见面不免一阵尴尬,很快的两人又恢复以前斗嘴的习惯,边做吐司边玩了起来,后来美乐想将以风送的婚戒还给他,两人约见面,她总算弄清楚自己被抛弃的原因,能干有用向来是自己的强项,如今居然成了被抛弃的理由,美乐离开后,瑄瑄竟然追了上来恶狠狠的羞辱了她一番,想起以前鼓励瑄瑄追求爱情的画面,美乐简直气到极点!以烈趁机以那近乎恶魔诱惑的声音语调说服美乐报复,报复的最好办法就是让自己活得更好!以烈找来名设计师帮美乐彻底改造一番,被名师打扮过后的美乐,如脱胎换骨一般,整个人不同了!王姨看不惯瑄瑄在店裏作威作福的模样,更看不下去以风对瑄瑄唯命是从,累积的不满终於爆发,就在双方吵的不可开交时,脱胎换骨的美乐来到面包店,拿著当初以烈注册的商标权,不但顺利要回面包店三分之二的股权,也保住了王姨的饭碗,以烈更以美乐护花使者的身分出现,以风和瑄瑄对这一切完全无法置信!

  8. The way she TALKS, they way she ACTS, the sound of her VOICE, her ugly fake HAIR, her fake owl EYES, EVERYTHING about 瑄瑄 makes me sick! Not only her looks are disgusting, this girl cannot act! 

      • it just shows that women in general HATE xiaosan(other women). we frown on them. we tend to blame them rather than the men because they have the WILL to turn the men down or accept the men’s love.they can leave orr stay because the men love to have BOTH of them(selfish).one to spend their lust on and one to make a family want to have their cake and eat it too.

  9. i kept watching ep 5 again and again…….trying to control myself…..or i  AM GOING CRAZY FOR WAITING EP 6!!!!!!!!

  10. 那不只是吐司而已,妳做的吐司的吐司邊,跟別人做的吐司的吐司邊不一樣,別人做的吐司的吐司邊,沒有那種嚼勁,每當我靈感阻塞、編曲不順的時候,只要吃到妳做的吐司的吐司邊,立刻就會通暢,對我來說那絕對不是普通的吐司的吐司邊,他甚至嚴重到會影響到我的事業,所以你絕對不能放棄,即使你不跟我哥結婚也沒關係,只要妳肯繼續做吐司,讓我能夠吃到吐司……….

  11. 以風這種不負責任只會逃避的心態真要不得!這種男人真的不值得依靠終生!反之以烈雖然口是心非,刀子嘴豆腐心,做事雖然粗糙,卻很有男人該有的風範跟大器!

  12. iPhone是熱感的啊,物件就算撞到也按不到,屋裡只有兩個人,不是自己按的,會是誰咧?

    笨!韓以風一想就應該想到是那個瑄瑄耍心機啊= =!

  13. Yifeng is such a pussy! He can’t run his life without Meile’s help and he wants to take care of that bitch for the rest of his life?? Wtf was he talking about! He couldn’t even deal with his failed wedding. LOL good luck to him man. 

  14. lol on the cringe worthy but I think mike’s acting is fine, he only gets good handsome prince charming parts b/c he is prince charming but if you want him to be the whatever boy next door or amiable guy, it totally kills the mood

  15.  haha the bread’s bread sides rhyme made me laugh so much mike’s still gotta it , luv it when cute guys say so much XD like prince into frog ming dao XD

  16. SERIOUSLY CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ESP to be OUTTTT! so exciting! the next esp seem interesting. cant wait for cyndi and mike to fall in love! SURE SUPER CUTE DE

  17. omg .. I love how yi lie coundnt take his eyes off Mei Le when she was eating ~ it’s so sweet when guys goes head over heels for girls … 

  18. is always cyndi taking initiative i realise. sigh. why the yifeng keeps concerning about xuanxuan even when cyndi is like so much better than her and help him so many!!

  19. Yah amely , her cry is so funny and cute wahahaha!!!!!!!1
    cant wait for another episode of cindy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Lol yeah the Farglory Hotel from “醉後決定愛上你” appears in this drama too. CTV reuses the same shooting locations drama after drama; if you watch enough of their dramas, you’ll catch on.

    Xuan Xuan…SMH. What I wasn’t looking forward to in this drama’s plot…the whole 小三 thing from “犀利人妻”. Really annoying and kills the feel of the drama. And Yi Feng is so naive that it’s laughable.

    Regardless, I wanted to commend Cyndi on her improvement in acting. She’s really stepped up since the cringe worthy “桃花小妹”. And Mike…eh, kinda feels like his acting is all the same now; he plays too many of the same characters. I think the fact that this drama aired right after “幸福最晴天” adds to  the monotony too. Mike’s super handsome as always, but I hope to see a change in his acting in future works.

    • hualien is pretty~ farglory is pretty~ looking at the pacific ocean from the room is just … pretttyyyyyy~~~ everything’s pretty there ~

  21. Lol if you really hate her so much it means she done her job really well. I know you hate her role in this drama but shes different in real life so chill 😀

    • I h8t the bitch and yifeng TTVM! But anw, dhey make th drama exciting dunt dhey? Thnks alot xuanxuan for being such a bitch and letting Meile and Yilie be tgt ! <3  

  22. ugh im more mad at yi feng than xuan xuan too. he obviously doesnt really love mei le if he cant even handle a little seduction. i HATE guys like that & the guy in “fierce wife“ too. they never realize what they have until its gone.

  23. my goodness, I wanna slap yi feng so badly.  Everyone’s hating on xuan xuan, and although I agree, honestly yi feng is such an idiot! if it were me, i think i’d be more mad at yi feng than xuan xuan.  a girl has the right to fight for whom/what she wants, and of course xuan xuan is an arse for planning such a terrible thing on mei le, but yi feng had so many times when he could’ve stopped it, or told mei le.  SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN THE END?! This is why i hate indecisive guys. *end of spamming lol*

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