Material Queen Episode 03

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56 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 03

  1. 劇組人員其實很用心,像這集出現的幾位貴婦都是真的貴婦。是的,他們找來真的貴婦來演貴婦,她們手中拿的包包也都是自己的,那是貨真價實的愛瑪仕。

  2. 為什麼女主角不找隋唐來演? 她也是名模呀, 絕對撐得起這些華衣美服, 看她在金曲獎那身打扮簡直是美呆了! 而且, 說樣貌, 她也不輸熊小姐; 論演技, 更是技高一籌!

    • 因为隋棠只有两种演法:一种是高贵气质,一种是智商低的傻冒女。林楚曼需要的是一时精明一时温柔,跟隋棠不搭。Lynn演得很好啦!!

  3. I feel like this drama’s gonna drag in the middle or near the end
    because the beginning is so fast and exciting and wonderful and so
    vulnerable to failure of living up to its potential in the future

    • I agree. The first two episodes were really great, or maybe because it was filmed in Paris. But nonetheless I’m looking forward to the next episode. I like the 2 main lead’s interaction, but the camera keep focusing on someone else…

  4. I feel like this drama’s gonna drag in the middle or near the end because the beginning is so fast and exciting and wonderful and so vulnerable to failure to live up to its potential in the beginning

    • 哈哈~ 真的! 她彎身的時候是真的好壯觀喔~ 這簡直為香港俗話的 “倒奶” 做了最佳示範!

  5. 很久没这么喜欢的偶像剧啦。角色很贴现代社会,演员和客串阵容很赞,又好笑剧情又好看!! 希望后面别拖戏把整部戏拖垮了。期待下一集啊

  6. 這套片越來越好看, 很喜歡吳建豪, 他真的演得很好.繼續支持這部片吧, 不耍太早可判斷!!這些小人物故事太心八人心吧! Bravo!! Way to go!

  7. 原来是patricia做stylist,怪不得搭配得这么有质感,她很注重details耶,就连Vaness平民的打扮也很cool耶,PS陈晓东拍掌的那个动作好像在以前他那首《XX游戏》里看过,不记得歌名lol

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