Material Queen Episode 10

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Tipster Rednimer

74 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 10

  1. Yan Kai Ming was just jealous of Jia Hao! He gave Chu Man last chance, and she took it for granted! Did your see how disappointed he was? “Next time I fall in love with another women, I’m a moron”, that showed how disappointed he was with Chu Man and “love”. 

  2. how come she couldn’t open the door despite yanking it so hard multiple times…but once the door bell rang, they opened it so easily from the inside?…panic?

  3. PETER...................嗚.....我哭了拉...................

  4. 陳曉東眼得不錯咧…很抑揚頓挫…蔡家豪就知道用吼的@@8220febe79a3b16e16374d7c606e0f6e:disqus peter出現真的讓人想哭….

  5. 我就知道林楚曼沒那麼爛。上集她和尤金的預告讓人誤想。還有那場大哭戲,本來我是看著沒什麼感覺,彼得一出場就好想哭,他能拿最佳男配角啦!


  6. 教授好可愛:)) (EP10,PART2最後面幾分)
    助理:先穿上你的衣服吧=0= (遮眼)

    • 附出真心...有錢..專一...但給不到一個女人真正需要的!在那女人最寂寞最需要人在身邊的時候...那個男的總不在身邊......這真的是很好嗎T_T

  7. 劇情真有點匪夷所思 有必要為了測試一個未知數去得罪尤金大師嘛? 把新聞鬧那麼大 新聞記者除了找這三心二意的女人 難道不會去找尤金? 可以糟蹋這女人的一切 不同時也把尤金的面子往下拉嘛??
    尤金可以有他個人說詞 但背地裡不會去質疑嚴凱明的動機? 不過 真的很討厭雄帶林這個角色

  8. I suddenly wan the Yan kai Ming and chu man together la haha… Yan kai ming really put down alot of his pride for chu man….

    • 犯賤你X吖,到底看不看得懂吖!林楚曼是為了幫 蔡家豪才變成這樣的,看你個X樣就知道你也是個拜金的無情女人

    • He is just jealous of Jia Hao! He gave Chu Man last chance, and she took it for granted! Didn’t you see how disappointed he was? “Next time I fall in love with another women, I’m a moron”, that showed how disappointed he was with Chu Man and “love”. 

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