Material Queen Episode 21

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74 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 21

  1. I don’t think Chuman will ever go back to that old man. Even if she does; it’s only temporary, for the sake of Justin! Correct me if I’m wrong, Thank you!

    • perhaps she has got no choice but to leave Jia Hao cos’ she hasn’t got a dime to pay for her medical bills!  (bame it on Gentucky!!!!!) 🙁

  2. SOOOOOOOOOO i am guessing Gentucky’s related to Justin. since from the beginning he gave Justin a chance to study Violin and all along he has been there- “looking after Justin” and taking note of “chuman”. sooo i guess its gna be a great endingg Chuman gets back with Justin and also gets Gentucky’s will. such a gooodd dramaaaaaa

  3. 原本想是在拖戲(以為上一集就在一起然後肯先生會跳出來說一切都是他設計的),


    • 这本来就是反应现实的一部剧,在一起以后的生活也是现实的一部分。在一起后的困难才是最难解决的问题,应该让大家看到。
      越来越有美剧的走向了,喜欢!! 继续支持。

  4. I really like Justin’s look now, it’s much better than the other one.  I ‘m thinking about the same thing whereas the old man’s wife maybe related to Justin?It’s getting very mysterious!! Why the old man did not mention that he assisted Justin to finish off his studies? By the way, anybody read the book, who knows about this story??? 

  5. This drama should have stopped at ep.20. but now the way they’re dragging it….i’m having second thoughs of buying the complete episodes!! 

  6. This is getting boring . I pretty much could guess what’s happening next. Chu man will choose that a fluggy hairless guy, then something would happen in between and probably they will get together again. Director, please re-fresh you need to think of more creative plots, this is outdated I swear -,- . Thanks.

  7. A lasting relationship is not easy, it needs both parties to commit to the same goal. If either one backs off or loses focus, then it goes..

  8. truly, it’s your fault. one shouldn’t agree to a marriage and then back out later! one has to think HARD before deciding and once decided, must fully stick to it. she wasn’t coerced/blackmailed  into the marriage. he gave  her enough time to decide. she was temporarily BLINDED by what the marriage might give her…wealth and status. this gives us insight into human’s weakness that making mistakes can’t be avoided.

    • I don’t know if it’s neccessarily blinded by wealth and status. Even though she would get it, she never really got it with the old man. The reason why she agreed was really because she felt like she was sorta forced into it. In a way, it’s like giving up on jia hao and on the prospect of what love can give her because love has hurt her so much.

  9. PART 2:

    Gentucky: “我只是想完成小菲的心願而已”, look at bracelet, WANT TO EAT IT, suddenly realize it’s not edible, then rub bracelet on his chest. LOL

  10. It breaks my heart to see 楚曼 put all that energy into helping her love.. By auctioning her stuff… While 嘉豪 has like this watch on his hand.. And doesn’t even plan on selling it. >.<

  11. Noooooooooooooooo I don’t want it to end this ism so sad 🙁 I hope they’re gonna be together
    The Preview is so scary !!!! I hope chuman choose vaness 🙁 fcuk that old man he can go die !!!!!!!!!!

    • He can jolly well contribute his time & $$$ to the less fortunate rather than to manipulate these two ‘Love Birds’ (Chuman & Justin)….Gosh!!! ;-(

    • i think otherwise. why then would he order them “FROZEN” (chuman and justin can’t find work in their career) isn’t that going too far if he was only testing then?

    • the mere fact that chuman didn’t marry GenDeJi proves that she wasn’t that materialistic. he could have only “FROZEN” justin and not her so she can find work to support him. if she were materialistic , she would DUMP justin for not contributing to the couple’s fund. gendeji’s way of testing them is too cruel, i think!

      • That old fellow has too much of a free time & $$$, why can’t he just ‘RIP’ (rest in peace) and be gone FOREVER! This drama is dragging too long, I’m having second thought of buying the whole DVD!!

    • one more thing, if kendeji is really testing them, it might have a reverse effect! because even the sweetest couples once they BICKER over MONEY PROBLEMS will lead to separation/divorce. if one is in dire need of money(jusstin has to pay millions in damages), chuman MIGHT GO BACK to her former ways and become a “money-worshipping” girl. then what is the use of the “TEST”?

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