Meteor Garden Episode 07

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229 thoughts on “Meteor Garden Episode 07

  1. I like Shan Cai, and I think she’s really strong and awesome, but it’s sort of her fault she went to dance with the people who used to bully her and then got totally drunk

  2. [YT] I bet Shancai will do anything to see him dance like that 😛 She will tease him for life!

    I love how she said that she doesn’t care about what others think of her as long as he believes her. She has totally fallen for him!

  3. [YT] Qinghe is so adorable! If F4 wasn’t around, I am sure he would have confessed to her already and if he did, the two would have ended up together 🙂 He is so adorkable (his character)!

    Hopefully the foreigner was really not part of the plan. If he isn’t, he’s going to be useful when Daoming finds out what happens when he sees the pictures T.T Shancai is way too gullible to the point where she is stupid when it comes to trusting her “friends”.

  4. [YT] I thought Shancai was smarter than this T.T

    The girls are obviously going to use their own ways to mess her up. I’m sure that she notices that they are only friendly towards her to get what they want. Drinking games are stupid and the two of them (her and her friend) has the right to excuse themselves if they don’t want to play.

  5. [YT] Whahahah OMG I LOOOOOVE his French! I didn’t get a word of it (even with translations), but I thought it was just so funny^^

  6. [YT] dao ming si and san cai look gud together than lei and san cai they look gud together though,but i prefer si and san cai. Too bad they did’nt dated in real life si and san cai:(

  7. [YT] hey!..wat do those, ugly dreSsed bitches,.planNing to do, by making freNds with shancia..l.o.l!
    they’ve been cruel to her,.da last time,.still she wants to be with them???
    anyways i love meazuo’s voice..heheheh..

  8. [YT] How could one girl be so stupid? Can’t believe I even asked that rhetorical question >.> Shancai is all tough but at the same time not really, she falls for the traps over and over again

  9. [YT] What amazes me is that neither of these girls just leave. D: It’s so obvious the snobby pair are trying to screw them over. I begin to think Shancai is kind of dumb, to be fooled by the same people over and over..

  10. [YT] He speaks all the languages I speak ^-^ OMG How cute, he attended a school in Switzerland, where I live. *so happy* xD sorry…
    Waaa~ He’s SO HOT!!! I SO LOVE that dance!!! xDDD

  11. [YT] Yes, but it wasn’t like Shancai did anything bad with that guy, or at least she didn’t mean for it to happen. She only got drunk and that Italian guy helped her to a hotel. That’s why you shouldn’t drink too much or you’ll get drunk, and then who knows what will happen. People who go to bars are already bad enough. We still don’t know if that Italian guy really didn’t do anything bad, though.

  12. [YT] Why do you feel bad for her friend? Her friend is trying for Daoming Shi to give up Shancai and have him all to herself! I think she put up those pictures of Shancai with the Italian.

  13. [YT] lizhen’s sudden proclamation to dms is so.. RANDOM! like its not like hes ever talked or have interactions with her.. when the hell did she suddenly like him that way?

  14. [YT] LOL…
    it lasted till morning…
    the whole night??
    the staircase…..LOL

  15. [YT] wow! i was born in china and also i lived there for 10 years AND my cousin is in a all privet people school right now.
    and people who are rich get away with things like murdering.
    YOU on the other case don’t know anything so don’t pretend YOU do…我想你是中国人吧?
    我只到中国没有这样的学校可是有很多学校都是要买进的!!!some people who didn’t do a good job on the test the bought their way in to schools……

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