Meteor Garden Episode 12

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216 thoughts on “Meteor Garden Episode 12

  1. [YT] Shancai always messes up every relationship shes been in.. she’s dumb as hell, A Si needs to leave her again for her to realize her true feelings..AGAIN

  2. [YT] Omg that was bloody adorable at the end!

    Why can’t they both just let go of the angst they have and just get together because Shancai COULD be happy with Daoming Si and Daoming Si will only be happy if he has Shancai. Plus he wants to make her happy and in previous episodes he’s proved he can be romantic and nurturing :]

  3. [YT] hahahah. shancai’s exprexon when si and the kid said “shut up, dont interfere when men fight!” was like whoa these 2 are the same.xD hahahah.
    i like that part.xD lol. cute.xD

  4. [YT] Okay he freakin flew back to her instead of going to the states and now hes confessing his love for her again.. what more does she need? She needs to tell him how she feels for REAL. Ugh!

  5. [YT] Again? Is she really just THAT rape-able?

    Good thing that guy was man enough not to walk away from that disgusting scene.

    The idiots of this world. =(

  6. [YT] why can’t she appreciate daoming si’s help? she knows that he loves her, and that he’s possessive, then why does she keep sticking to other guys?

  7. [YT] Why can’t shan cai love dai ming si whole heartedly ?? if only i had such a awesome guy falling in love with me … She really doesn’t know how to treasure her luck

  8. [YT] i hate this part…kainis yung lalaki…kainis…kainis minsan si shancai …bat di nya na approciate ang love na binibigay ni daoming si sa kanya…grrrrrrrrrrr…kainis yung lalaki na yan…

  9. [YT] everybody has their own opinion ryte?
    korean is better because its started on 2009..while taiwan is on 2001..~
    well lyk that than we cant compare ryte?but..i think korean f4 is better than taiwan..
    but shan cai is better than geum jandi(korean)..~~
    thats my opinion~
    there is comments in this video bcoz people wanted to show their opinion ryte??~~if u gonna make my comments as a bad comments its ok for me..everyone has their own opinion..zzz ==

  10. [YT] that guy kidnapped sanchai at the end. I remembered that scene, where Si blocked the chair that was to be thrown to san chai, to protect her. 🙂 that was so protective of him. 😀

  11. [YT] haha if i was shan cai and i wasnt in love wif him den i would be in love wif now after wat he just said.. it was so heart wrenching and true.. i din like MG2 cos he forgot all abt her.. it was like he worked so hard to get her den he forgot abt her..

  12. [YT] lolxx..d part where dey say why dont u ask lei..shan cai digs dats gotta hurt.. and i love d em wen dey are drunk and dey go all crazy.. reminds me of MG2 at d office.. haha lei and dms were so protective of her den

  13. [YT] soory bout that f1L0pr1d3…she’s not stupid but is wat you mean like from the granny when she didnt saw that there was a nurse wants granny to go back to mental hosp.

  14. [YT] OMG T_T
    dao ming si is SO cute <3
    i absolutely love him,
    he's so romantic.

    he might be a total man whore but thats what makes him so adorable. he's like a boy stuck in a man's body that's learning to grow up & to love.
    man, im in love with this drama.
    it's amazing.

  15. [YT] ugh i wish i watchted this in the beginnging i say all of it to the end of metro garden 2 and now i have to start over to 1-16 the parts a missed i feel so sad and those 4 guys are HOT,SMEXY,WONDERFUL,ROCKEN BODS AND THE 4 CAN SING OMG WHO DOESNT WANT THAT IDK WHO DOESNT BUT IF OU DONT YOUR CRAZY

  16. [YT] the detail about the younger guy and the incident with the magazine are way too different from the mange I read lol.
    In the manga, the younger guy was a freshman in her school, and he is a damn hot model. The picture they took appear on the cover of a famous magazine, not some lame one like this.

  17. [YT] how can shan cai trust that fortune teller? i liked her determination at the beginning of the show but now…doesn’t she like daomingshi enough to be more determined in liking him, after all that he had done for her?

  18. [YT] *sigh* When will Shancai ever stop believing suspicious people? Obviously the old witch was probably from an insane asylum or something, and she thinks the woman was a “master fortune teller”…ugh.

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