Momo Love Episode 07

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407 thoughts on “Momo Love Episode 07

  1. [YT] 桃花終於有機會面對史朗,說說心理的感受

  2. [YT] Awws… frustrating eh? I feel the same :/ the plot just makes the SL-TH couple look so innocent and slow… I think it’s to drag out the romance so that it won’t end too soon? loll. Smart writers. But at least it’s funnyy to watch too!<3

  3. [YT] gahh!!! shilang!!! what are you doing??? go do something and stop picking on taohua! even boxing zhiqiang would be better than nothing! haiz…no offence but what’s with the plot? is it originally like that in the manga?

  4. [YT] 史朗有點像小孩一樣耶 心智年齡上有點幼稚….明明知道桃花的心意…也知道桃花是被設計的…為什麼還要鬧脾氣..讓自己喜歡的女生這麼痛苦呢? -_-

  5. [YT] ahh so true! like seriously hes the one that couldnt make up his mind, geez after his cousin made such a mess of things he still wanted to see tao hua and now that theres another guy after hes suddenly giving up????!!! really?????

  6. [YT] shilang is such a wimp and coward when it comes to love…so infuriating!
    he is the one that has not confessed he likes taohua too, now he wants to blame tao hua for ‘accepting’ zhiqiang’s kiss??
    actually i tink deep down he know that it is not the case, but it gives him the reason to drag facing his feelings and confessing to tao hua that he likes her. COWARD!

  7. [YT] LOL look at Xiao Mi at around 3.35.
    damn it! why did tao hua agree to the %$*@%#^$&@%$*%^&#&*&#& wedding! I dun like xue zhi qiang but i dun hate calvin lar… cant wait for next episode~~

  8. [YT] shi liang kiss tao hua le !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next episode xue zhi xiang’s father want tao hua to marry xue zhi xiang shi liang gonner be sad again 🙁 i feel very ver sad for shi liang and hate xue zhi xiang’s father

  9. [YT] ShiLang is really a coward when it comes to love. He’s the one who didn’t confess his feelings to TaoHua that’s why the brothers objected to it. She’s not even his gf and yet he’s now he is angry over the incident. He should have seen that TaoHua was being forced to be kissed by Zhi Qiang. The story is a bit weird here.. Is the comic also like this? But nevertheless I still enjoy watching this show.. cos of the 4 bros!

  10. [YT] wahhhhhhhhhh stupid ta hua shi lang kissed her nd now shes agreeing to this *”`)(/&%ç%ç*”+@
    mariage :((( poor shi lang pervert father !!!! nd now i have to wait one more week + autumns concerto nd hi my sweetheart <3

  11. [YT] i think, xue zhi qiang’s dad looks at tao hua’s butt is to see if she cn have many children bah. cause all the shows is like that de mah. big butt = more children?

  12. [YT] nooo.. dun argue again la.. shilang and taohua are meant to be together … :”(
    why xue zhi qiang , i hate you in this show! keep snatching taohua, taohua dun like means dun like la…

  13. [YT] y his brother so cruel..if their want tao hua happy..their must give tao hua n shi lang together…i vry hate hui chi..if shi lang dont love her..dont distrub tao hua n shi lang..calvin too..i hate u damn much..yu yi ur the good brother..<333

  14. [YT] Tags: Momo Love 桃花小妹 偶像劇 idol drama 瑞莎 汪東城 王心凌 黃靖倫 朱孝天 藍鈞天 丁春誠 高以翔辰亦儒 禾宓 林宗仁 宏都拉斯 謝宇威 于美人 陳庭妮 李佳穎 王心如

  15. [YT] 每次志強出現都令人好開心(嗯被哥哥們打的那段例外,我超心疼的),


  16. [YT] for what reason would tao hua agree to this marriage? o.0 (getting confused)

    Now they also did not show shi lang’s tang jie…i kinda hope that she and cheng will be together 😀

  17. [YT] 哈哈~我覺得導演好會順道宣傳其他戲啊!

  18. [YT] calvin is a good actor… but no offense xue zhi qiang is really really really terrible .v.
    u can’t force someone to like you
    the more u force her the more she hates u
    i hate xue zhi qiang .V.
    but i like calvin (:

    support jiro! haha 😀

  19. [YT] What?! Then the brother because of his job then let her sister marry him?! Cannot be. I think the brother would rather quit his job then to let this kind of thing happen to his sister. hahaha 😛

  20. [YT] finally they kissed xD
    yu yi really like hui qi so much huh? haha!

    wth? zhi qiang and tao hua marrying??
    i hope they’re just playing a fool only…roar don like calvin spoilt this! but then his smile really makes me shine my day 😀

  21. [YT] calvin≠薛志強好嗎=  =




  22. [YT] 吼~~~煩!!期碼也讓他們甜蜜個2集再來亂不會噢!!!編劇阿~~你怎嚜照著漫畫一樣那麼快速的勒?!電視就應該要拖一點點嘛~~吼~~真的是~今天才剛哭完是說下禮拜又要哭死了=口=我要準備好一包衛生紙阿~~xDDD

  23. [YT] 為什麼他們不要乾脆什麼都不做任由他們發展呢((?感情本來就是要2個人真心付出的阿~雖然說是在為自己的愛情努力~但是這樣就可以不擇手段((?真正的愛情應該是為對方付出去愛對方而不是強求吧!!薛志強的想法說實在話…無法認同..他這樣只是想霸佔桃花罷了~根本沒想過桃花真正的心情=(

  24. [YT] 看到餘一指桑罵槐諷刺那四個哥哥時

  25. [YT] Shi Lang already knows Tao Hua likes him, yet he doesn’t tell TH his own feelings. And now he’s upset because another guy is fighting for TH. Why doesn’t he just TELL TaoHua he likes her already!

  26. [YT] what?! WHY R THEY GETTING MARRIED?! THEN WUT HAPPEN TO SHI LANG DUN’T TELL ME THAT BITCH HUI QI TAKE HIM AWAY? STUPID CALVIN! HE’S THE ONLY GUY I HATE MOST FROM FAHRENHEIT.. soo ugly voice damn stupid sounds a lot like aaron.. like he stole aaron’s voice or what.. nvm lah.. y and i typing all this anyway? it’s just a show..

  27. [YT] waitin 4 the nxt episode !!
    it look pretty nice when shilang kissed taohua ;D lols~ i was really like IN the drama, i felt sad when shilang & taohua argue, but happy when shilang & taohua are nice 2gether 🙂

  28. [YT] I’m in tears sweet victory when shi lang kissed tao hua *happy tears, but that little bitch that is causing all this with Tao Hua crazy brothers is pissing me off., He don’t want you Crazy bitch . Can’t want for the next ep, ok off to watch Hi My Sweetheart & Autumn’s Concerto:;)

  29. [YT] Totally Agree I love the actors but I just Got Piss Off because shi lang Was Standing right there and saw that kiss was force on her. Please Don’t knock me for saying this. Thanks for posting still love it.

  30. [YT] Momo Love 桃花小妹 偶像劇 idol drama 瑞莎 汪東城 王心凌 黃靖倫 朱孝天 藍鈞天 丁春誠 高以翔辰亦儒 禾宓 林宗仁 宏都拉斯 謝宇威 于美人 陳庭妮 李佳穎 王心如

  31. [YT] Shi Lang is quite useless, never even fight for his love. At least Zhi Qiang, while despicable, at least tried to fight for his love.

    Best is still Yu Yi, looking out for Tao Hua. He’s so funny when he added oil while comforting Tao Hua!

  32. [YT] i realli like calvin, i realli like the second main character (boy) most of the time. personally i like jiro but in this film i like calvin better coz he love tao hua so much. we couldnt blame him!!!

  33. [YT] 什麼換人啊你= =
    你又不是導演 還有尾鬼跟大東對戲不配好不好 這麼想耀他們演戲你不會去請他們喔= = 你瘋啦 你以為你說你想看誰演他們就會照你的安排嗎? 你以為你誰啊

  34. [YT] 我好想看鬼鬼穿婚纱哦!!如果鬼鬼演桃花的话就好了。。。导演干嘛换人呢??真是的,搞不懂那个导演到底在想些什么。鬼鬼演桃花也很好啊!我一直都很期待鬼鬼跟亚伦演的【桃花爱无敌】可是演桃花,史朗跟餘一的人都换了。其实大东演史朗我也不反对。可是我比较想鬼鬼跟亚伦演桃花跟史朗。。。

  35. [YT] rang ta qing ni?! is shi lang BLIND, she pushed xuewhatever twice and the third time he FELL DOWN cos of how frantically she was pushing him away, if he saw the kiss, he mustv seen that, its not like they were seperated by a canyon! and if hes really that visually impaired, all taohua had to say was that she pushed against him but he forced her! ot stand there saying i can explain i can explain, not only is there nothing to explain because it was plain to see anyway,

  36. [YT] the writers just chose to make shilang a blind idiot, but hes standing right there, just explain already, instead of saying that you can you can and leaving things worse because you sound so guilty. the writing on this show is getting more and more absurd and disappointing, i love the actors but im rlly not surprised the show is tanking in taiwan. graaar i still love this show and will watch, please dont flame me,im just giving an honest response to the destruction of a show i want to support…

  37. [YT] the plots with the brothers always makes so little sense it makes me feel like throwing up, i hate their badly acted scenes. i mean SERIOUSLY, they want this person to get into tao huas life, make himself important to her, so important that she actually forgets shi lang, and then they want him to zhao(or isit zao, basically get lost)?! if the front part actually succeeds, how is this plan protecting their sister at all? if he were that important, it would break her heart for him to disappear!

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