My Queen Episode 15

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594 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 15

  1. [YT] 无双说:广琳小姐,本小姐要结婚了


  2. [YT] 佳佳真是神经,说什么,如果你们没有发现,我也打算去通知你们

  3. [YT] it was the big boobs that told jiajia the wrong story. so she do this type of crazy thing. but big boobs never tell her to harm lucas and wushuang like this leh

    evil-natured b****!

  4. [YT] The Xue Zhang is very annoying and i hate this kind of acting but i am not dramatic.Wu Shuang is not suitable for him,she is more suitable with Lucas(This is just my opinion,anyone disagree just shut up and FUCK your head off).

  5. [YT] 没有素质也算了

  6. [YT] 7 years really , and itis te fist sight love , so it could be it take few mnth to ill up the bucket and maintain it for 7 years , then god take 6 years to draw majority of them ut , and fill with lucas one , thats y she is stuck in the middle now , ha ha . because the ratio of luas is larger ,

  7. [YT] 因為學長的愛已經變質到像雄性動被搶伴侶一樣的妒嫉和仇恨,但卡斯想的是他愛的女人因為學長受的傷,卡斯心痛她.分別在於這裡阿.(個人見解啦不同意的無視吧.)

  8. [YT] I feel that jiajia went a bit overboard..
    lucas had been trying to forget the past and the pain and just keep it in his heart. he has the right to love other people and be nice to people close to him right?
    i dont understand why jiajia keep reminding him about her sister. why cant she just put it down and go on with life? and shes actually restricting lucas to fall for other people..

  9. [YT] 這部片一開始,覺得設定的很無奈,三個人好像都有正向的理由,但其實,能決定的只有一個人,就是無雙,不能面對自己的心,卻讓兩個愛她的人同時受傷了,這時候我覺得她的好朋友應該有戲份出現,拉她的,也就是應該會一位能讓無雙傾訴心情的朋友出現才對,不然根本就是在鬼打強。

  10. [YT] 學長用六年(大學四年,出社會二年,應該是這樣吧)到滿了水,上天用六年把水倒掉,盧卡斯只用了幾個月就又裝滿了水,現在知道要選誰了吧

  11. [YT] 其实在现实生活中, 如果自己真的一直爱一个人, 一直期待和他在一起, 一直等他, 然后呢, 突然有另外一个人出现, 那自己又突然改变对那个一直很爱的人的感觉…那样好想不太可能, 不太真实….是吧~~

  12. [YT] I really pity lucas. How could jiajia do such a thing to harm him. Its not like he wanted xiangyun to die. He was also sad about that matter . It isn’t his fault . Ethan hao ke lian ):

  13. [YT] 卡斯阿卡斯,为什么让学长赢呢?你真笨,只要让wushuang开心,那你有没有想到你自己的感受?你应该和wushuang在一起。

  14. [YT] 真方便啊 喜欢卡斯的时候就说相信他不会害姐姐 得不到时就说他是杀人凶手 还以为姐姐报仇的名义干一些龌蹉的勾当 噁心死了

  15. [YT] I really hate when they kept on replaying the past to make more episode. Gosh! Don’t try to ruin this drama again by adding trash here. I eventually stop watching fated to love you at ep 21 cause it’s tooooooooo draggy!!!

  16. [YT] As a woman older than 30’s, the best choice is still a mature man like Leslie who will protect and take care of his wife and family. For a woman younger than 30’s, it may worth taking the risk and be with Lucas. One of my friends had the similar experience who fell in love with a man who is exactly 8 yrs younger than her when she is in her early 30’s. They spent the few years together. After she was old and he was ready for marriage, he married a younger one.

  17. [YT] i feel bad for xue zhang and lucas…. but more for lucas… :[
    ke lian D:
    that han jia jia, says that wu shang has already made her choice, so why can’t lucas forget about her? Well, lucas has already made his choice too, and he choose not to be with you! >:[

  18. [YT] 學長跟卡司相望的時候

  19. [YT] 韓佳佳很煩呀!!


    i was wondering how long he can stand jiajia kp harping on her sister and throwing herself at him.

    this may b cruel, but dont like means dont like!!

  21. [YT] 沒錯

  22. [YT] 不管是誰贏了都無法證明什麼阿

  23. [YT] ha.. this plot is kinda of good as it can actually caused “arguements” between us viewers….. ;p

    tho the ending is obvious.. but still looking forward to the last few episodes as every ep’s so unpredictable.. ;>

  24. [YT] 現在只是開始,對這六年的距離,開始有變化,故事一定會這樣走摟…….只是在鋪陳 往後的劇情,大家慢慢欣賞摟,台灣的偶相劇真的進步非常的多…….

  25. [YT] 求婚招數一樣 連戒子都同一顆 六年後不是應該要換大一點的嗎xD 地位也不同了啊

    有紀念價值的就繼續當項鍊 婚戒應該要換新的 =)

  26. [YT] well, she’s not that ugly
    but it’s her character who’s bad
    she just has to act it
    so don’t hate her to much
    she can’t help her character’s so bad..

  27. [YT] yeah…it is gettin kinda draggy…
    it was really good till he came back lolol i dunno…i hope lucas and her get together in the end n i hope it doesn’t get dragged out even longer

  28. [YT] yeah…it is gettin kinda draggy…
    it was really good till he came back lolol i dunno…i hope lucas and her get together in the end n i hope it doesn’t get dragged out even longer

  29. [YT] 佳佳好缺腦喔要不要我帶妳去看病=)

  30. [YT] When can we have the rest of the eps….want to know what will happen to Lucas….image he was betrayed by his late gf’s sister….what a blow….what a creep she is….

  31. [YT] 卡斯这种男友..做他女友的很痛苦吧..就像向芸一样..心痛吃醋..卡斯都不知道..只以为向芸闹脾气..结果等向芸死了.现在还是这样..很多都是卡斯自己惹的祸..

  32. [YT] Wu Shuang have struggled, she always goes back to what they have shared with Lucas unconciously even the wine they share with her fiance…hahahahah

  33. [YT] 這是愛情和麵包的選擇題,

  34. [YT] who thinks that Jia jia is ugly?
    she has snaggletooth and when she smiles, the front of her lips appear to be angled, which i think is ugly as hell
    she’s a bad person

  35. [YT] That’s why the show made JiaJia originally so dumb. So she can make a dumb move. Her sister’s probably pissed off, if she can see what she has done.

  36. [YT] wow! cant believe jia jia would have this kind of day. that innocent, kind, and kind of dumb.. in a good way, girl. she’s becoming an evil-minded schemer!

  37. [YT] Anyone know where I could find the piano song played in the beginning of this part??? I’ve seen some youtube members posting up their version but I forgot how I found them???

  38. [YT] wow~~~~~反轉豬肚就係屎
    佳佳個美國前男友都無講錯 佢扮純情
    都扮得幾似 連姊姊的男人都要搶
    唔好扮為咗姊姊啦 為自己之嘛
    最憎呢種人 想要又唔怕俾人知
    如果真係覺得盧卡斯害死佢姊姊的 話
    佢應該去報警 仲要叫埋個大胸怪做証人
    人最可怕的 係妒忌 乜都做得出

  39. [YT] 俾我都覺得好討厭
    已經失戀了 還要被自己不喜歡的人吻了

    勉強真係無幸福 佳佳醒未呀?
    超煩 佢自己自作多情又要怪人地對佢好
    最怕呢種女人 煩上加煩嘛

  40. [YT] That’s why we love 偶像剧 ah. At least I feel a little like dreams come true in 偶像剧. The realistic is too curel… Sometime we do deserve a little out of control in our lives, right?

  41. [YT] 我覺得卡斯代表的是每個女孩子心中不敢去追求的夢想,大多數的人都會喜歡上學長的專情和專一,就像是默默守在身邊的路燈,很少人會飛蛾撲火的去追求絢爛的花火,但現在編劇就是要讓無雙勇敢追求呀~~那樣才是忠於自己的女王,如果所有一切戀愛的元素都是那樣美好,那女王就失去了讓他冒險的舞台了

  42. [YT] 卡斯把防毒面罩給無雙 , 完全不顧自己性命安危,可見他真的很愛無雙…..卡斯這個巴掌打得很用力,因為韓佳佳太過分了,怎麼可以把姐姐的死推給卡斯 ? 得不到卡斯就去傷害他愛的女人 ! ! ! 卡斯打得好 ! ! !

  43. [YT] 佳佳變得好可怕 ! 之前那個楚楚可憐的小女生轉眼變成顧人怨的壞女人 ! 其實他姊姊的死真的不能怪卡斯 , 明明不舒服還要去潛水 ! 那應該是意外啦……

  44. [YT] thats too over now~ using her body doesn’t work she tries pity and when that didn’t work she went for guilt really? if you love a person you wouldn’t be doing this to them

  45. [YT] 我覺得,佳佳喜歡盧卡斯沒有什麼錯。

  46. [YT] 那是看起來>事實上無雙有掙扎過,他只是不忍心讓學長一個人…… 後天的婚禮,我猜他會逃婚,一人一次,剛好扯平 ! ! !

  47. [YT] 無雙說的沒錯:沒誠意的傢伙 ! 學長也太沒新意了,六年前和六年後求婚的招數都一樣 ! 還有那冰淇淋被戒指這樣一放, 還能吃嗎^^ ^^

  48. [YT] 編劇是柯南看太多喔 ! ! ! 一片櫻花瓣可以引發大戰 …… 這麼暴力的搶親活動成為溫泉旅館的慶典 ! ! ! 好像在看漫畫 ……

  49. [YT] About time he told her off. Otherwise she’ll go more & more ridiculous. Next she’ll be walking around nekkid in front of him to get her attention … scary.

  50. [YT] 這部戲真的有點莫名其妙
    韓向芸死的時候 她媽媽不是有出現來責備盧卡斯嗎?
    不會演到最後又要說 韓向芸跟韓佳佳同赴異母吧

  51. [YT] oh god what is wrong with this drama~ I just was never convinced of why Lucas would like SWS… I don’t really feel attached to any of the characters! FTLY was so much better! This is getting nowhere~

  52. [YT] 韓向芸自己要鬧脾氣去衝浪 怪誰? 也不是盧卡斯叫她去的 鬧脾氣的人出事要自己要負責 不要去怪別人 難道韓向芸不知道自己有氣喘? 算了吧 又不是小孩子

  53. [YT] 佳佳好恐怖 她什麼都是想到自己 每次都提到姐姐 就是希望盧卡斯不要愛上別人 其實心裡想的是自己 自私心態 人都死了 還想怎樣 有夠白痴 心裡有姐姐 就要守活寡一輩子喔? 算了吧

  54. [YT] 佳佳。。。不可以就是不可以嘛。。。。何必勉強呢。。。。你的那種喜歡只是依賴,希望別人安慰她,對你好不等於愛你啊。。。。笨蛋

  55. [YT] 佳佳好不要臉. 裝什麼可憐. 一天到晚只會提到他自己有多可憐, 家庭多悲慘. 人家都拒絕他了還自己一直黏上來

  56. [YT] 當初編劇就有心要佳佳命名為佳佳,jia jia也是假假嘛,根本這個人就是扮友善,扮弱者,要還擊,實在不擇手段。

  57. [YT] 其實學長心裏很在意,看見櫻花片就失控,口裏說要保護新娘,但其實是心裏為無雙的隱暪痛得心裏難受,明知自己的腿受傷,但打一場架痛在身上,也總比痛入心靡好。

  58. [YT] i hate jiajia..
    she thinks lucas can only like her sis and her…so selfish
    why cant she accept the fact that lucas doesnt like her…
    i dont care if u gimme thumbs down…i juz know she suck…

  59. [YT] yea, that’s what i thought too….

    i thought the place would have some kind of high fences to prevent anyone to walk close to that area, if that’s the case. also, i dont think the front desk person would still tell her how to get there, if it’s that dangerous, isnt it? i think it makes more sense if the front desk says something like “that place is extremely dangerous and no1 is allowed to be there” without telling her the direction.

  60. [YT] although i like the elder one too, but i guess true love isn’t like that though (not coz some1’s financially saved)~ one can have all the good qualities in the world, and it will make anyone like that person so so much, but you can tell it isn’t love.

    i believe, it’s love when you know that person’s bad characters, but u don’t feel like giving up on him/her….and that you still love him/her regardless of his bad characters. just some thoughts i have, so dont mind me if you disagree =)

  61. [YT] 02:04那句”我把你手機拿來了”應該是忘了交待手機突然加進來的…劇中常常會有這類的對白…應該是為了合理化劇情加上去的吧….

  62. [YT] he slapped her.
    so cool.
    han jia jia is the wicked witch in this drama.
    the witch is going to die??
    no way that she can be forgiven.
    i hope the ending of this story will properly put her into the right position.

  63. [YT] why so much trouble.
    i will choose the elder ones.
    the 6 years was total misunderstanding caused by a third person.
    afterall these years of waiting, should choose the elder one.
    financially saved.

  64. [YT] what the hell is wrong with that girl?? doesn’t she have logic?? that’s not call helping her sister…that’s just fulfilling her evil desires….something she can’t have she’ll just destroy it!

  65. [YT] lucas never pao qi jiajia cause he never together with her n he never pao qi her sis either cause her sis is the one who always jealous gosh now i feel i’m not only hate jiajia but also her sis i HATE BOTH OF THEM i i were lucas i would never ever choose any of those 2 sis even if all the women in this world are died except they two i still wont choose any of them n live single for the rest of m life

  66. [YT] woohoohoo xDDD he slapped her. tat made me so happy and smiling, but then it didnt look real or hard enough… im so mean…

    shes such a bitch, i seriously seriously HATE jiajia, shes walkin into UWatch to tell them lucas killed her sister. gahh ughhh i just want to slap her so badly…

  67. [YT] Beautiful, but troublesome. lolz…but hey, watever floats your boat.

    If I were a guy, I would prefer girls who are a bit stronger, independent, and less weepy.

  68. [YT] seriously i mean gosh tis isnt bein dense tis is just bein stubborn and a pain in the butt for lucas! he will NEVER like jiajia, he told her sooooo many times straight out that he only think s of her as a younger sister, wat part of tat doesnt she understand.

    so freaken irritatin!! i already disliked her since the first time i saw her in the drama, now i just want to slap her…

  69. [YT] stupid wushuang!!! pick lucas, my heart hurts for him, havin to see the one he loves go for another man. xP

    lookin at both xuezhang and jiajias face irritates me now…

    omg stupid jiajia kissed him! gosh im so sick of lookin at the whiny and crying jiajia, makes me want to slap her…

  70. [YT] yeah i agree. xue zhang should just let go of her already, its so annoyin, she doesnt love him anymore. only reason why shes with him cuz of guilt and sympathy cuz he does a lot for her so she feels bad. she just wants to repay him…

  71. [YT] i agree with strawberryhearts6, the bow on lucas head looks both cute and funny.

    and seriously just like wat ihelmo, the flower petal thing is so fake couldnt they make it more realistic either shorten the time or something like tat.

    funny…. i actually think xue zhang looks ugly…. not handsome like most others.

  72. [YT] 佳佳,有點… errh… 不要臉。這樣的人物很討厭很可悲。
    I think 佳佳didn’t really “love” Lucas…somehow I think she looked up to her sister, and therefore liked what her sister liked.

  73. [YT] I think Leslie was sweet and all… but 無雙s not gonna love him the same way, even if there wasn’t a Lucus. Bad Bad… not anyone’s fault though. Wrong timing exactly.

  74. [YT] OMFG, jia jia is so CRUEL!
    ughh i just wanna hit her fucking face right now! lucas already said to her many times that, he doesn’t like her! WHAT PART OF THAT DON’T JIA JIA UNDERSTAND!?!?!?!?!!

  75. [YT] 不會拉 因為 hogandoz的冰 含水量少 本來就不容易融化 而且還放在保冰袋裡耶 我有試過 可以放超過一個小時都還好好的

    ps.我也覺得 韓佳佳真的很討人厭

  76. [YT] 不合理ㄚ~ 佳佳在part 3的時候說 她沒有媽媽 可是為什麼之前她姊姊死掉的時候 就有媽媽出現 還大罵卡斯是兇手ㄌㄧㄝ

  77. [YT] Yeah, but how can a news paper be based upon what a person says without any evidence from the police? How do you know if the girl who talked to Jia Jia wasn’t lying?

  78. [YT] this is what 6 yrs apart difference becomes, taste, smell, feeling, and common interests are gone.. cant blame whoever did this.. wrong timing at the wrong place.

  79. [YT] Sometimes, it takes a slap to hopefully “snap” a person out of their wickedness…佳佳 seems to have lost her mind…want to feel sorry for 佳佳, but, what she had intented to do to WS is just too unforgivable. Evil!

  80. [YT] 其实结局就是要让无双和学长一起才真实…比较符合现实生活中的例子. 真的和卡斯一起就太偶像剧了. 现在的偶像剧都是要打破这个框架, 提升.

  81. [YT] well its not actually supposed to be serious. normally lucas is supposed to just lose but for them its a different matter than just an event, since they’re actually fighting over wushuang

  82. [YT] 编剧其实挺make sense的.

    韩佳佳从小就得不到父母的关心, 所以对关心她的人特别依赖. 为了得到别人的关注, 她什么都肯去做, 在美国的经历就是很好的证明. 当她发现卡斯的眼睛里没有她, 她自然就疯了…

  83. [YT] if she uses her damn brain, she should know that she should listen to both sides of stories and not just hers…..before she made the decision to trust or not…that’s a reasonable and common sense

  84. [YT] 雖然我是支持小草莓,但我有預感編劇會讓無雙和學長在一起…
    ps. 我猜的啦!

  85. [YT] hello..佳佳﹐你姐姐是成年人了﹐自己都不好好照顧自己﹐看著自己的健康狀況﹐她的意外不能怪在別人沒有好好看著她吧。

  86. [YT] Omg stop the hater comments~~ that’s really childish, not jia jia. If you’ve been paying attention to the last episode, there’s the part where Jia jia meets the girl with the big boobs, and she was told all about how her sister died — it’s not like Jia jia thinks about her sister all the time; and she didn’t used to blame Lucas for anything; she’s doing it because she was told Lucas is the killer; she’s not crazy or looking for revenge — God, get it straight already!!

  87. [YT] holy crap lucas hit jis jis i know i know she probably deserve it but a guy should never hit a girl o god i kinda see him differently now sepcially cuz he slap her on the face

  88. [YT] omg this fighting scene is kinda ridiculous i mean comeon who ever heard of a hotel promoting public fighting and even if a fight get seriouse like those ppl tend to go in and stop it not cheer like there in somekind illegal underground chicken fight

  89. [YT] omigawds;
    jiajia is so damn immature.
    it freaken happened a long time ago
    why can’t she just let go!??!
    and it wasn’t lucas’s fault anyways

  90. [YT] 佳佳 and 學長 are so whatever
    佳佳 knows that he dont love her
    he think she is just like a sister
    學長 knows that wu shua dont him anymore
    she choose him just because his leg

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