My Queen Episode 16

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313 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 16

  1. [YT] didnt han jia jia said that she dun have mother den her father brought her to america when she is young???
    i think is because they have the same dad and not same mom i think…. im not too sure though

  2. [YT] haha cos some one dam bo liao haha!
    to the guy that do this, come on la. grow some balls. no matter wad u do we just hate jiajia. u cant change the fact.

  3. [YT] 戏都这样啊



  4. [YT] go to hell man jia jia, at first i thought that she was a nice girl, what with the helping lucas and sacrificing herself. she should not have done it till so much.

  5. [YT] 啊是會不會太扯,最好是連拍的影象能那麻清晰啦,還有最好偷東西最好是會,把袋口打開,放在袋口讓人看得見啦,扯蛋

  6. [YT] 一個我覺得滿扯的事,如果韓佳佳是韓向雲的妹妹,那,韓媽媽是不是她媽啊,這部戲從未做到這兩個角色有交集、見面,是不是有點怪啊,

  7. [YT] it’s only a drama dun be so serious haha. but ya sometimes they do leave out minor stuff like that. really hope they wont make da same mistake again in future but idol dramas are like that

  8. [YT] Would have voted for the snr if the drama was about them, and showed how they fell in love, matured together, got separated, and finally reunite. But since this drama isn’t about them, and instead showed more of the relationship development between Lucas and Wu Shuang, I’m more involved in their relationship and so vote for him.

  9. [YT] as a asthma suffer, i always get irritated when i saw ppl who can’t act like a asthma patient…the way she inhaled the inhaler was totally wrong and she breathe out all the medicine…

  10. [YT] so stupid…jiajia says lucas is unfaithful because he likes xiangyun now instead of dwelling on her dead sister…yet jiajia wants lucas to fall for her

  11. [YT] My aunt was a nurse for over 10 years, and now she’s in the medical business as a top sales manager. She basically deals with the doctors in the hospital every day. The conclusion is that most doctors who works in the hospital are so “dirty.” It’s one of the dirtiest job in the world.

  12. [YT] 看完這一集對卡斯的喜歡又多一層 …… 不但是個仁心仁術的準醫生 , 也有一顆寬容的心 , 從他刪掉錄音 , 請大家不要為難林美還就看得出來 …..

  13. [YT] 1. Your reading my comment
    2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
    4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
    5. Your checking it now.
    6. Your smiling.
    7. Your still reading my comment.
    8. You know all you have read is true.
    10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.
    11. Your checking it now.
    12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts

    Copy and paste to 3 videos tomorrow will be your best day ever!

  14. [YT] 現在很多醫生都有排除萬難要賺錢的心
    p.s. 同情無雙中Lucas 這樣好,學長也很好真的很難選耶

  15. [YT] 我覺得卡斯不夠圓融和成熟..思考也不夠深遠

  16. [YT] 你有你的想法..你可以討論事情…但這些醫生要遵守的倫理也要上課..噗…一點也沒有必要和教授對嗆.
    憑臭脾氣嗎 還有啊…向芸是溺斃的..不是沒有氣喘藥

  17. [YT] omg i know i think jia jia is a big hipocrate she only believed lucas didnt kill her sis when she think she still might have a chance with him but once she know she cant have him she turn her back on him then wtf is her sister to her i mean she is all blaming lucas that he didnt really like her sis but why is she trying to make lucas like her ? isnt it the same thing and also is kinda weriod that she would want her sis’s guy thats so weriod !

  18. [YT] ahhhh 又要等了!

    ps. 好喜歡無雙和lucas的格子襯衫.
    很好看 ;p

  19. [YT] 我當然知道邱小妹事件..我指的小題大做是盧卡司在上課的反應。有自己的意見想法很好..我也常跟教授嗆…不過這樣只是自找苦吃阿…還有很多其他方法可以表達的…

  20. [YT] omg it ended! i cant wait for the next episode! even though the drama does get a bit boring/draggy a few times but its still really good and im hooked and want more again!

  21. [YT] 六年的差距是补不回来的,何况中间有差了个卢卡斯!相信自己的感觉是谈恋爱最重要的。不觉得无双现在和学长在一起只是为了感谢和报恩吗?像那种恋爱的蝴蝶已经不存在了。所以我觉得选择卢卡斯是对的,他也不比学长少爱无双

  22. [YT] OMG i can’t believe it! This drama is getting better and better! XD gosh this is the reason why i’m making it through the week cuz i keep telling myself, when sunday comes, another episode will be out XD

  23. [YT] 韓佳佳那隻瘋狗算是哪門子報復啊

  24. [YT] 他是很有名的演員 名字叫王道

    不過不管他演什麼他都是很出色的演員 =)

  25. [YT] i think theres two pictures is because one is more clearer than the other and since the clearer one is at the back, the evidence of lin mei huan lying is hidden

  26. [YT] 覺得不是搶新娘! 學長可能放棄了
    任性一次 可能不再回去學醫,,

  27. [YT] thts wat i dnt get… if they spent time to edit it, then y did they put them both together?? tis drama has a lot of mistakes… but oh well! i still love it:D

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