My Queen Episode 18

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357 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 18

  1. LOL, the first part when the xue zhang said wu shuang didnt want the chance and stuff, he made it sound like it’s all her fault.

  2. [YT] 哪會…這就是我爸媽想要快點完成的其中願望之一呢

  3. [YT] 這就是劇本利害的地方阿,一個好的劇本不會把角色定性為大奸角/大英雄,因為所有人都有2面,因而造成角色矛盾,從而令觀眾感到矛盾增加戲劇張力,吸引你去看.^^

  4. [YT] 因為愛的深所以放手,每個人都愛的深,每個都放手,那戲怎麻演呢,只要有一方堅持,另一個對的,才有機會得到救贖,三角戀情只有受矚目的人,做出的選擇,才能看到,是誰勉強,是誰領悟,又是誰騙了誰。

  5. [YT] 他們兩個就是很配阿 戲裡戲外都是 @@~ 如果大家有看他們拍片花絮的話 …還有下一集..感覺他們不是在演 超自然的啦…..

  6. [YT] 那是没错,不说无双和学长能不能回到从前(剧情是他们不能)。但小火柴却燃烧了无双的心,后又化成灰烬消失不见。 喜欢这个比喻。

  7. [YT] 其實無雙自己都說了,冰淇淋溶了之後再冰凍也不會是一樣的了,所以就算沒有小火柴,冰淇淋應該也不會再像以前一樣了啊。。。

  8. [YT] 看到玫瑰整個感覺都衝上來了
    好像心理的答案一樣 從學長找到自己的答案
    在給交給無雙要他找到自己的答案 整個太感人了 淚飆

  9. [YT] 但是心的深處,那股悸動是因為盧卡司!

  10. [YT] 妳們仔細看唷~已經播到18集了 無雙真正開心跟哭的感覺是誰 為誰哭最多為誰笑的最開心~是學長~觀眾也知道~演戲的感覺是騙 不了人的 呵呵~

  11. [YT] 妳們仔細看唷~已經播到18集了 無雙真正開心跟哭的感覺是誰 為誰哭最多為誰笑的最開心~是學長~觀眾也知道~演戲的感覺是騙不了人的 呵呵~

  12. [YT] 有沒有看到這條線?這一條線,就是八年的距離,你現在要看好了!我要跨過去了!」


  13. [YT] 最愛當無雙說: “你現在看好了, 我要跨過去了! ” 女王就是女王,, 就算是投降也要理直氣壯, 我來決定, 有氣魄有架小阿 (可以這樣形容女生嗎?)

  14. [YT] 因為這是偶像劇 因為這裡有分男女主角 因為第二主角永遠不能跟女主角一起 因為這是一各公式 因為太多的因為 就像編劇自己讓男主角說的 很多事情都是浮在水面那是藏也藏不住的 呵…無奈的投降~

  15. [YT] 我覺得這應該是偶像劇誕生以來第一次有人拍這麼貼近現實與社會的題材~但卻也同等浪漫感人~真是一部好看的偶像劇~小天與楊謹華真的演得很好~

  16. [YT] 我看了很多論評 但是聽到感動到哭的 卻不是男女主角是學長的深情 有人一開始就設定小草莓 對學長是不公平的 也許他只是第二男主角 不過編劇他自己也快搞不清楚要怎麼下去才好 把第二男主角搞的太完美了所以很多事要變的很牽強 就像一輩子也不會忘記初戀不是嗎 如果要講真正有感覺的我想很多人一定選學長因為擁有所以珍惜^^~

  17. [YT] 卡斯和無雙勇於追求夢想的勇氣真的很難得! 現實與夢想 …… 生命中被擱置的夢想 , 也能鼓起勇氣再去完成嗎 ?

  18. [YT] 學長最終的舉動很令人感動 ! ! 因為愛的夠深 , 所以選擇放手 . 愛情不能免強 , 也不是自私占有 , 有多少人能領悟 ???

  19. [YT] 卡斯和無雙在山上相遇的那一刻 , 實在太浪漫感人 ! ! ! 小天的演技進步很多 , 成熟又體貼帥氣 , 這麼完美的好男人恐怕沒有女人會不心動 ……

  20. [YT] this is seriously so sweet. my 6th time watchin this part! xD

    and omg i didnt realize that they changed the drama to have 22 episodes, i cant wait for episode 19, but imma wait til all of the previews (which mean the episodes came out too) for 20, 21, and 22 and if its not a happy ending, then ill make my own happy ending by stoppin at episode 19 xD

  21. [YT] Where is it? There was scene which has so many water falls. She’s so brave. I wouldn’t do the trip alone… watched too many horror movies. hehehe…

  22. [YT] this ep is great… so sweet!

    wonder why the audience measurement / viewership has dropped so much?!

    now with lucas back in the scene, hope it will break the viewership of ‘8’ in the last 2ep.. ;>

  23. [YT] oo my..why is this drama sooooo well written? …unlike most of the other taiwanese dramas that i’ve seen where it started off nicely and the ending would just roll of the hill. the worst part is when u feel like u’ve wasted ur time just before the drama ends..but Defeated Queen is diff…the drama twists all happened very naturally. (: i love lucas + wushang!

  24. [YT] 很期待這個禮拜日…

  25. [YT] I love the part he said people will give him their hearts to operate on..but he only gives his heart to one woman….ahhhhhhh. And the part when he asked her why these hands gave up the chance of wearing a wedding ring (significant cos it’s suppose to be her dream) Also the part when she step over the line & he met her ‘halfway’ by carrying her over!!!!! Ahhhhhh I’m still gushing & watching this part the 3rd time!!! This is officially the most romantic scene in any movie or series I’ve seen!

  26. [YT] 喔~~看第二遍了,心裡還是很激動,真的快等不及看到下一集了,也許前面還是困難、挑戰重重,但我相信這些回憶會成為他們克服的養份~~真的好美、但又真實一部片。

  27. [YT] LOL i dont know how he knows but he just appeared at the right time and the right place. and yes i meant sunrise =P
    I love ruan jing tian a lot XD my bf looks like him muahahah!

  28. [YT] lol HE KNOWS. which is very surprising to me XD i mean how could he have known wu shuang is there and he helps her fix her bike as well. and he said’ the line that you mentioned never existed in my heart’ i was like *swoon* hahahahahha

  29. [YT] 媽啊 真的超感動的啊
    這集真是大逆轉啊 一開始哭得很難過
    現在真的好開心啊 超好看
    無雙真的是個堅強的女生 這個年齡的女生真的很勇敢很堅強

  30. [YT] this is so SWEET AND TOUCHING!! i really LOVE this!
    but how did he kno wher she was at or went n then followed her?
    haha i guess i feel the same way as absolutestarstruck, tats y its so damn swt!
    whatever i REALLY REALLY LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!! its so SWEET AND TOUCHING AND CUTE AND ADORABLE AND SO MUCH MORE!!! this is the best drama ever!! an article says tat ppl are gettin bored of this drama, PLEASEEE im loving it even MORE!

    they HAVE to end up TOGETHER!

  31. [YT] hahaha! though it doesn’t really make sense how he survived the entire journey/night following her….. WTH! wat does?? that’s why it’s so damn sweet! ahhhhhhhh………. OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!

  32. [YT] the writing on the postcard should be written because the commas look a little different
    and the 3rd word in the 6th line does not line up with the 3rd word in the 5th line XD
    really neat writing indeed though!

  33. [YT] hez sacrificin in a way…but realli…its efed up.
    how can he decide to get marry and then decide to not get married?? wtf?? he’z de one daz decidin everything??

  34. [YT] just like wat crazy4vamps, this drama is inspirational.

    and dude yeah i was like omggg the writing on the postcard is really nice! but iono i dont think its printed like whateverwhouare123 says, it does look like someone wrote it in my opinion.

  35. [YT] love how everyones so supportive of wushuang. x]

    JJs so freaken cute!!! hes so adorable everytime he said something what whenever wushuang pauses in the middle of wat shes sayin to him.

    haha i knew it! JJ and jiajia, those two suit each other more! hes even cuter after gettin her message. xD

    wushuangs boss is so nice and caring.

  36. [YT] love the song qing ge.

    although i want, and still do to the end, for wushuang and lucas to be together, i feel bad for xue zheng. hope he finds another person. =]

  37. [YT] 無雙與學長之間是很微妙的,他們過去擁有美好戀情。

  38. [YT] Seems to be a trademark of this director, actually alot of asian directors, but this one in particular. I have yet to see one of his shows that doesn’t have an “elevator-passing-by-but-never-seeing-each-other” scene. lolz..

  39. [YT] well that depends…personally i don’t think they’d really last if they were to marry….for the same reason why he let her go. she’s marrying him not because she in love with him (not saying she doesn’t love him because she does), but she doesn’t want to let him be alone.

  40. [YT] in the beginning the women said that guys lie for themselves, but yu hao proved that girl’s statement is false… hopes yu hao will gets its happiness in the end for wat he did for xiao shuang^^

  41. [YT] tHIS drama makes me appreciate the love i have from the ppl i care. i love the sunset tht appears right after wu shuang screamed pain. and i love lucas. =)) HE IS SO SO SO SWEET! I CANT BELIEVE HE APPEARS OMG!!

  42. [YT] 這集應該是原本的結局,但這劇卻爆紅所以增加兩集。


  43. [YT] 我也以為這是敗犬女王的終點,沒想到只是路過,還有下一集預料中的end因和電視小說的end相同但是大家都演的好好讚啦。

  44. [YT] omg i knew it! jj and jia jia!!!!!! always thought that jj likes jia jia. so cute. and wu shuang’s boss is awesome!!! everyone is so supportive of her.

  45. [YT] 連草莓派的我也不得不說


  46. [YT] 編輯要他們不可以結婚而已啊﹐現實生活中他們肯定早就結婚了﹐這就是電視劇跟現實生活的分別﹐電視劇裡面的東西很多都不現實。

  47. [YT] to love, is to let go… although i really want wu shuan to be together with lucas, but leslie (xue jian) is a really nice man too, i’ll miss him :**)

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