My Queen Episode 19

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327 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 19

  1. [YT] love and marriage is not just to be about passing on generation .
    who said old women cant fall in love again , Sex is just a gift from god to let us trust our partner totally , union and 2 become 1.
    So why does it make a big deal if the marriage is delate if they had kid first ,,,by law , she had all equal right to work and they suppose to be allow to put the kid in the nanny or something ,
    marriage is not the only way out fors love or girls .

  2. [YT] wu shung look really preety to be honest, much more better then most of the girl , ha ha , dont get y they said she is old @.@ 33 is only the beginning of the other stage .

  3. [YT] 我覺得他父親說的很好
    以為只要有愛 就能克服一切

    如果自己事業有成 有穩定收入 有車有房

  4. [YT] 就兩個都辛苦點不就好了,先結婚,然後快生小孩,男的去讀書,女的就更辛苦點照顧孩子還有工作,兩年撐過去,後面就漂亮了啊,那有事事盡如人意啊,什麻都要舒服順順的過,那要神幹麻,都能順順過了。

  5. [YT] 18歲也太誇張了吧

  6. [YT] 如果無雙再不結婚真的就高齡產婦了…如果現在結婚生子..她就可能要暫停工作 但卡斯還沒開始工作 該怎麼辦阿 天阿…我希望他們在一起啦…

  7. [YT] 這部戲關於愛情的比喻很多…… 很喜歡無雙提到企鵝的這一段, 真的很感人!!! 無雙之前的愛情已經讓他苦等了六年 , 如果他和卡斯的感情路仍是波折不斷, 那無雙就太慘了, 比不知情空等的企鵝還要令人心酸…….盧卡斯應該是能了解這點吧.

  8. [YT] WOW!!WOW!!這是怎樣…..哈哈!不顧小小粉絲看了也臉紅心跳喔?(我是大學生),雖然是男女相愛正常關係,but~這段好熱情喔!看得我也好想談戀愛ㄟ~驚訝到~畢竟我不喜歡去事先知道下一集將演什麼,所以有"驚到"~呵呵!夠香辣了(以無線三台的來說是這樣)>u<

  9. [YT] 你今天說無雙老,明天就輪到你被別人說老,時間很殘酷的,而且那兩個18歲的妹,看起來已經很老了,很難想像十年後的樣子

  10. [YT] That I 100% agree. My dad always bitch about 偶像劇’s story, actor, and cheap and whatever.., but isn’t that the perfect we are watching it? cause it doesn’t usually happen in the reality. I think this drama is already try very hard to relate to the ordinary people’s lives, so they truely do a good job.

  11. [YT] bad mouth… Those young girls will be old one day, too. I don’t get why they have the guts to say that. I really love this show cause I can totally related this character to myself.

  12. [YT] Whatever Lucas said is so true. We thought love is enough for both of us, but the reality can kill it all. I’m recently just going through exactly the same situation, so I know… It hurts…

  13. [YT] 其實人生很多時候是可以同時做很多事的
    中國人講 :成家立業呀!

  14. [YT] 由此可知,人是容易受到輿論所動搖的動物,電視上也有許多明星情侶、夫妻,因為受到大眾的不認同以分手、離婚當作終點,我覺得身為週遭的朋友應該要祝福他們,而不是一昧的唱衰,每個人還是需要得到祝福,才能維繫好一段感情的!不然如果彼此深愛著對方,卻因為旁人的唱衰,而分手,那些週遭的有人不是太過分了嗎?

  15. [YT] 其實就算選擇年齡相近、收入相當的人在一起,同樣要克服很多問題,例如金錢觀、小孩教育、婆媳問題等,既然如此,何不找一個真心相愛的人長伴左右,人生才不會後悔~~

  16. [YT] The way I look at this is – without WS, Lucas would not even go back to become a doctor. So, all these opportunities that are now offered to him are because of WS, so WS is never an obstacle to begin with. I don’t see a valid concern regarding whether to be able to give blessing to each other in the future. I mean, they both are educated and will be doing very well financially. I think the most important issue is whether they are able to trust each other deeply…

  17. [YT] 我覺得盧卡斯的爸爸說的很有道理,

  18. [YT] Just too difficult….Just 25, yet poor Lucas has to burden so much…WS should feet ever so lucky. It is natural to look forward in life, but most of us neglected the living now. Why not enjoy while it last, all that gamble might paid off for WS. But, majority of us will not. It is just much easier and safer to give up than to fight for what you believe. We are weak emotionally.

  19. [YT] 其實我覺得這根本就沒有分對或錯,每個人都有他的想法,有的人會選卡斯爸,也有人選卡斯 每個人立場不一樣 當然就會有不同的意見,看到這一幕,令我感同身受,我會選擇跟卡斯一樣努力,把”她”留在我的身邊!

  20. [YT] 偶像劇就是要幻想阿



  21. [YT] I like how the sweetness and romantic parts of a typical idol drama is mixed with bits realism…making this a very original and touching story. I’m glad they tried to explore the ‘after happily-ever-after’ story…This lack of confidence by WS is so real! And how Lucas tries to change for her is touching, but will it work out? At this rate, I expect an ending diff from typical idol dramas. Sad, but impactful.

  22. [YT] 人生不是在做戲,不是只有愛就能克服一切的。就如無雙卡斯,雖然愛,但也因愛產生了磨擦。看見卡斯爲了無雙嘗試改變,真是太動人了!好喜歡這部戯。非常真實,雖是偶像劇,但感人和甜蜜的部分不太誇張。無雙的不安和改變拿捏得真好,就像現實似的!這樣看來,故事ending應該也會朝著寫實的方向前進吧。有點失落,但非常窩心。

  23. [YT] 但是我不會因此覺得反感,因爲他說的都是很誠懇的勸告,不是無理取鬧。人生不是在做戲,不是只有愛就能克服一切的。就如無雙卡斯,雖然愛,但也因愛產生了磨擦。

  24. [YT] 幾年前上社會新聞的姊弟戀情侶,相差好像有二十左右吧。後來還一起合開冰店還是什麼點心攤,大家都唱衰他們,不過最後還真的是落寞地分手了

  25. [YT] 好像是戲劇總監爆的耶。。。卡斯雖向無雙求婚,但她不答應,因爲無雙生存的目標不再是爲了結婚。這是爲了帶出現代女性不一定要結婚才能幸福的訊息吧。。。
    網址:n. yam . com / tlt / entertain / 200905 / 20090517336699 . html
    Lucas’ words at the end kinda foreshadowed the ending huh? It brings a bit of reality into an idol drama…Real life concerns cannot be ignore in a relationship…Haiz…it’s saddening!

  26. [YT] 盧爸爸說得沒錯! 所以問題他都考慮,但是我認為卡斯也可以出國讀書呀,,其實他們不生小孩永遠過2人世界問題不就解決了嗎?

  27. [YT] It is not easy for 无双 to cope with this romance. 8 yrs gap need a lot of courage to convince oneself to accept not to mention other’s opinions and reactions. Surely there is a lot of inner struggle.
    卡斯 is very nice. In real life, don’t know whether there is one exist 🙂
    Wish them both happy ending. That is what we are hoping right !

  28. [YT] finishing already rite? i bet they will break up then meet again somehow when he is back from studies. so what if they are childless plently to adopt wat!

  29. [YT] 恩~
    但是经历过某些事情或遇到某个人 应该会让人成熟成长吧、、
    lucas刚开始的心理和现在完全不一样了 像他所说的。。因为他找到了他想要保护一辈子的女人。

  30. [YT] 是ㄚ~~知道結局終究沒在一起 覺得滿落寞的 但現實社會卻是如此 那我倒寧願無雙跟學長一起 至少無雙不會再是一個人….

  31. [YT] sigh lucas is doing so much. the story is really realistic, not like those stupid sappy predictable ones. plus great chemistry between the 2 leads. 🙂 happy ending!

  32. [YT] 不過還滿高興無雙和學長好像還能做好朋友的樣子
    風風浪浪後還能當無話不談、彼此祝福的老朋友 很幸福

  33. [YT] 自己認定的人生要勇敢的去爭取 八年的確對外人來講很困難理解 但是感情是很 “不足為外人道” 的 誰能評斷對錯? 姊弟戀加油!

  34. [YT] 我身邊有許多朋友大學一畢業還在讀研究所就已經結婚
    沒有經濟基礎 也沒有保障的未來
    唯有互相信任 相互扶持 一起努力的決心
    當男方還在讀研究所或失業時 就在家帶小孩
    而女方就撐起經濟負擔 對彼此的責任都很彈性
    這樣過了許多年 現在雙方工作都很成功 感情也很好很幸福

  35. [YT] 很同意也很欣賞卡斯爸的話
    所以幸福一定是由男方給予 而不是雙方一起經營的囉?

  36. [YT] 八年的那一條線…


  37. [YT] hahaa so funny! they were talking about camping but with two different meanings… erect tents, buy raincoat, reach the peak….so suggestive! 😉

  38. [YT] 卡斯的爸爸把他倆的問題說得清楚簡單
    而且, 相比之下, 八年比六年來的更遠

  39. [YT] 大炳雖然是滿好笑的,可是總是會一直聯想到他是吸毒慣犯的這件事= =….

  40. [YT] i don’t know if anyone agrees with me, but I’ve always find the “kiss to shut her mouth” type of kiss like so sweet can!LOL XD

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