Office Girls Episode 08

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127 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 08

  1. lol the guy is so funny, when he saw her, he literally said “what are u doing dressed like that? Are you planning on auditioning for snsd?”

  2. I hate to say this but I like the way Kai Er plays her role. But, it’s just that why are smart people always the stupid ones. Don’t you know making someone jealous only makes the situation worst for you.

  3. hahaha, i like how the manager speaks english without an accent like other ones… it’s really good and entertaining LOL hit it two birds with one stone… lol. i love how the whole team starts speaking in taiwanese after the episode where they visit shen xing ren’s mom!

  4. 哈哈,史經理還 fighting 呢 LOL! 他說的對白好搞笑哦,像小壞壞之類的… and he’s so hilarious when he was saying “shots, shots, shots…” (it’s actually not shake btw) but roy’s right when he called him 外剛內娘…

  5. 今天看了新聞..李痛哭被罵演技爛……角色定位的問題吧其實李毓芬也沒有很差阿…幹嘛把個新人罵成這樣…多磨鍊會進步要給人家機會…

    • 只能說她本身就是個新聞製造者,很可憐。




        • 哈哈哈
          我當然不是她老師啊  我只是名觀眾而且重點應該說我也真的覺得她演技需要加強


  6. 這部片 反映出社會的人面 .. 有可能你身邊最好的朋友 可以是把你推入火坑的人,
    而你身邊反而沒交集的人 才是最適合你去交的朋友。

  7. Kai Er is full of schemes! That fox lady.
    Their “jing li” is hilarious. Love how he’s always assuming they’re in a relationship.
    I can’t wait til next week!!! =)

  8. 最近有好多好戲看喔~ 現在 follow 的三套劇, 我覺得是夢幻組合耶: 輕鬆可愛的小資女孩 + 有深度、感動人心的 In time with you + 情緒濃厚的古裝劇 Startling by each step, 剛好是截然不同的風格.
    因為時間不容許, 早就放掉了 Material Queen; 至於 Love Recipe, 看了兩集就停損了…

  9. 看完這級 感覺出社會工作 真的會遇到許多 上司欺負下屬的事 像劇裡經理 所以當有能力比別人走一步 要更努力的向上爬

    • 現實社會本來就是這樣子 下屬為了晉級要不擇手段 上級為了不讓下級追上就拚命欺負或打壓下屬~ 為了生存這也是不得已的

  10. 覺得邱澤很讚! 演技也有進步, 連翻個白眼也很到位. 這部戲男主女主都很有實力, 配角也很稱職… 老余, 史特龍, 鄭凱兒, 樂樂… 加上劇本對白有趣, 整個很好看

      • 這位…嗯你好


        依稀記得您之前還回覆我留言說 “金泰熙的美都是整出來的”而之後又看到你批評林依晨,甚至說出拒看的言論。只希望你能尊重他人意見,每個人都有自己喜歡和不喜歡的人。我們對喜歡的人可以充滿讚美言論我們不要針對不喜歡的人,人身攻擊就好了(對於評論他人的樣貌,就是種不客觀的言論,樣貌是天生的除非靠後天的技術或是大大減肥成功)我相信你的護主心切的可貴因為每個人都會想要保護自己心愛的人事物但千萬別為了護主心切而攻擊其他同樣努力的藝人和演員。因為當你尊重他人時,等於也對你喜歡的明星給予了尊重。

    • 差很多, 然後咧? 他開心就好你管那麼多不累啊. 又不犯法你也可以去整啊. 看你能不能整到他的十分之一正再來囉嗦也還來得及

      • 說的沒錯~ 我就是搞不懂那些媒體或是無聊的網友為什麼要拿過去人家的長相來評論~ so what ~~那也不甘她們的事情~ 我看她們只是在忌妒

        • 對, 其實整形一點也不可恥. 老天爺沒有給的, 就自己給自己呀~
          而且, 敢於改變自己的容貌, 追逐自己想要的, 其實很有guts 耶!
          多少人只是怨嘆自己不如人, 又不做任何事情改變自己, 只是坐在那兒眼紅別人, 攻擊別人呀.

          • 李毓芬死不承認有整形還算有guts 嗎? 顯得更做作. 大方承認也沒甚麼不好

          • 哈, 原來她死不承認呀? 噢, 那就不行, 那就扭捏掉了, 可能是她公司不准她承認吧, 畢竟她有女神包袱.
            我心中project的人, 其實是心湄姐. 我喜歡她大方的說自己以前的鼻子很塌, 左眼可以看到右眼 (ha so cute~), 然後在某一年的生日給自己送一份生日禮物, 做了鼻子. 我覺得她這樣很積極很棒!

    • 其實, 現在的明星或多或少都有一點 touch up 吧, 又有誰是完全沒後天加工的天然美女呢? 我想沒有太多明星會毫不心虛的挺胸站出來吧.
      畢竟科技那麼發達, 不弄白不弄, 只是看高手跟低手的分別罷了.
      高手的變漂亮, 卻仍然保有自己的特色, 算是變成一個加強版的自己; 低手的呢, 就是變成別人的影子吧.

    • It seems like this blogger from Singapore: and 李毓芬 used the same references of the same person to transform themselves through plastic surgery. No doubt that they look beautiful (and plastic) but we will be seeing more clones like these being duplicated in Asia! LOL

  11. This is a rare show with good actors, plot and art direction. Love Roy Qiu in this show. Full of expressions in his role as ZQ. XR is a great actress too! Loving their jealousy & chemistry together. Every week I yearn for this series! And cos of Roy, I’m now watching Waking Love Up while waiting this this series!

  12. haha ziqi act in the next ep should be funny and cute. Really upset when watching bitchy and stupid girl in the same movie. Anyway, love QiuZe so so much and this series is the best one in this period of time

  13. 到底衛敏娜要不要出現啊?



    鄭凱兒心機女!!!!!!!!! 可惜演技普普待磨練,跟之前的角色都一樣的。

      • In time w/ u is VERY good!  Luv that drama series!!  It has a lot of depth & little details of life that makes ppl feel warm inside.  Their lines/dialogue is great too~

        This drama on the other hand is more…funny-entertaining.

        各有各的好, 不過
        “I May Not Love U” 比較細膩.
        很有味道、很有feel又真實的劇 ^^

  14. ZQ is so adorable and cute…KE is so cunning and calculative….XR is a jealous gal….lot of fun to watch the love triangle

  15. 李毓芬太正了,又聰明,而且不會被所謂的包裝、品位迷惑,真是有想法、有個性的女生。


    • you don’t LOVE a good actor
      you may like a good actor or you may fan him,
      but nobody love a man because he is a good actor

          • So if I say “I love pizza” is that an incorrect expression as well? There are multiple types of “love” be it romantic, familial, or platonic. In Lucy’s case and in my “love for pizza” we are expressing platonic love. I don’t plan to marry my food. 

          • yes, that is an incorrect expression.
            you can say: I love to eat pizza, but not “love pizza”
            you can’t love a pizza

          • I’m afraid you interpret the word “love” too literally and don’t seem to acknowledge multiple usage of the word. You can use “love” in many different ways and the meaning lies in the context in which it is used. Check out One of the listed definitions is as follows: 
            “to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to love music.”

    • 你是看 “得” 懂, 不是看 “的” 懂

      拜託, 為什麼現在的小朋友都不懂得用心學習

      “的” 跟 “得” 真有那麼難學嗎?

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