Prince + Princess 2 Episode 13

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184 thoughts on “Prince + Princess 2 Episode 13

  1. [YT] for god’s sake huan yu.. for one thing, barely anyone is successful on their first try, and he wasn’t interested in fashion in the first place until he fell for ke rou. so … -shrug-

  2. [YT] ummm….ke rou is fine….i mean..she was chosen from a modeling contest……it’s prolly just the way she is dressed…the way ppl dress can really change the appearance of a person.

  3. [YT] shouldn’t the feeling of being protected by someone make them like them??? i dont understand why ke rou doesn’t like zhong jian… i dont get why kerou likes huan yu, just because of the beginning of story ?? LAME!!!! kerou and zhongjian’s relationship is far more developed! It’s time for kerou to move on to someone better… like zhong jian =D

  4. [YT] i will be sad if zhong jian and kerou do not end up together… i think mufan and huanyu should split up and realize that they are both naive and have a lot to learn in life. kerou needs someone like zhongjian to take care of her!

  5. [YT] DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ! There’s no need to follow the name of the drama, it doesn’t have to be how it was meant to be !

    Ke Rou and HY was like “puppy love”. I wonder Ke Rou still has feelings for HY because she kept thinking “this is a man i can never love” so makes her want him more, or because she truly only loves him.
    But Chen Xi and Ke Rou, it’s so heart moving.

  6. [YT] wht’s the song name in 8:40?
    It’s so good.
    Oh~ 總監 should be with the girl.
    They are cute.
    Why all the drama always be the oppoisite of ppl’s will.
    They main guy with the sis, 總監 with the girl.
    Happy ending! Everyone likes it. (well most)

  7. [YT] from beginning till the end only 慕凡 falling in love by herself, we can’t blame 焕宇. And ke rou likes 焕宇, even though letting 慕凡 to go with 焕宇, 焕宇 doesn’t like her is the truth that can’t be change

  8. [YT] 這戲真的越來越爛..焕宇身為一个男人眞的很差劲..說為公司着想卻在發錶會上亂搞..從不顧別人感受很自私..眞不懂這個編劇搞什么

  9. [YT] ‘Huang Yu’ didn’t even think of helping her in action only using ‘mouth’ to say ‘I XXX you ‘ rather ‘useless’ and not fit to be the one winning ‘Ke Rou’. Sigh… sorry for the sister, she was mislead by thinking ‘Ke Rou’ don’t like him thats why she try so hard.

  10. [YT] Fully agree, it will be a good script if this is the ending. ‘Huan Yu’ finally be ‘moved’ by the sister and accept her. Then ‘Zhong Jian’ and ‘Ke Rou’ together (like what the mom wishes LOL….) He deserve ‘Ke Rou’ as he is the one that ‘explore’ her talent and fulfill her dream to become a designer. He fee sorry that she never been ‘pampered’ from her family or neither .

  11. [YT] if i were allowed to write this story, i would continue as follows:

    mu fan is going to commit suicide but she did not die. she emphasize how much she really huan yu.

    ke rou, in order to support her sister, accepting chen xi’s love and marrying him.

    huan yu has no other choice, also marrying mu fan.

    then produce season 2:
    after some time of marriage that did not work out, the two pairs divorce. huan yu and ke rou get back together..

    just my imagination.
    for fun only.

  12. [YT] Well if the director changed, then maybe the Ke Rou can not end up with the idiot. I mean, what’s the point right? That guy is better off being alone and not out hurting girls feelings.

  13. [YT] I can’t believe the guy is so stupid. How can he date the girl’s sister and then ask the girl to stay with him? I understand how people can be fools in love but doing somethings like this in public? I can’t believe Ke Rou was going to say yes.

  14. [YT] omg… a bunch of kids! i kinda want to see this drama end sooner. Dunno what else ridiculous will happen next.. just let them get marry or something!

  15. [YT] its ok cos he not interested to take over business from beginning so he only work for win his lover….
    but i agree the script got problem or deberate lower viewer’s IQ so twist story like this…

  16. [YT] i didnt mind this drama change filming director in beginning but now i really dont like this drama floating like this….and i just notice he is ‘LOB’ director too…
    i like both dramas actor but ….. =.=

  17. [YT] and it was suppose to be that way before the script changed too haha~ when hong chuo li was the one who liked her! man i truly miss the old script they changed all the character’s personal!! its gonna ruin everyone’s image~ but at least not for the new guy!

  18. [YT] wtf?!!! who ever purposes in a show like that?! not to mention the thinkness of his action!! why the fudge would he do that in front of mu fan and so many coworkers that knows about her? this is not romantic its just reckless!!


  19. [YT] 他很無聊耶… 總監的名字也是他努力來的成果阿 他才剛起步 雖然…人家這樣說會不好受啦…可是也不能拿整傢公司來這樣亂搞得阿

  20. [YT] 越来越不喜欢焕宇了,超幼稚. 衣服又不是他设计的,又不是只有他一个人努力,总监也是努力过来的啊.真希望克柔可以和他在一起.

  21. [YT] The rating was not satisfactory before, but now it’s like sinking to the lowest….The switch of director and plot really makes 郭品超 unlikeable. I keep playing the computer games while I watched the later episodes~

  22. [YT] kerou and huanyu have no chemistry
    at least the director should try to make them have some by actually putting them together in some scenes
    they have stupid scenes like staring at each other which sucks
    i way prefer zhong jian with kerou

  23. [YT] Ken Hung will already out of the group.
    Something serious happened to him and he is in the hospital. I don’t think he will come back to this show again. The Li Chen Xi is here to substitute him. I don’t know if Ken Hung is still in the hospital or not.

  24. [YT] Mufan should just get lost. Such a burden with no common sense.

    Self centered, never bothering about others.
    Only want family to love her, put her in the center.
    Never think about ke rou, with only ke rou putting her in the first place.


  25. [YT] 其實也不能怪他姊自私
    因為他姊每次問克柔 問她喜歡總經理嗎?
    既然不喜歡 他姊為甚麼不能喜歡
    我覺得最可憐的是他姊 不是克柔

  26. [YT] rubbish show. i think the script writter is so navie. how can hy. propose on his company’s “make or die” presentation? totally not professional!

  27. [YT] things will get confusing in the next episode! according to wiki. there are only 13 episodes… so how there’s more to it… talking about ken hung, he hasn’t been in the episodes for quite a long time! when will mu fan and ken be together? or mu fan is with some else?

  28. [YT] huan yu: how can he be double-sided all the time. can’t he be a little bit firm. the way he behaves, makes him look like a playboy. why did he worry that chen xi is playing with ke rou. isn’t he a bit unstable?

    mu fan: after spending one whole night with the boy friend, still not able to attach to the boy. clumsy little poor thing,

    chen xi: brilliant, smart, fine-looking young gentleman, being kind only to ke rou is not enough.

    ke rou: please choose the one that you love.

  29. [YT] what’s wrong with mufan, she should already know that huanyu doesn’t like her. remember the episode where huanu kissed kerou and mufan run away crying and hurt herself and the mom blame kerou for it….i just can’t stand mufan’s stupidity!!

  30. [YT] I wang Ke Rou and Zong Jian to be together, he’s really kind and caring <3

    Nin Huan Yu is kind of selfish and don't care about other's feelings... and he never explains his feelings clearly to others...ugh

  31. [YT] wha the hell .. 2 lovers who are madly in love with one another are like staring to each other while the people who love them are trying to break them up .. That’s so sucky

  32. [YT] O&K明明是平價成衣服裝公司
    可是發表會上秀的衣服卻都是high fashion runway上的衣服
    採購經理 看到的跟他要為百貨公司採購的衣服根本不同 怎麼會輕易下單?

  33. [YT] 煥宇 應該要為公司想阿
    而且說真的 他那套衣服 是克柔設計的阿

  34. [YT] 这部戏的讨论区里有很多观众联名提议让总监和克柔在结尾的时候在一起~ 而不是总经理和克柔~ 也不知道编剧有没有因为大家的意见而改变结尾呢

  35. [YT] 雖然我好喜歡看這些二男爭一女的劇

  36. [YT] 好好喔…
    有一個人這樣扶持著自己. 默默的做了好多

  37. [YT] 不是很喜歡克柔這樣,誰對她有感覺,誰最關心她,一點都不知道。本小姐最討厭窩囊的男人,連喜歡一個人都不敢說,還跟她姐姐一對?我寧願要嘴壞心腸軟的男人…..

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