Skip-Beat! Preview

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114 thoughts on “Skip-Beat! Preview

  1. There are so many opinions before the show has aired. Negative comments about the drama, everyone artist involved worked hard to present a good show. They are selected for a reason, I think it seem very unfair not to give the artist a chance to showcase their work before passing judgement. The artist are all doing their job and doing their job well. Please give them a break. Watching a drama in 2 languages will be interesting. I rather listen to their real voice than voice-over. This drama has been delayed due to casting reasons. Finally, it is airing. It has been 3 years…….

  2. I think there’s too much Korean influence in TW and its kinda over-the-top with the Korean music/culture/fashion craze over Asia. I seriously don’t see what’s so fancy about it. TW should just stick to their own style and trend, be it fashion, music and entertainment. I like TW the way it is and not the way it’s getting so much into the Korean thing by mimicking their fashion trends, hairstyles, music, culture, etc.

    • Cross culture influence is inevitable due to media and internet. These is how every generation grow and change. Thru such changes, they can create their own style. Taiwan 40 year ago is different from now. I don’t think Taiwan will loss its style identity, but it will not stop the youth who is constantly trying to learn and create new styles that they want to own. 20 years ago, Japanese trend was popular worldwide, Taiwan has its time after and now the Koreans is doing it. Trends comes and go, which country will be next 10 years later, that will be interesting.

  3. 雖說我也蠻喜歡始源與東海的,但是說真的,他們的演技比起原本的卡司, 言承旭與鄭元暢還是有差別, 再加上他兩在演戲的時候是說韓語而女主角說國語,所以在台灣撥出時當然要被國語配音才會和諧, 就像到時候在韓國撥出時女主角一定會被配音講韓文一樣. 要不男女主角講不同的語言多奇怪阿~ 但是那些不理性的台灣粉絲們最近在那邊跟電視台在抗議, 要求原音什麼的, 鬧得蠻大的, 讓人看了新聞實在是很難有好感.

      • whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!?? this weekend??
        where will we be able to see it, cos i’m from spain and all… and skip beat is like my all time fav manga! I know it’s not gonna be the same and all cos kyoko’s hair is orange and tsuruga is soooo much cuter… (sorry SJ fans >_<) but i reeeally wanna see it! it'll put off the wait till the next chapter of skip beat is out (LOL)

  4. tbh, im quite happy with the cast. i dont see why everyone’s complaining tbh. i think siwon suits ren much more than jerry, cos he’s got more of that clean look whilst jerry yan’s more cutesy.
    i get what everyone’s saying about ivy not being a strong enough character, but to be fair i dont think ariel would be any better..

    anyways, i think this drama’s gonna be awesome x) the preview is sick. as long as the producers get the dubbing right i suppose it should be alright, as long as it doesnt sound awkward.. i dont think it’d be that bad 🙂

  5. wow am i the only who thinks ivy is fit for the role? although i agree that ariel lin is a great actress, i think ivy is also a good actress. she did great in “black and white” and the movie “hear me,” i think she will do great in this drama too. 

    and people…i love the manga as well, but we all know that when mangas or books become dramas/movies, there’s bound to be things that we don’t like and that we don’t see as perfect for the role…stop complaining =_= and to those that are saying ivy is too old…i don’t think i’ve seen a drama or movie with actors of the right age, like seriously guys. for example, devil beside you was also supposed to be in high school, but they turned it into college. DEAL WITH IT or don’t watch it

  6. Gah, I prefer Ariel as the lead zz…
    and the different languages makes it kinda weird cuz you get the impression hat they don’t know what the other person is saying yet they are having a conversation with one another, it’s kinda contradictory from my point of view.
    I hope I won’t be disappointed with this drama, I loveeee the manga and anime !!!!!
    Btw, anyone knows whether there will be a season 2 for the anime ??

    • I totally agree wif you! Different language i so weird plus, the actors are so ugly, r they making skip beat into a show solely for comedy… I luv the anime, i want there to be a season two!

      Anyway, i hav diz feeling dat this drama will get alot of criticism!

  7. I just wanted to watch it because of Donghae and siwon Oppa!!<333……but I must say the actor for kyoko is……..I mean she's okay…..But she's not as powerful as the animated character…….But I still cant wait for it to come out!!………

    • She is not “mad” enough, too girly.
      Ariel would have done a better job.
      But these are all judging from the preview.  We know nothing until the first episode comes out. 

    • … The two guys are so ugly, although its the same for the girl too, they are not gud enough to play those roles! And wtf is wif the different languages, thats just weird! Why ask korean people to act wen its a taiwanese drama! 

      • Yeah I was wondering the same thing myself when i heard it was gonna be in both Korean and Taiwanese………I’m Not Gonna Argue and Disagree with you when you say the two guys are ugly because everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I must agree that the actors aren’t the best……But we shouldn’t just judge by watching the preview

  8. Taiwanese Drama ( Korean Language + Mandarin Language ) = BAD IDEA it kills the whole IDEA that it’s a TAIWANESE DRAMA :X DUH.

    I’m only watching this because I’m a fan of the manga and anime other than that WTF!!!!!!!

  9. I agree.. this is terrible. bad acting… & somehow a lack of quality.. very clearly seen in this choppy clip. I totally agree that Ariel will be better. However, if the show’s quality is this bad, I would actually prefer her not to take this on!

  10. I have so much expectation for the drama, but after I watched the preview, I could say it is such a disappointment 🙁
    , except for Donghae as Sho, I think he caught the essence of Sho’s char, but it’s the truth that he’s not as tall as the original char.
    Ariel Lin would be a much better choice than Ivy for Kyoko (I agree with Skip!Beat Lover). And Siwon, what the heck is wrong with all the grinning face, it ruins the cool and deep image of the original Ren. Have you ppl watched Bad Guy? I think Kim Nam Gil in that drama would be a perfect casting for Ren, although he is a bit older

  11. i’m the manga and anime fan… so this i will give it a try ok mixing taiwanese and korean actors—-wth….sucks i would need sub since i cant read chinese that’s what going to suck lol.

  12. donghae is so look like shoutaro but idk about siwon.. yeah jerry yan would be nice or leeminho as tsuruga haha and ariel linn!! ariel lin is much more like a 16 year oldd gahhh! she was perfect but ivy’s good too..she’s a bit old but idk,, she feels like kyoko to me.. 🙂 goodluck for this drama anyways.. i love the manga so much.. so u guys must make me love the drama so much too haha

  13. WOAHHHHH!! this looks like its going to be amazing!! cant wait! hope it will be just as funny as the anime!

  14. OMG~ I felt so sad watching the preview…. I so don’t like it!
    The girl playing Kyoko is such a disappointment. 
    I was thinking about giving her a chance when I heard about the actor replacements but i would have much preferred Ariel in that role (even if she’s older).
    This actress is too weak ; Kyoko is fierce, but also cute and crazy, she has a wide range of expressions and extreme feelings. A can’t feel any of these characteristics.

    I don’t really care about the male leads because the focus is essentially on the female lead.
    But Jerry Yan would have also been a better choice for Ren.

    The whole thing seemed so dull compared to the manga.
    I’ll probably watch it anyway, but it might be a waste of my time…

    • just fyi, ariel and ivy were born in the same year ariel is only less than a month older than ivy and i think ariel even looks younger with her cute chubby cheeks

  15. I love the anime and the manga…. the only part in this trailer I felt conveyed kyoko at all was the part where she was yell at sho and being dragged away.  Honestly, I think the actress was too meek there as well.  Kyoko is EXPLOSIVE so it’d be hard to find a good actress for the part.  Ren’s actor didn’t leave a strong impression either…. however Sho’s actor I felt truly portrayed the way I picture Sho when I’m reading the manga.  Kyoko’s haircut leaves a lot to be desired though.  Kyoko didn’t just leave it straight except when she was playing in Dark Moon.

  16. I expect Ren to be much more handsome, charming and cool.. koyoto looks too old, sho wasn’t that bad after seeing Ren and Koyoto.. I’ll probably skip this show so as not to ruin my impression of the manga.. 

  17. i think the actor who plays Kyoko is a tad too old to play tht part. but her energy from wat i can see is close enough to wat kyokos character requires. BTW wats up with her hair after she gets it done? isnt it sopposed to be short and blonde????

     i REALLY dislike Rens actor 🙁
     he doesnt really fit the manga image and personality,like, at all. none zip nada.

  18. T_T
    i wanna cry a lot…
    i don’t like this…
    i shouldn’t have expected a lot…
    if only the actors, director and those people who are connected at this drama read the manga…

    • totally feel your pain.. all the characters looks werid.. so not like skip beat.. they are gona ruin this manga…

    • Yes, I’m disappointed too… It’s like they’ve not taken the time to really understand the Manga or watch the Anime. As a fan of Skip Beat! I really feel injustice for the selection of cast and the translation of character by the actors…

      Ren should be more cool and charming, not this person who keeps smiling (no offence to the actor). I don’t see any distinction between Ren when he’s in front of public and Ren when he’s just himself.  

      Sho should also be more of a spoilt brat, with that bad boy image… He’s just too short to be Sho too.

      It’s just not right that the characters are so messed up. And just hearing one speaking in Mandarin and the other in Korean, in a conversation with each other is like… Pfft!

  19. ……i wonder how they are going to create the mini evil kyoko? sigh…my top favorite manga turning live-action drama….T_T…*crossing finger not to get disappointed*

  20. i…am scared to watch this!!!!!!!!!!! xD lololololololololssss well the acting looks alright (SO FAR) but i just hope the production will be good and not turn out so awkward…. but omgsh the scenes with ivy chen and donghai were so cute!!!! xD

  21. the guy acting as rai is………no very handsome….even ……under normal  T_T i could think of a thousand better looking actors :/

  22. Oh Gosh, Fishy is so childish … even in a drama, he can’t escape his childish image.
    As much as he try to be charismatic, he still look like a mischievous child waiting to create trouble.
    Look forward for this drama.
    Very excited now.
    (taiwan and korea have so many collaborations nowadays >.< can't wait to watch them all)

  23. I wish ariel lin was the main character in this drama and joe cheng but I am sure it will be as good cross fingers can’t wait excited

    • i also wish that ariel lin was the main girl seeing as how much 东海 likes ariel lin so much… i think there would be more chemistry between Siwonand ariel lin too as they worked together befor….jsut so disappointed about the choice of the main girl

    • I know, right? … and I hope they don’t make Kyoko cry too much. It ruins her image in the manga. (y’know, the strong kyoko) buuuut… i can’t wait to watch this. 😀

  24. 陈意涵和李东海很适合,但是崔始源不适合敦贺莲啦!应该找个混血来演吧!!!!酒窝神马的不适合莲sama啊!

    • WTS. YOU SAY THE WOMAN AND DONGHAE. IS EUNHAE. All elfs know that. like if you support eunhae more than the woman and donghae!

    • Who says an ELF always have to support Donghae and Eunhyuk as a couple? That’s is just some un-realistic gay drama that some immature fans made up so they don’t have to ever imagine these two getting any girlfriends in real life. Donghae and Eunhyuk have already repeated several times that they are not homosexual and only prefer women. Eunhyuk even revealed that he had a gf on his twitter/CY a few years ago who he broke up later on.

  25. talking korean and chinese? weird…..!!!! but siwon and donghae suit the characters (appearance) i guess… itd be so funny if they got a jap guy, a korean guy and a tw girl as the main characters XD 

  26. Ren was suppose to be a really cool guy and charming in personality… was not shown on siwon’s acting skills. 

    omg the last part was so epic XDXD
    the water spraying part hahahaha.
    can’t wait this till comes out :D:D:D

  28. Cute preview. Love Siwon, he’s so handsome and such a gentleman. 🙂

    They are speaking Korean in the preview so are they planning to dub the voices of Siwon and Donghae? I hate dubs and I would rather hear their voices. 🙁

  29. 滿喜歡陳奕涵的
    看起來他們好像一半講韓文一半講中文 這樣好像怪怪的…

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