Startling by Each Step Episode 03

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

32 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 03

  1. 这部剧实在是拍得很好, 人物细节都特别饱满, 八爷第一眼看见若熙那轻轻的挑一下眉毛的细节特别让人惊艳. 太子送礼的场景里一下子就表现出所有阿哥的个性了…

  2. it would have been better if they had an extra episode of what would happend with Zhang Xio/ Ruo Xiao and fourth prince in the 21st century

  3. 在若曦和明玉打架之後,又命令明玉【閉嘴】【還哭】,看了各阿哥的表情,覺得很好笑耶!尤其太子爺的怪表情,真好笑!

  4. 又仔細看了《宮》覺得《宮》簡直是鬧劇!步步驚心很精緻,演員出色,人物的個性和變化又滿尊重原著!又要去翻書了, 再次回味精品佳作!

  5. Thanks for sharing!  I have been following your website for 2 years. You always realise the latest videos. Thank you very much for your given effort and personal time to us. Wish you all the best and take care for yourself. =)

  6. 初看十爺就覺得他很面熟, 卻怎麼都想不起來他像誰…
    現在猛然發現, 原來他是像小康哥庹宗康年輕時的樣子!

  7. AHAHHAHA.. That is hilarious… Ruoxi know how to shut her up with a point of a finger.. and everyone witnessing.. now that is impressive!!!! 😀

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