Startling by Each Step Episode 04

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23 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 04

  1. aku benar2 terharu melihat film ini…
    belum pernah aku melihat film sebagus ini sebelumnya…
    benar benar bagus 🙂 aku suka.sangat suka,sangat mengharukan

  2. does ruoxi actually like the tenth prince? is that why she is so sad? i thought that the 10th prince was only her friend and she had feelings for the 4th prince? >.< im confused. can someone please explain?

    • she is sad because everyone’s life can change because of the king. she knows that the 10th prince did not want to wed that girl.

  3. the tenth prince and his new wife are kind of funny. It’s a sad wedding, but maybe before the fall of the tenth prince, they can develop some emotions for each other…..?

  4. 若曦 will definitely fall in love with the Eighth Prince since she can foresee the future and knew that he is a very cunning, aggressive, and cruelty person…..

    • i skimmed through parts of the novel and if i remember correctly it has something to do with the guy in her picture. she learned to ride the horse so well was because the guy she loved taught her but her father didn’t approve so they broke up. the eight prince and RL were once pregnant early in their marriage but she had a miscarriage when she found out her lover died.

      • RuoLan hates the eighth prince cause she felt that her lover died because of her and the eighth prince. that’s why she ‘s alway praying all day.

        That guy was a general from her father’s army who her father assigned to teach her horse riding.
        they slowly fall in love but was seperated cause the emperor wants to marry her off to the eight princes.
        the eight prince is very happy to know that they are going to get married as he once say ruolan on a clift or something, he felt that ruolan is very beautiful as she was smiling very happily.

        But when they got married, the eighth prince feel that the ruolan he married was not the ruolan he
        saw as the happiness ruolan had was gone.

        Thus,he sent his servant to ruolan’s fathers army in attempt to find out why ruolan is unhappy.

        When ruolan’s father realize that the eight prince is supecting them, he sent ruolan ‘s lover to fight in the frontline.

        Ruolan later became pregnant but had a miscarriage when she heard the news that her lover died in frontline.

        sorry for the spoiler 😛

  5. I quite like the new side we learn of Ruo Lan. She wasn’t always that quiet a person, but it’s probably because of something that happened in the past.

    • Ya. She had a sweet heart who was a general at her hometown, he taught her all the horse riding stunts. The prince was charmed by seeing her riding, she was then made wife of 8th prince. After marriage, the prince felt her unhappiness and tried to check on her past by sending people to her hometown as her dad realize the prince curiousity in this matter, he ordered the general to the frontline and he was then sacrifice. Therefore Ruo Lan felt that it was the prince that indirectly cause his death.

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