Startling by Each Step Episode 06

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61 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 06

    • cause in Qing Dynasty the slavery system in the palace is different from Ming dynasty. All the maids in the palace will have some background to bring convenience to the emperor if he decided to make the maid his wife. (:

  1. 話說回來,不知各位看沒看過各位爺的時裝照啊?很帥,很男人味!這就證明, 清朝裝扮毀人啊!上《步步驚心》的百度網站就可以看到喔!

    • The meeting is to test whether any clique is the one who trying to bring the crown prince down & see they have “brother-love” towards crown prince (cause crown prince is rumoured that his men is bullying the people because of his status) so as to find out is there any prince is eying to be or helping any prince to become the next crown prince.

      • Thanks for the explanation! Is there a book on this in English? If there is, what’s the title and who’s the author? Heard a lot about KangXi and Qing Dynasty but didn’t really get into details. This show makes me want to read more about it 🙂 

    • i don’t think so…i like Nicholas and he looks much younger than 8th prince….Morally, I don’t think it’s right that the 8th prince to marry RX….cos she is his sister-in-law…..very sick

      • but in the past its absolutely right to do this
        In fact, the family actually just marry off both their daughters to one husband as a tradition 🙂

    • 我看八爺跟若曦也不至於要快轉, 但跟四爺的確更好看更有張力! 所以還是按了like~ 而且, 不得不說, 吳奇隆怎麼還是這麼有魅力呀~ 眼神真帶電!

  2. 我覺得這部片子比新還珠格格好看太太太太多了,也因為看了前兩集所以去看了原著,發現原著寫的真好看。這部片子應該會越來越好看

    • Nona: 我讃成你的說法!瓊瑤讓我無語又傷心!我不怪演員因為他們是按著劇本演!瓊瑤從不讓人改劇本!一聽到《步步驚心》會隨《新還珠》播出, 我是期待又擔心!不過《步步》 沒讓我失望!我反而覺得這種精緻的作品和演技細膩的演員更合我味口!原著的文學深度讓我欽佩又蒙羞!看完了之後想再去修一下中國文學!請大家支持好的作品, 因為一部細膩的優質作品會讓人們有所感觸, 一群優秀的演技派演員會讓觀眾感動!請多多支持 《步步驚心》! ! ! !

        • Hi 朋友: 
          瓊瑤的劇情,台詞,歷史論不合理又慌藐!觀眾讃美她,她就說“太愛你們了!”觀眾提意見,她就說“我和你們差的太遙遠了!我不是寫歷史的!” 那為何硬加一些活生生和沒必要的歷史因素呢?她說她的作品是以文學為先,可是她沒有文學家應有的謙虛和態度!她讓我百思不解!真覺得她有意“東山再起“ ”重出江湖!“ 她想試一下她的作品還有沒有市場,能不能賺錢!不然也不會寫這樣的結局來想讓觀眾不滿, 要求”續寫“。呵呵!我經量不再講瓊瑤了,免得傷心又掃興!請大家諒解!

    • 太同意了, 无法相提并论. 一直想看一下”宫”, 好多人拿”宫”和步步相比. 看了5 分钟, 实在看不去了. 主要是
      步步演得太好了, 好剧本, 好演员,好制作.情节扣人心弦, 看了三遍,还是意犹未尽. 刘诗诗演绎虽然不完美, 但很朴实, 气质很好. 如果能把若曦复杂的心理和算计演得更深刻一些就更好了.不过对一个二十出头的女孩来说已经很不错了.

  3. 不過,我每次看見八爺對若曦很好時, 就感覺像大灰狼要吃小紅帽. 現在好像跟八爺在一起很勉強,和四爺很放鬆! 但這就是作者桐華的精華之處:若熙,四爺,八爺三人之間的絕妙關係!
    沒看過原者的書的兄弟姐妹們,可以去看書來品味作者的文學水平!她的文子很深澳,很絕美, 很有深度!她的文筆真的會讓讀者產生畫面,讓大家的情緒跟隨書裡的人物起覆,會跟他們一起感受故事裡的許許多多的“無奈“ ”不得已“ 和“變化” 喔!無論是書還是電視劇都要看下去, 要支持喔!
    期待更多的“大中華” 的優秀精美電視作品!

    中華民族,加油!中華民族, 萬歲!

    各位炎黃子孫:祝福大家中秋佳節快樂,月圓人圓事事圓滿! ! !

  4. 又仔細看了《宮》覺得《宮》簡直是鬧劇!步步驚心很精緻,演員出色,人物的個性和變化又滿尊重原著!又要去翻書了, 再次回味精品佳作!

    • 才几集啊, 捧成这样, 我看完前十集了, 客观的说, 男女主角们没有宫演的好,配角不错, 感情戏完全不行.其他故事比宫好. 据说原著文笔很淡, 但是拍成电视剧也很淡就有问题了…

      • 這位同學,你才好笑!你會說別人,那你自己呢?才看完十集就說沒宮演得好,感情戲不行什麽的。拜託!還沒到戲肉呢。還有二十多集耶!憑什麽說客觀?要是客觀的話就留著把整部戲看完才說。我不會談宮,我只是覺得步步的演員也值得給機會,而不是看完1/3就否定他們的努力或者認定他們是比下去。

      • 這位觀眾:我只是把我的想法表達出來而已, 你無須激動!我只是覺得《步步驚心》值得表揚,書更好看喔!

          • 這位觀眾:我了解你的看法。剛開始我也滿擔心我沒辦法接受電視劇版的!但後​​來我一直關注拍攝進度,演員方面,一些片花,劇情到底有沒有原著的細膩和深度,我發現我愛上了這些值得欽佩的演員和製作人員!能盡量忠於原著和請一組實力派的演員來演出其實並不簡單!也許他們有可能沒辦法和《新還珠格格》和《宮鎖心鈺》的大製作比,但唐人公司和他們看上的演員和作品都是優秀和精緻的!也許他們不會發紅發紫,但我感覺得到演員的用心和真誠!也非常期待他們以後的作品和演出!這麼說吧:《步步驚心》是好酒,要釀久了才能品出它的味道! 《宮》有它的好,我滿欣賞裡面的佟麗婭和楊冪,但劇情沒那麼細膩,可演員都盡力了!《步步驚心》的演員也是因為原著能讓人感動和製作公司的誠意才演出的!

          • 這位同學講得太好!我也是看過很多關於步步的採訪。這班演員可真是謙虛!很喜歡他們的互動!唐人真的不錯∼ 這部劇也非常有誠意!我作天才知道原來他們是向銀行借款才能夠拍步步!他們的服裝什麼的都是人手做的。連扣子都是真材實料!道具都是真的。還特意請北大的歷史教授做顧問。有些觀眾覺得某些鏡頭還不夠壯觀,但你們知道嗎?原來唐人給臨時演員的薪水是橫惦理最高的耶!難怪…


        • i think you’re always the one who’s aggitated. not the rest…. hahaha but i agree with you. this is an awesome show. and after watching this show i dont understand why did i spend my time to watch the new my fair princess……

    • he actually love ruo lan but then he realized after the marriage that ruo lan is not like the girl he loved, the fun loving cheerful girl he had met but then he met ruo xi the one that is fun and cheerful hence he like her but he is like projecting his feeling for ruo lan onto ruo xi

      • Yeah. And that’s SICK. He’s married to (must have done stuff with) Ruo Xi’s sister… Would you have a relationship with your sister’s husband, even if they have marital problems? That’s why it’s GROSS.

        • but u have to consider that it was 300 years ago when men are allowed to have many wife and honestly according to history there are many cases when sisters marry the same guy.

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