Startling by Each Step Episode 10

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39 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 10

  1. When they say this Prince, that Prince, its so tough. I know the 4th, 8th, and 10th. & i think is that the 13th? God, why are there so many of them!?

  2. u know whats funny, up till now i still dont know any of the guys names. throughout whole show theyve been called 4th prince, 8th prince etc. lol.

  3. 若曦到底心思是怎麼樣的女孩啊?

    (雖然有網友已說明 她與其他阿哥間的關係)

    真想去看一看小說 或許我可以更明白一些

  4. 從新還珠格格看到步步驚心,非常警悟自己浪費了過去將近兩個月的早晨,在看一齣寫得蠻垃圾拍的蠻粗糙的片子。從很簡單的一個妝一個打光景就可以知道精緻與

    • Nona: 我同意您的看法! 《新還珠格格》真的是鬧劇!沒有《宮》 的皆大歡喜, 也沒有《步步》的細膩精緻,《新還珠》非喜非悲,只讓我搖頭嘆氣,只差沒七孔流血!整劇以班老外為首,一個老外每場都出現,還要聽他給中國人講中國人的道理!腥肉格格場場都以穿肚兜出現,還滿腦子想著做那事兒!青樓女子都比她高貴自重!強烈建議瓊瑤改劇名為:《新班鳩哥哥之在清朝的日子》或《腥肉小三之玉蒲團之激戰五阿哥》!

  5. 從開播看到現在,每一集都沒有給大家失望,雖然有些地方改動了,但看起來還都是合情合理的,喜歡電視劇裡面的每一個人,忍不住了,今天終於要說:真是太給力了,連王喜公公都是那麼的萌!尤其是昨天那場戲,王喜找若曦說要伴駕隨行的時候,那幾聲 “若曦姐姐” 叫得實在是太可愛了,演出了小公公活潑的一面!真的喜歡裡面的每一個人,都是實力派加偶像派的藝人!

    • 我覺得改的也沒有太差呢,仍舊蠻有吸引力的。只是那個”安好勿掛”從十四爺改成八爺,令個人有點小小小失望來講,不過看來編劇是想把重點改成在八爺跟四爺的身上,所以把十四爺的暗慕之情放到很後面了

      • 說的有道理!哈哈!我還滿期待十四爺也來表明一下“心機” 呢!您跟我想到一起了!當十四爺出場時,我的眼睛有發亮喔!

      • 說的有道理!哈哈!我還滿期待十四爺也來表明一下“心機” 呢!您跟我想到一起了!當十四爺出場時,我的眼睛有發亮喔!

  6. the more i see it the more i dun get the point of time travelling,,, it;s not as if she have introduce idea from future to past,,, they could just show any lady without travel in time to be main lead. like a general that move into town and brought her daughter along

      • She won’t be introducing new tech / stuff because she is a
        Chinese. So, in terms of resources, she doesn’t have it at all. But later u
        Will see min min’s dance, so I think that’s one of the interesting stuff she will be introducing to the Qing dynasty. Not much fantastic stuff like hot chocolate or English, but she is trying to do something creative with whatever she has. 🙂

        I think you will see the point when the drama series coming to an end. The author is so-damn good in unfolding the story plots all the way till the end. I wanted to explain but it will spoil the story too much. 🙁

    • read the synopsis. 

      Zhang Xiao tries to change the future outcomes for the better, hoping to prevents any casualty as written in the future without interfering a man’s destiny, while trying to find a way to return to her time period. However, Zhang ultimately realizes that, not only she fails to alter the course of the approaching events, but also, under a predestination paradox, she is fated to become an instigator of the tragedy she tries to prevent resulted by her actions in the past and the princess’ romantic affections towards her.

    • the point the she is from the future is not that she is gonna introduce the idea and stuff like that. the point is that she knows the history and the life of each of the other character, and she wants to change it. but she end up making it worst.  that’s why even she loves the 8th prince, but she knows from history that he will have a very bad ending. 

    • the point the she is from the future is not that she is gonna introduce the idea and stuff like that. the point is that she knows the history and the life of each of the other character, and she wants to change it. but she end up making it worst.  that’s why even she loves the 8th prince, but she knows from history that he will have a very bad ending. 

  7. 滿精彩的喔!還好《步步驚心》 沒有被萬惡的于大媽于正拿去拍!不然我真不敢想像會被拍成啥樣了!唐人公司真給力啊!好作品就是要讓好的製作公司來拍攝!大家要繼續多多支持喔精緻佳作! 《步步驚心》會讓大家《步步傾心》 喔!

    • 于正的剧本比这剧本好多了, 若曦被八爷叫去房间,等了N久, 让她离开,什么也没说, 这到底在拍啥啊, 观众看不懂, 为啥观众看戏一定要看过书呢? 于正的剧本每过几分钟就有一个高潮, 这戏太平铺直叙, 收视率越来越低就是这样.

        • 去你妈的, 网上同样质疑的多了去了, 又不是我第一个, 我本来以为是我的问题, 后来发现是大家都有这个问题.

          • 這位朋友:我尊重您的意見和批評,但請您不要罵其他的朋友!大家都有權力給意見,但也要文明啊!我喜歡《步步驚心》 是我的事, 您愛《宮鎖心玉》是您的事!我之前就說過《宮》 有它自己的魅力,我可沒有​​批評演員喔!但《步步》 的原著小說比於正的劇本早幾年啊!就是因為原著的細膩的中國文學低子和故事劇情感動了我,身為愛讀中國歷史和文學作品的我, 當然也不能夠馬馬虎虎的看劇!我都很認真的看每一位演員的演技和不停的回頭讀原著!我一直都比較重視劇情的發展,也許因為我今年二十六歲了,比較可以欣賞這樣的演技和劇情吧!這位朋友,《宮》也許在您心中勝過《步步》,也許您喜歡華麗的大製作,但我更愛溫馨,細膩,和精緻的小作品!支持我的請頂一下!

          • 我覺得可能因為開頭都演的比較喜劇一點,容易讓人把步跟宮想在一塊,但是如果根據忠於原住改編的話,劇情越來越有看頭,跟宮也會越來越有相異性。自然再看下去就會看出步跟宮其實是兩齣差異很大的片子。

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