Story of Time Episode 39

Description: Episodes:

In a wholesome little town in the 1960’s and 1970’s lived a few interesting families who weaved their stories with laughter and tears.

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67 thoughts on “Story of Time Episode 39

  1. [YT] 孫媽當初一聽郝伯說到補習班, 就把自己唯一的結婚紀念品給一美去當補習費, (雖然她已換成了戒指, 但她有說 “媽媽帶妳來金店,賣是要妳記住,要好好念書”…….孫媽真的是很寶貝一美的.

  2. [YT] 繼”我吃過的鹽比你吃的飯還多之後”


  3. [YT] 哇哈哈…開口呼大蒜味那一段一定ng很多次

  4. [YT] 一美真是個善良,孝敬長輩的女孩.相信她那一句”許伯,要是你還在就好了”,說出了元的心聲.


  5. [YT] i hope this show will be longer not just 40 eps i want to see yi mei and yi ruan when they gets older and more of their scenes and less chang chang cuz hers is just heart breaking

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