Story of Time Episode 40

Description: Episodes:

In a wholesome little town in the 1960’s and 1970’s lived a few interesting families who weaved their stories with laughter and tears.

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65 thoughts on “Story of Time Episode 40

  1. [YT] 一美跟孫媽那麼像!

    拍雄拿抹布給朱媽擦眼淚耶 XD


  2. [YT] 是沒錯啦 應該沒有這麼誇張 但這讓我想到小時候學校量身高體重 我當時一百八 七十二公斤 我有一個好朋友是女生 升高一百六不到身材和朱虹差不多 但是居然比我還重 當時真是讓我開了眼界

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