Story of Time Episode 47

Description: Episodes:

In a wholesome little town in the 1960’s and 1970’s lived a few interesting families who weaved their stories with laughter and tears.

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173 thoughts on “Story of Time Episode 47

  1. [YT] 這種女人最可怕了.尋死尋活的,虐待的是對方,是家庭,是下一代.真的不能姑息.不然這種變態遊戲會越玩越大.到後來會陪葬的一堆.最好別惹,萬一惹上了,趁早結束,不然大家陪著倒楣.

  2. [YT] 處長的房子叫作職務官舍.在當時應該是一個類似一樓平房似的大宅院(沒有那麼大),不過在當時是真的很氣派的.有沒有貪污沒人敢講,因為那時候什麼物資都缺乏又都是靠美援,要貪吶~~~有點難.

  3. [YT] 人要為自己的生命負責 所以即使有人要用死來威脅你 就讓他死吧 因為自殺的人要為他自己負責 活著的人就向前走吧 想自殺的人不要以為這招好用 死後下阿鼻地獄 永不超生

  4. [YT] 這個好笑
    我還以為是 Jackluoh 看到哪裡的廣告
    我也沒記得 “遠傳” 老客戶打對折
    “遠傳” 打對折會虧死

  5. [YT] 我不覺得她有什麼問題…

  6. [YT] Common-law marrige只是一種追加法律有效性的機制,就好像給沒買票的補票而已,而且有了孩子才給承認,沒有孩子之前都算同居啦。

  7. [YT] 聽説是古时候,皇上微服私寻,他给下属到酒的时候,下属用點二下桌子的方式来表示给您跪下了!沿用到现在,表示谢谢。

  8. [YT] 妮妮這樣做 應該只會讓復邦以後都活在自己自殺的陰影下吧…..

  9. [YT] 為什麼拍雄不能會台語呢 我爸我媽都是外省小孩 但在台灣生 在台灣長大 都會說台語啊 說起來不會太溜 但聽和溝通都還沒問題 所以角色設定應該算沒錯吧

  10. [YT] 哈哈哈…小拍雄那才是最實際的”心事”

  11. [YT] I think it’s just that Mrs. Tao changed since the Qian Qian event..As a matter of fact, I find that most of the characters in this story, except for the Sun family, they all have changed somehow…

  12. [YT] 那個時代的人,就好像還沒完成正在進行的人生故事,就又被迫開始了另一段人生故事,而且才十來歲卻全得靠自己,沒有後盾、也沒人指導…光陰的故事如同給這群人 表達一個敬意及紀念。

  13. [YT] I think like I-yuan too, but I believe if my significant others want that piece of paper, I would still grant their wishes….eventhough to me that piece of paper is worthless 🙂

  14. [YT] 說到底也是因為一美真的很愛毅源呀

  15. [YT] 其實妮妮也蠻可憐的

  16. [YT] 酒後吐真言,阿公和孫爸這一段交心的談話.不但讓阿公當面說出,他心中深藏以久對女婿的感謝,也讓孫爸道出了,阿公彌補了他未能對父母盡孝的遺憾.

  17. [YT] life is different back then
    people don’t divorce during that time (technically they do, but rate is very low)

    And given her family status, it is logical why she has that mentality

  18. [YT] I Mei is retarded sometimes…marriage doesn’t mean your life will be better or both of you will be happier. Marriage is only a guarantee in case the couple wants to divorce. Then there will be legal action to settle the matter peacefully (sometimes).

  19. [YT] Guys need to pay attention to this kind of girls! Once you marry to her, your life is almost ending! SAD. She tortures herself and the othersssssss.

    I am so sick of Nini. She should not ruin this soap opera. Bad performance

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