Summer x Summer Episode 02

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86 thoughts on “Summer x Summer Episode 02

  1. [YT] so the girl was actually right noone dared to mess with him ever since he was little …. and i think that what she did requires more courage than writting a letter confess face to face to the boy you like… he´s starting to get intrested in the girl he actually did what she asked… XP

  2. [YT] jajaja… joe with devilish personality… i´ll like to see that… jajajaja… the vampire thing really funny… jajajaja… the angel turned into devil…. really funny….hahaha

  3. [YT] can you please not ruin the series with your unnecessary comments?it is rude and disrespectful,if you have something mean to say don’t say it to youtube nor this video.KEEP IT YO YOURSELF!

  4. [YT] It’s just for the drama. In KO One she’s considered really cute and pretty. Well, when they actually see her face. You’ll understand if you watch it.

  5. [YT] that dream..i think it means that he has evil in him but the angel hides under it. and i think it meant that only she can make the evil go away. meaning they’re gonna fall in love, or course.

  6. [YT] quick question…didnt she have big breasts in tokyo juliet? she had on a bikini and it is ariel who looked at her own realizing how small hers are.

  7. [YT] me too~ cause in dramas they repeat words like love and conversational things which one picks up from watching the dramas. one time without even knowing it I understood my friends speaking in korean. this is when i knew watching dramas can help one learn knew languages…only a little of course.

  8. [YT] I’m still hoping for a twist in the rose that han kui will end up with bai he. I know some mandarin not well but enough to save my life. I learn more by watching all this drama. Some japanese and korean too.

  9. [YT] Poor girl she always tries to be nice to everyone when they get their feelings hurt but all they do is insult her back. Though she isn’t to bright…but most main characters aren’t.

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