TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 3, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
lol. yeah. a lot of the dramas/tv shows are just self defense (which is ok). but they always get in trouble for it =.= i remember this was this one drama that could’ve been shortened, but it was pulled longer cuz they never thought that it could be solved with just: self defense @.@
曉莉人生已經夠坎坷了,竟然還遇到這種 “貴人” OAO 有夠衰….
why did the dad blame the son for the mom’s untimely death
人傑 is self-defense and not shouldn’t be charged for battery as 小文, 小武)’s father who started the fight and hit him first. This is a bit exaggerated
lol. yeah. a lot of the dramas/tv shows are just self defense (which is ok). but they always get in trouble for it =.= i remember this was this one drama that could’ve been shortened, but it was pulled longer cuz they never thought that it could be solved with just: self defense @.@
終於慢慢的走回飛行少年的主題… 孩子們(人傑, 小文, 小武) 的互動, 子豪的一番話都好感人. 更希望能看到志杰與恩惠跟孩子們的互動, 而從磨擦與融合中可看到志杰與恩惠真正成為一對在交往的情侶. 其實, 不太喜歡看到曉莉跟威廉的互動…因為偏離主題又太拖, 威廉的膚淺, 曉莉的陰暗~~~ 不如短些再加入多些孩子們跟主角們的互動, 感覺上會更感人, 更在主題上, 又更有看頭….
感覺曉莉比威連老好多, 兩人感覺不太配… 倒是Maggie演得很出色, 滿有個性的…