TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 10, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
8 thoughts on “They Are Flying Episode 14”
This show is so well done. there is so much brokenness in the world. i like how they show it in the poor kids, but there is also brokenness in those with money. William’s situation is no better than the kids, only his abuse and control is internal. His mom is ridiculously frightening to me. The same for Xiao Li. Her situation is just as bad as a lot of the kids because in essence she is an orphan as well, being used and manipulated to the point she has no self-esteem and freedom left. This show has really moved my heart. There are so many lovable people and real troubles. Such an honest, yet beautiful depiction of human love and brokenness.
This show is so well done. there is so much brokenness in the world. i like how they show it in the poor kids, but there is also brokenness in those with money. William’s situation is no better than the kids, only his abuse and control is internal. His mom is ridiculously frightening to me. The same for Xiao Li. Her situation is just as bad as a lot of the kids because in essence she is an orphan as well, being used and manipulated to the point she has no self-esteem and freedom left. This show has really moved my heart. There are so many lovable people and real troubles. Such an honest, yet beautiful depiction of human love and brokenness.
Very well said! (:
虽然有时也觉得晓莉和威廉的戏也觉得有些无聊,但晓莉的人生也像那些飞行少年, 虽然她不是问题少年,但她童年的遭遇是造成她现在对自己没自信,心里的挣扎,和性格的孤僻.. 好像在反映出,如果这些边缘少年没有学院那么充满爱的环境中成长,被栽培,也许,就会变成另一个晓莉。虽然晓莉有机会读书,有个家可以回,但这对孩子的成长却不是最重要的,晓莉从小就缺乏牧师口中的爱。就是这种对比吧
well said!
但不知你是否能理解像小文, 小武, 跟之前的建宏, 都是無家可歸(家暴), 看不見未來的青少年. 寄人籬下的愛又能感受到多少. 相較於曉麗的不愁吃, 不愁穿, 有學歷, 有工作, 又是個年近30的成年人, 她的際遇對那些非行少年來說或許都是遙不可及的. 或許, 曉莉應該多把時間花在幫助比她更需要幫助的非行少年. 畢竟, 一個人想要得到愛, 她必須先學會愛別人及愛自己. 要是硬說曉莉的人生像那些非行少年, 不如說志杰的更像~~~不是嗎?
但你也要明白,不是每个边缘少年都是因为家暴才会被送去学院的.. 没有未来,跟被安排的未来,都一样的不好.. 对,晓莉以是年近30 的人,但难道她就没有童年吗?难道她不是寄人篱下?我是说,她小时候的遭遇,造成她现在的情况,没有要拿她或任何少年的遭遇来比较.. 每个人的故事不一样.. 一样的,是没有找到真正被爱,被关怀,被了解的感觉.. 当你在某种环境生长,你很难去用理智去判断你该有的情绪,虽然说要先爱自己,才能被别人爱,但是,说来容易,对某些人来说却是困难的.. 晓莉也会去关心那些小朋友阿,也许因为看到以前的自己,只是戏里面她有回去奉献,不代表她不会爱别人.. 当然,志洁也是一样的.. 我没有要比较志杰或晓莉比较像阿.. 有谁的人生又是一模一样的呢?
<3 Sam
看到威莉的戲, 就快轉. 因跟學員的孩子們比起來, 他們的困擾簡直是渺小到幾乎是自尋煩惱. 實在是浪費時間加上無聊透頂. 更想看威廉媽跟子豪的互動, 及杰恩和孩子們的互動.