TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". March 25, 2009 Tipster Rednimer
[YT] 不孕症 isn’t that mean that she CAN’T get pregnant?
it’s not cuz the way of getting pregnant whether it’s natural or artificial .. i think she has a problem getting pregnant
[YT] 小飛 的聲音好像不是那樣??
[YT] 腳好真快
[YT] 范正婰小妹妹 台詞要背熟喔
[YT] 其實海角七號之前
[YT] 那是張宗榮廣告時間嗎?哈哈哈
[YT] 比韓劇好多了
[YT] 新慧 can be a little too STRICT sometimes!!!
[YT] from 4:26 to 4:28 is so FUNNY!!!
[YT] 那維勳 wears the nicest clothes out of the 4 of them ~!
[YT] i got to admit, google’s offices are really cool.
[YT] 🙂 hah
[YT] 有這麼嚴重嘛???
[YT] T is lesbian?
[YT] 是缺牙衛
[YT] 我的媽呀!!!
[YT] 正碘原來口氣不是裝的…她真的有台中腔.講話跟鄭元暢完全一樣
[YT] 睡著~怎麼可能提得了包包...
[YT] 台灣的連續劇也學起海角七號.拍起社會寫實劇.走親民路線.現實寫照風格(除了這部.還有:比賽開始等等)
[YT] test tubes is the answer, test tubes.
[YT] today is sunday
[YT] 屈哥的假肚子太明显了
[YT] 3:28 正碘是想跟阿怪說 : 不只我姐能幹 我也能幹喔 (羞)
[YT] 相愛是要給予信任的!!
[YT] 2:41 九孔
[YT] 譽德是好醫生?大衛肯定不爽……哈哈
[YT] no today is monday
[YT] 最害怕別人說我比你了解自己還要多…這根本就是思想控制嘛 =.=
[YT] 通~靈~王~
[YT] Maki’s poster is on the wall!
[YT] 那是大衛吧
[YT] haha his wife’s facial expressions are so funny
[YT] a doctor that knows every thing.
[YT] 自強一村?
[YT] you know they are going to fall in love in the later esp.
[YT] 不孕症 isn’t that mean that she CAN’T get pregnant?
it’s not cuz the way of getting pregnant whether it’s natural or artificial .. i think she has a problem getting pregnant
[YT] “快來幫曉娟接一下電話”
哈哈哈 育德正在打給她..
[YT] the advertising slogan is good…LOL
[YT] tat is x 小飛
[YT] 言璧和正媚 good imitation show…LOL
[YT] agree…LMAO
[YT] 九孔 go…love his funny action..LOL
[YT] 陳漢典很棒^^
[YT] 她是第一次拍劇嘛 是真正的高二升高三= =
[YT] lol ㄍㄨ在這跟狗
[YT] 廣告那段超好笑
[YT] 小飛也搶戲= =
[YT] 老王應該出一本”劇中外景餐廳攻略”耶
[YT] 新慧的想像力真的很厲害= =
[YT] lol i can’t stop laughing haha 賣藥那太酷了啦
[YT] i really don’t wanna say that, but she is= =瘋子= =
[YT] “阿!他真的先走了? 等一下 譽德!”
[YT] come on…..小本製作
[YT] the fire was too fake. i don’t like it when they’re fake. but the show is still good. i like it.
[YT] This drama is getting better and better love it~
[YT] 正典 说话一直眨眼,还要练演技啊
[YT] 動作挺熟練的,哈哈
[YT] 相愛?或許吧!但這種窒息式的愛情讓人無法忍受,每個人總需要自己的空間,不因為結婚而成為是被別人操控的玩偶。
[YT] 這是我看過最最最好看ㄉ八點檔了^_^!!
[YT] 名人傳真XDXD
[YT] 哈哈哈哈 ………..被女兒破梗
[YT] 王偉忠好像只是製作人吧, 導演好像是另外一個人
[YT] 范偉恩你太賤了啊啊啊啊啊!!!!
[YT] 哇賽.哇賽.哇賽……..
[YT] 老王的同學會集集都有爆點
實在是太好看了 不得不佩服王偉忠能導出這麼好看的電視劇~~~~~
[YT] HAHAHA 九孔!!!!!
[YT] 火災現場比敗犬逼真
[YT] 哈哈哈哈 范偉恩你太下流了 速度這麼快
[YT] 哈哈哈哈 賣藥那段太好笑了 哈哈ㄏ
[YT] 我只能說疑心病重的女生 真的很難相處!!
[YT] HAHA nice plot. Today is Friday!!!
[YT] 哈哈哈阿 范正媚的表情好賤歐 我喜歡~~~~~~
[YT] 這個字眼會不會太強烈了一點
[YT] 大衛也來嘎一腳演病人^^..
[YT] 我又沒有摸..哈哈
[YT] 兩夫妻的對話實在是笑死人!!!
[YT] 身高上不是特别配。。。
[YT] 好感人。。其实他们很相爱,,只是表达的方式太过偏激,,其实誉德别怕新慧生气大方的说出来还比较好,,老是撒谎也难怪新慧会怀疑了,,当你明明发现对方跟其他人在一起,但他还说是一个人吃饭,我想新慧的个性不想东想西也奇怪。。才会到今天这个地步,,
[YT] she can implant the sperms into her uterus to get pregnant
[YT] crazy bitch
[YT] 言璧和正媚超配的啦!!
[YT] Love u so much~~~~
[YT] 新慧疑心病太重了啦!!
[YT] 合成的好讚喔 正媚如果真的那樣 那瑤瑤就不用混了