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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". April 27, 2009 Tipster Rednimer
[YT] This drama is much much better than 偶像劇…..match with reality unlike those drama b4…luv it…wish can see more similar drama in future…Handsome actors and pretty actress are not necessary in good drama
[YT] i was right like i said before, we all know she didn’t want a divorce, she just felt like giving freedom back to yu de, same thing apply to everything she’ve done lately, sending her son to africa, let her son be gay…i highly doubt xin hui like any of it…y did she do it?? save face?? i don’t think so, she just want them to be happy
[YT] i was right like i said before, Xin Hui really didn’t wanna divorce her hubby…just because she wanna save face and try to be tough~~~~~~~> she was lying
范瑋恩不是出家當和尚了?怎麼還要百萬名車= =
[YT] 小折騎濱海真的會很累。。。
[YT] 庹宗康的臉越看越大,呵~~~
[YT] 譽德的問題也出在自己的個性….
[YT] 這是學命運好好玩的吧….
[YT] 放假要幹什麼?
[YT] 譽德 好貪心
[YT] 好感人!
[YT] 对,超级像的
[YT] 怎麼他們三個摔下去有點像是飛龍在天的橋段..
[YT] 特別寫的
[YT] 怎會那麼瞎呀
[YT] 騎那種車不累才怪…
[YT] 休無薪假XD
[YT] 有時晚上都看不到影片~怎麼會這樣??
[YT] 那個來也哭 哈哈哈
好白癡= =
[YT] 泡溫泉喔 haha 笑死我
[YT] ah anti jay chou never jay chou is the best
[YT] obama lol
[YT] irony wang 40 and last name wang lol
[YT] 有濕啦…只是沒有很濕
[YT] 那跟木頭小了點
[YT] 我想起以前唸專科的時候,也是跟同學走北海岸到花東,雖然我們是開車去的,但是蘇花公路沿途的景色秀麗,每到一個海角休憩站都會停下來欣賞風景,跟我們一樣路過的旅客大家也都有很好的互動,那段旅程真是美好的回憶!
[YT] This drama is much much better than 偶像劇…..match with reality unlike those drama b4…luv it…wish can see more similar drama in future…Handsome actors and pretty actress are not necessary in good drama
[YT] 真是太感謝大大了 !!
謝謝 !!
[YT] 開始的時間是什麼歌呀
[YT] 正妹好正阿~~~~~~
拜託在多演一點 部要現在就殺青~!!!!
[YT] 女主唱的榷不会唱,新光里面证实的
[YT] 旅館裡面怎麼項火災現場來著!?
[YT] 髮型加臉型愈看愈像豆導 哈哈
[YT] 偉恩跟和尚在個性上似乎是有些相似
[YT] 偉恩的笑聲真經典--+
弄我 弄回去!!XDDD
[YT] 這種感動真好
哈哈 我妹妹燒給我的
那台車還真可愛咧 老王嫌帶衰 哈
這幾咖 哈~
[YT] 真的很像豆導
[YT] 小摺ㄟ~~
[YT] 他只是掉进草丛啊···看他一身草··^_^
[YT] 老王還真能撐 撐這麼久
[YT] 奇怪掉進水裡怎麼都沒有溼溼的嘞?
[YT] 不會阿…可能是因為你覺得老王很好看只演這樣就太少了
[YT] 同感
[YT] 我覺得看起來比較像某個導演叫甚麼鈕承擇的
[YT] i was right like i said before, we all know she didn’t want a divorce, she just felt like giving freedom back to yu de, same thing apply to everything she’ve done lately, sending her son to africa, let her son be gay…i highly doubt xin hui like any of it…y did she do it?? save face?? i don’t think so, she just want them to be happy
[YT] 小康带安全帽好可爱,圆滚滚
[YT] 這個劇太好看了,,比那些偶像劇都好了
[YT] 老王的造形好像王偉忠
[YT] 雖然有點不合理但還是很好看
[YT] 伊甸园之东!巨好看!
[YT] 正媚身材真好~
[YT] this drowning part is very hilarious
[YT] 這是少數我覺得演太短的連續劇!!
[YT] 哈~老王撐了兩次!
[YT] 哈~老王的安全帽~真不搭!
[YT] i was right like i said before, Xin Hui really didn’t wanna divorce her hubby…just because she wanna save face and try to be tough~~~~~~~> she was lying
[YT] i think the ending song suits the show very well :3
[YT] 我妹妹燒給我的XDDDD
[YT] why they keep saying US times?????
[YT] 老王這段說的句句都好有哲理啊
[YT] 九彎十八拐~連年輕人都不一定騎的上去