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60 thoughts on “Year of the Rain Episode 01”
Why are they saying, that there are english subtitles? I can’t see any subtitles..!
[YT] I haven’t cried in a long time… until I saw this drama. Taiwan went through two great disasters within ten years: the earthquake in 1999 and the flood in 2009. As a fellow Taiwanese, this drama really makes my heart sore.
Why are they saying, that there are english subtitles? I can’t see any subtitles..!
[YT] 開頭曲竟然是蛋堡的聲音 很意外
[YT] @juj8825 已經播完了@@
[YT] 請問有人知道電視的播出時間嗎?
[YT] 套布偶吹奏樂器也太可愛 >///<
[YT] 公視5/30有撥出最後一集,真的是很感人的一部片子,沒有大牌演員但都演的好真.哭到我不行,希望所以經歷過88風災的人都能走出傷痛.
[YT] @zx1986 台灣東北角 宜蘭一帶
[YT] @vega1017 只是取景而已沒有必要講就那麼多啦…
[YT] 難怪我就想說看過這個女生 她是拍u-start(畢業惶恐篇)的那個女生!!!!!
[YT] 如果沒記錯,這段一開始的景在「麟山鼻」,在白沙灣附近。那邊可以看到很多招潮蟹喔。(「不能說的秘密」也有在那邊取景)
[YT] 簡嫚書好可愛~
[YT] 借景的店 有個帥老闆唷~ 還有個很帥的小鬼!!
[YT] 穿插在輕鬆自然的劇情中,女主角那種一個人被留在世界上的寂寞更讓人難過 …
[YT] 好好看喔~
[YT] @zx1986 台北市@@
[YT] @vega1017 我想應該是淋雨感冒了吧。
[YT] 一直下雨的這是哪?我以為是屏東一帶。
[YT] 大同在哪?
[YT] @zx1986 是啊@@
[YT] 蛋堡 ??
[YT] 好好看!!!!!
[YT] 她那個玩偶是在學交響情人夢嗎?
[YT] wayne80071302
請問你是變態嗎? – –
[YT] 好像他們找錯人來招生了….囧
[YT] 原來犯鼻子過敏,還可以換來間接接吻勒…
[YT] 從東北角搭電車到大同高中路程應該要2小時吧…
[YT] 太感謝了
i so love the ending theme song.
anybody know the title n the artist of the song?
[YT] wheres vanness?
[YT] 請問片頭曲是甚麼名子???好好聽喔!
[YT] 那個小女生真的很可愛欸
[YT] 仙女婆婆欸
[YT] 私立大同高中的女生制服裡面是沒有裙子的
[YT] 9分38秒的時候,上圍好大喔好挺喔!!
[YT] love it too,, haven’t seen such a good drama for long time.
[YT] 這算是連續劇嘛
[YT] XDDD社長好像癡漢……
[YT] @sammiwago2006 XD
[YT] 打給他爸那段…他沒哭我哭了..
[YT] 哪時候開始播ㄚ?????
[YT] 片尾曲真好聽!!!!
[YT] .
[YT] 真是讓人鼻酸的好戲…
[YT] 87..
[YT] I haven’t cried in a long time… until I saw this drama. Taiwan went through two great disasters within ten years: the earthquake in 1999 and the flood in 2009. As a fellow Taiwanese, this drama really makes my heart sore.
[YT] are they all sharing the mouth piece?
[YT] LOVE IT ! Great drama and cute girl
[YT] 非常有質感,台灣人文的精神體現。
[YT] 哇咧…劉俊賢也在這裡面…!!
[YT] the lead girl is really pretty! she reminds me of rainie yang…her voice is similar too ^^
[YT] 唷乎~~
超棒的 增加這部戲的可看性
[YT] @missmove 您客氣了^^我們才要謝謝各位辛苦的付出,我們才有好戲可以看~:D期待您下次的驚豔,加油~~~(搖旗
[YT] 謝謝你嘉惠沒有辦法看首播的朋友們
[YT] 不錯的戲!!
[YT] 她打電話給爸爸那段整個讓我哭的超慘
[YT] @sammiwago2006 孩子..妳的重點..怪怪的XD||
[YT] 好正的蘿莉!!
[YT] 配樂真得很棒!