K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 36

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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339 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 36

  1. [YT] 怎么感觉有些事情草草带过就算啊? 难到真的是要赶在45集完吗? 不要那么快结束啊。。。三国太好看了。。会舍不得的。。希望修跟香有好结局啊。。。

  2. [YT] it had been a while since i last read it. it was a plot that wangyun told lubu that he betroth diaochan with him, and on the other hand, sends diaochan to dongzhuo’s place. and then, diaochan acts upset to lubu, claiming that dongzhuo forced her there. and lubu got mad at dongzhuo (dongzhuo and lubu wasn’t aware of what wangyun told the other). and he killed dongzhuo to save diaochan. something like that.

  3. [YT] wait…. they say yin shi kong will follow the story line of san guo. but in san guo, wang yun plays a part in the assassination of dong zhuo! if he died… then… how will that big bad wolf die?

  4. [YT] 對不起,我想問一下,為什麼你們都會知道左慈是幫脩作他的青虹紫電?脩的武器不是小黃蜂嗎?還是他在終極一家用的那隻啊?

  5. [YT] 每一次都讓人非常期待 到底下級會怎樣

  6. [YT] The NG part i laugh until like siao n it hurt alot but it is still funny!! Y Huang Zhong attack Guan Yu n where is Ma Chao? And how come Diao Chan can hit dong zhuo n will dong zhuo die n um…cant think liao must really watch the next episode o~~

  7. [YT] 黃忠是不是真的和董卓被移魂大法給對換了靈魂啊? 看到董卓見到貂蟬的時候﹐好想不大像那個壞壞的董卓。而且以董卓的武功﹐應該不會避不到貂蟬吧。倒像是黃忠不想傷到貂蟬才不閃避的。。。


  8. [YT] 没有阿香,还满闷的。黄忠应该是董卓用移魂大法吧。貂禅会把董卓打败?修又用吉他?到底什么一回事?好复杂哦。。大家要记得看下一集哦!

  9. [YT] 貂蟬`

  10. [YT] 这一集,不怎么好看。
    李儒和魅酿真是无聊。这么多集以来,他们两都没有做些好事。真是没有用的家伙。 真替他们可怜啊。

  11. [YT] 忠怎么会打自己人啊?!


  12. [YT] Ya hor why dong duo so afraid of diao chan?
    Are they related or what.
    Why zhong beat them?
    This week dont have ah xiang too bad.
    Hope got more zhou yu and xiao qiao de,
    somemore sun ce and da qiao de.
    I want to see them!
    Anyway hope next episode will be exciting!

  13. [YT] 這集雖然有點悶。。。但是也有些部分蠻搞笑的。。暫時沒得看阿香@.@, 好可惜哦,編劇也許是想吊我們的胃口吧。。。但是至少也讓備備和阿香通到Siman吧~期待下一集,黃忠不知為什么打兄弟們&貂蟬干得好!

  14. [YT] 為什麼貂蟬敢打董卓啊?而且董卓看起來很怕貂蟬…而且會長說王允校長不在了.讓他失去支持的力量….難道會長就是因為王允校長(不翼而飛)了所以才變壞人的???王允!!!不准死啊~~~至於忠為啥會打關羽.我想是被董卓控制了吧…他應該也是有苦衷.控制不了自己

  15. [YT] 啊忠 怎么会打啊长丫???? 难道啊忠被董卓控制了吗???? 貂蝉打的好 !!!!!! 我怎么知道你有没有跟吕布串通来骗我的!你可以找夐摇!夐瑶 华佗啦!!

  16. [YT] OHH NOOOO wang yun died!!!
    ….hmph i knew it, hes too kind, but that got him killed 🙁 🙁 :(. i knew he was somehow gonna die, just didn’t know when, i was wondering if they were gonna kill anyone in this drama, cuz “killing’ seems too mean. But i guess its gonna start now…Wang yuns the 1st one to die :'(

  17. [YT] wat r u talking about…POLITICS IS THE BEST when it comes to 3anguo! Thats wat its all about anyway! its not about just love, and then love and romance, its POLITICS, WAR, AND TACTICS

  18. [YT] 修修偷打電話跟最後曹操那部份so hilarious

    一路從xo family拍到現在

  19. [YT] remember when Xiu told Ah Xiang that he is happy that she is staying, and with EST? and Ah Xiang said that Xiu’s music is the greatEST with EST? That’s what he means.


  20. [YT] the ng part is cool.

    this episode is really boring because of the politics. but some segments are funny, others make me ???. however, i cannot wait for the next episode to come and see wat happens.

  21. [YT] This episode is SOOO boring! Too much politics involved. Doesn’t worth 1 week of waiting.
    Maybe this is how bad this show can get without pets performing in it.
    The only good part is the NG part at the end.

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