K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 37

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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479 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 37

  1. [YT] 貂蟬一定沒死,他既然有去找過左慈,那貂蟬會來這裡左慈應該會知道,搞不好貂蟬會知道董卓需要在這裡恢復武功的事是左慈跟他說的,只是….貂蟬到底去哪了??

  2. [YT] zhu ge liang is so funny. ;DD

    this ep is sure a very sad one.
    so many things happen.
    but i really wan guan yu to rmb diao chan.
    he went though so much to have her as her gf. so i think it’s a waste that he cannot rmb her at all. ):

  3. [YT] Hav Xiang see the word “xiu” that xiu wrote on her wrist? I really wanna see that part and her reaction! I miss Xiang a lot. The music playing wif cao cao and xiao qiao reminds me of xiuxiang cos it’s always used when they’re together. Ah! i wan xiuxiang!<3

  4. [YT] Their hairstyles look different in this season. Maybe because they gained popularity, so must look nicer? 🙂 Guan yu spiked his hair more and Xiu hair looks nicer! The show’s moving towards san guo. Diao Chan was the one who killed Dong Zhuo in the first place! Xiao Qiao acting is superb! Made me cry…

  5. [YT] cause 诸葛亮的锦囊妙计安排下,假婚成真姻;后来夫人更助刘备返蜀,于路上怒斥追袭的吴将。后刘备入益州,使赵云领留营司马,留守荆州。孙权闻知刘备西征,于是遣周善引领舟船以迎孙夫人,而夫人带着后主刘禅回吴,幸得赵云与张飞勒兵截江,方重夺刘禅。彝陵之战,刘备战败,有讹言传入吴中,道刘备已死,孙夫人伤心不已,望西痛哭,投江而死。

  6. [YT] 是阿!!但是這也是無可奈何的事!總會希望另外一半!不要因為自己而放棄了他的將來…..我期望貂蟬與關羽這對苦命鴛鴦能夠永遠在一起!!就像是夏天與寒一樣!^()^

  7. [YT] 沒有解藥是事實!但是關羽對貂蟬的愛,是否會超過藥物的功效…所以未來也是一個不定數!而且…脩是鐵時空的人耶!!應該有辦法!找到貂蟬!找到一個辦法!讓所有的人與他一起得到幸福與快樂!^()^

  8. [YT] Woo, i noticed two things about the opening, apart from Guan Yu/Liu Bei n Yuan Shao/Sun Quan, the other pairs had someone smiling on the left n a serious look on the right, furthermore…they removed Taishi Ci from the intro.

  9. [YT] i think diao chan wont be back becoz u can see from the new opening theme.shes the female lead & shes pushed back behind in the opening song & after shes gone,the theme song changed.

  10. [YT] 不知道各位有听说,终极三国这部戏五虎将他们已经杀青了?这个消息是真的吗?如果是真的那就是代表这套戏第三季已经是最后一季咯?但是感觉上好像还有很多线没有收。。。我只是问问而已,没有什么恶意的~

  11. [YT] i wonder xiu use de siman number is same with real liu bei anot…but if they want identify between xiu and liu bei also quite easy cause the liu bei(xiu) knows music,smart,not afraid to die,righterous and strong while real liu bei is weak,pervert,dont know music,xiao qi and scared to die

  12. [YT] i just realise something.. how does xiu know how to use the siman.. cos he not from this dimension… it would be really weird… he would be like how to use this thing when he first got it..

  13. [YT] Ya me too!
    I also suddenly remember this part.
    Ah xiang saw already not?
    I still dont know.
    I think Ah Xiang havent see,
    If saw liao she will ask him why didnt put liu Bei but Xiu.
    I want see too!;]

  14. [YT] 若是派有武功的去 董卓一定會自知不敵而使計逃掉或找機會趕快魔化 總之就是會提高戒心
    但你看他在面對貂蟬時毫無戒心 還叫貂蟬閃開避免妨礙他魔化 直到被貂蟬打了一巴掌才有警覺
    在這之前其實貂蟬有機會把他推下山的 不用做到玉石俱焚的地步 但發展至董卓有了防備 貂蟬得犧牲變成必要的了

  15. [YT] 哈哈哈,编剧因该是有看网友写的东西吧?终于让备备和阿香通个Siman了~虽然很短暂但是我想因该满足了备香迷一阵子吧~貂蟬好偉大哦,但是觉得他不会死吧,怎样说她也是这戏其中女主角.反而是董卓,他就这么容易的死去吗?小乔,和谁一起我没意见~重要小乔高兴哈哈。。诸葛亮出来咯,但是他发型。。很快就会换了吧,因为片头曲的他不是这种发型啊 ^^

  16. [YT] yarhx but dong cheng wei told xiu that yin shi kong now is walking in 3 guo yan yi as the yin shi is in very bad situation…haiz,if they really follow 3 guo yan yi,xiu and ah xiang ,guan yu and diao can never be together…

  17. [YT] Lols! Haha!
    Zhu Ge liang Had shown!
    Next episode is really exciting!
    Why Zhou Yu know that zhu ge liang is smarter?
    Although next episode maybe no Ah xiang but got Zhu ge liang haha damn funny.
    Also have Zhou yu and xiao qiao
    I really hope that guan yu can recover the memories and Diao Chan can alive.
    Xiu at the beach time quite cool i ike his hairstyle!!!

  18. [YT] I don’t think diaocan n dong zhuo are dead, i think he already finished the chant to become mo again when they fell. He might have sheltered himself and diaocan from the fall and brought her to another place.

  19. [YT] i thought they call siman their hand nid be like 90 degree? why when xiu call ahxiang her hands’ by her side? plus can see full body? lols.
    and, i thought xiu say ahxiang reach the jiangdong can see the word xiu wrote at her wrist? i want see that part. xDD LVOE THIS SHOW~!~!

  20. [YT] 這點不合理的~既然有所謂的第三關鍵~

    貂蟬何不拜託曹操派曹家軍的猛將去?典韋 許褚 或是找個有武功的家將去以逸代勞 就可以殺董卓了~這個安排超級不合理~ =___= 不合兵法

  21. [YT] 貂蟬在聽到他爸死的這個消息時…就只有很難過一下而已的感覺….= =…..一般自己的罷爸死了應該是…很慘然後跪在地上抱頭大哭之類的吧…..感覺快發瘋才對…哪有可能這麼冷靜((?

  22. [YT] 貂蝉的演技好烂,哭都没眼泪的!

  23. [YT] I expected Zhuge Liang to be someone who looks like more erm… handsome? not so nerd?

    But he is way too nerd!


  24. [YT] didn’t expect ke you lun to be zhu ge liang… but that starting hairstyle is really nerdy… then how about chao? i thought his father want him to help yuan shao?

  25. [YT] 哈哈 所謂的腦海中的立可白和大後天的記憶都是真正的這一類電影欸! 不過是腦海中的橡皮擦和明日的記憶啦~ 哈哈
    三國真的太有趣了 :)

  26. [YT] sorry,type wrongly. Should be But I find Diao chan’s drink a bit weird. I think it is the wang dong wang xi wang qing shui…….cause she is like want Yu to promise her about their relationship and the scene is like Lu bu want Dong zhou to drink the fake ”coffee” thing.

  27. [YT] I don’t know why…But I find Diao chan’s drink a bit weird. I think it is the wang dong wang xi wang qing shui……..Cause the preview got say that she is like reminding yu about their relationship stuff.

  28. [YT] 強辯的官網有寫…小花的留言…


  29. [YT] i love it when xiu plays guitar!!
    爆帥!!!! <3
    and he's like... PERFECT
    good at guitar, singing, and acting
    害小妹我花吃到不行 XD

  30. [YT] the reason is because in the show she will die at the end of this episode so, she won’t be the leading role anymore. if you think of it is kind of sad to see somebody died

  31. [YT] so sad! diao chan and guan yu is so loving , why must they be apart ? diao chan is so brave. diao chan have add somthing in the drink to let guan yu forget her. i think guan yu will remember diao chan. then, everybbody will tell guan yu that diao chan have die. then , at the end diao chan did not die. guan yu wil go find diao chan. than, they will be together again.

  32. [YT] 哇!!很多人喜欢小喬耶!!我还是喜欢周瑜跟小喬这一对。不过小喬跟趫雲也不错。不论小喬跟周瑜或趫雲再一起我都支持!!


  33. [YT] 新片頭曲比較有終極系列的感覺了0.0

  34. [YT] 第一次看熊熊的哭戲讓我也哭了.

  35. [YT] 下集預告讓我好無言喔…柯有倫演諸葛亮我是覺得沒有什麼好驚訝的喇.但是為啥他的髮型變成那樣= =.好醜喔=ˇ=

  36. [YT] I AGREE !! anything by dong cheng wei is better ^^ but..does anyone know who sang it..i mean dong cheng wei has no lead singer..and the song not sang by girl so cant be pets ceng..

  37. [YT] OMG … when Xiao Qiao read the letter is so touching … but when she say why people in love cannot be together make me think of Ah Xiang and Xiu … I wonder when will they know that they are not from the same Shi Kong ,,, it will also be a very touching part …

  38. [YT] Am I the only guy who liked this ending? Diao chan vanishes, dong zhuo maybe is dead i think, lu bu gone mad, guan yu forgets about diao chan. after all, diao chan and guan yu never was together, and diao chan in realy history disapearrs. dont zhuo i think dead, lu bu becomes mad, and now we’re getting to zhuge lian! woot he;ll look a lot better

  39. [YT] 哦,原來如此,




  40. [YT] wow soo cool new openine! zhu ge lian is coming! kinda disaapointed its not calvin though… but im glad they made everyone a main character, even champion ppl. and i like how this right now has more politics, its getting to the 18 schools! hmm how come theres no taishi ci in the opening?

  41. [YT] 我認為貂蟬,還有壞人董卓還沒有死..可能他們掉入的別的時空或是別的空間!!導演因該會讓貂蟬跟羽在一起的!!! 哈哈哈..那個諸葛亮好可愛!!! 劇情越來越精采了! ^^

  42. [YT] next episode is so exciting le zhu ge liang is coming out , yuan shao is taking away dong han shu yuan from wu hu jiang . liu bian and cao cao and zhao yun tell xiao qiao he care her the most while zhou yu want to take away xiao qiao

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