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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
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December 18, 2009
Yuan Shao very FAT!
Sun Quan so sad… So Poor Thing… Da Qiao Cookies not for him….
[YT] yay! thats really good to hear cuz if it was going to finish soon the ending would seem too rushed and probably be rather disapointing. also it make sense that theres another season cause they only just changed the end theme and it would be silly to go through all the effort if there was only a couple of eps left.
[YT] zhou yu n xiao qiao wear couple shirt…both have a grey theme…hahaz…
[YT] yuqiao so sweet! ^^
[YT] the official website says that it will have 4th season! so many ep! it will be a good show.
[YT] srry i was thinking of the other dude who liked Diao Chan also. so yea…
[YT] zhongjiwikia stated that it has 48 eps.
[YT] Also i’m pretty sure there’s going to be more than 45 eps cuz there’s way to many loose ends for them to tie up and conclude in 2 eps! really, this story can go on forever! and i hope it does! i mean, the 3 kingdoms is such a grand story with so many legendary characters that we have yet so see.
[YT] they probably sent away wu hu jiang and xiu cuz they have other projects on hand or probably just to give them a break from filming cuz if you think about it they’ve been working on the same project for about a year now. also the story has expanded and developed to include alot more characters now, hence there’s been alot of guest stars which probably costs the producers quiet a fair bit, therefore the necessary cut back on some of the older characters.
[YT] i heard from one of my friend that there is 56 episodes is it??
i hope that they will give us a good ending!
[YT] YAYAYA they beg me to watch + u stfu
[YT] i hate this being one week, forget things… where did guan yu go in the movie?
[YT] DIAM lar. not nice then dun watch lar!! NOOB. they beg u to watch isit?
[YT] Cao cao and liu bei very like shiT AND ALL 5 HU JIANG ARE ALSO NOT HANDSOME AT ALL
[YT] zhou yu looked lyk he wanted to cry..
omg, sun quan and da qiao..
the ending song is nice, plus all of them are there, i miss them♥
[YT] haha, the skateboard!! haha, the “xia” word, lyk wad happened to xiu.
haha, zhu ge liang took the jie yao.
ooh.. zhou yu must be heartbrokened..
[YT] I want them to come back, i miss the rest of them..
[YT] zhou yu and xiao qiao so cute together. haha, zhou yu dun wanna cycle.
wow, yuan shao really loves ah xiang..
[YT] why isn’t xiu and xiang not here? i forgot..
poor sun quan, haha. lol, cao cao, talking to himself.
[YT] I wan the rest to come back..
[YT] Wow okay thanks ^_^
[YT] i wonder when will guan yu and the others will come back?
[YT] feels that its getting a little boring, not like in the previous episodes which have all those exciting parts, but i will still continue to support this show:D
[YT] 红杉菌 refers to 红杉军,while 失明的,refers to 施明德, he’s the one who led 红杉军 to depose chen shui bian.
[YT] da qiao so perfect
[YT] zhou yu and xiao qiao so sweet
[YT] y gt a feel is ko.3anguo d bad guy nt cao cao is yuan shao d so diffrent wit 三国演义
[YT] ohokay,thanks!(:
[YT] 請問
[YT] 雖然周瑜很愛喬
[YT] @Rakuyui
失明的 …施明德
紅杉菌 …紅衫軍
[YT] zhou yu cute o~~
[YT] Gui GUi!! @@
[YT] altough i dont understand coz there is no translation..
i love this drama..XDD
[YT] altough i dont understand coz there is no translation..
i love this drama..XDD
[YT] wad’s the link? o.o
[YT] he went to see xia liu ah gong, but zhang fei lied to xiao qiao and cao cao said that he went to find ah xiang. check the last episode.
[YT] but they look cute together though..
[YT] omg! 我是看了第二次,才发现失明的,跟红杉菌 的关联!哈哈!高梗啊!!
[YT] Zhou Yu wear casual looks btr ehs..Hao shuai oh~
Zhou Yu& Xiao Qiao wan sui~~!!
[YT] alan and guigui combo looks weird..
[YT] wo de tian and zhao huan shou are nice.
[YT] wo de tian and zhao huan shou are nice.
[YT] nice flashbacks!
[YT] nice flashbacks!
[YT] da qiao so blur meh, dunno sun quan likes her.
[YT] yup…haiz…
[YT] sun jian is too serious, i cant help but miss ye si ren.
[YT] agree…cause everyone is seperated,some is because of the sun’s…but when there is dong zuo,everyone is united and not seperated…
[YT] We cant blame the producer for making the show boring. Cause yu,chao,zhong,yun they r going to practice song’s mv so they got no time to act in san guo
[YT] oh my gosh…diao chan died? like seriously?
[YT] yea, i want even want dong zuo to come back than having the sun’s.
[YT] @chuasiewmay
i’m actually not sure,hahaha. watch this ep & realized he’s not here.
[YT] @X3FLH where is xiu?
[YT] where is liu bei?
[YT] same feeling with you…i really miss them…
[YT] 鬼鬼=黃月英????
[YT] i now only want xiu,ah xiang,rest of the wu hu jiang and diao can back together same as last time safe and sound…
[YT] sighs,i miss xiu! Guess he’s not cmg back for a short while,wonder why th casts keep disappearing one by one. Is th show ending?
[YT] yeah i mean like xiu. cos he’s now liu bei so i was just more used to calling him liu bei. the real liu bei is still in tie shi kong to recover from his wounds. and sorry xiu went to ask ah gong for help, not dong cheng wei.
[YT] 是鬼鬼呀,,
[YT] 看着會長說沒事
[YT] o.o okay…
[YT] 屎盖筆…skype XD nice one!!! ^^
[YT] wait umm liu bei went and asked dong cheng wei for help ? does he even know them or do you mean xiu?
[YT] i saw it but….. i cant speak tawainese only viet and eng so yea…. anyways thx for the info
[YT] i want wuhujiang, liubei, and ah xiang back instead of adding guigui-_-
the original cast is far better than now……. miss them so much
[YT] 是黃月英啦 不是音
[YT] 鬼鬼=黃月音 三國裡是諸葛亮他老婆
[YT] 鬼鬼何時才會出現丫~
[YT] i HATE Gui Gui!!!!!
[YT] i HATE Gui Gui!!!!!
[YT] ya i just check she is acting in love buffet but i check jiro and xiu things more thanks for telling me
[YT] ya i just check she is acting in love buffet but i check jiro and xiu things more thanks for telling me
[YT] lol da qiao n xiao qiao borrow frm deir dat can le wat
[YT] 拜托。。。你還敢說不是打廣告!在海派甜心那里你也有說嘛!要打廣告去別位打啦!
[YT] 鬼鬼来了!! 修香什么时候回来?? 片尾曲超可爱~ 鬼鬼饰演什么角色??
[YT] yeah. super cute. ONE DAY is a good album anyway. so.. haha. he so cute:D
[YT] the show will be more nicer if sun ce suddenly appears or diaochan suddenly appears. lol personal opinion.
[YT] yes!!!!!!!鬼鬼终于出现了 太好了!!!!!!她太可爱了=D
[YT] 搞定正妹為什麼要在終極三國發= =
[YT] yeah lo~ and i thk they should have show xiu’s journey ma…so that we still can see xiu!! haizz… really miss xiu and ah xiang so much!!!
[YT] really? i hope got more episodes!! more and more!! heheehee… 😀
[YT] 看见瑾跟小乔在一起,真好!
[YT] Did anyone saw when zhu ge liang is writing on the toilet bowl, on top actually wrote “ONE DAY 赞啦! ?
ONE DAY is Ke You Lun aka Zhu Ge Liang’s album, the most recent one.
Haha. Cute~
[YT] 填單復國-_- 超冷的
[YT] Is episode 44 released? Why cant I find?
[YT] 權,好可憐…
[YT] 太好了 下一集有鬼鬼 她好漂亮哦!
[YT] oh~!! zhu ge liang is trying to say his SKYPE Friends , haha
[YT] 谁来的?那么厉害=.=
[YT] 片尾曲好调皮,好好听噢!!
[YT] 宇宙无地超韧性男朋友
[YT] 这不就是虾子论,怎么跟之前刘备失去阿香的情况一样,好好笑哦!!
[YT] Zhou Yu looks good in casual wear.
[YT] what is the name of the ending theme song? Lol.. Next Ep so nice, Can’t Wait!!! XDXD
[YT] yeah i mean xiao qiao sent her to liu bei army so that they could protect her and at the same time sort of keep her as “prisoner” (zhi2 zi3), but actually liu bei also didnt want it. i cant really explain very well but if you watch episode 42 you will know.
[YT] 諸葛亮
When are they coming back? ): ):
[YT] You are right, 劇情一直拖
[YT] 鬼鬼<3
[YT] WAT?!?!?! didn’t xiao cheng send her somewhere i can’t belive i miss that thx
[YT] Hope to see xiu in this ep:(
[YT] oh! thx and that is why i delete it i saw the preview.
[YT] @yenloveqi 好看才怪…………..劇情一直拖T^T
[YT] 填單復國那段超冷的 而且當天寒流來襲ㄟ 還真會挑時間播
[YT] wa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gui gui so pretty
[YT] apparently, diao chan deid, and guan yu wanted to go somewhere to wait for her. zhao yun, ma chao and huang zhong went to fight in some war, ah xiang is being kept “prisoner” by liu bei’s army so that the sun family cannot harm the students from dong han shu yuan as they have her prisoner, and liu bei went to ask dong cheng wei for help.
[YT] guigui so pretty!
why bo yan not in wu ju jiang anymore?
[YT] 田單復國…so cold…
[YT] 統一vs味泉@@
[YT] how u know?
[YT] 失明的小粉末~~
[YT] i heard that they’ll finished FILMING sometime next year!! it was in an interview!! so, i think it’ll be more than 50 eps at least!!
[YT] 无论喜欢瑜乔还是曹乔..大家支持这个戏就好了.!!为什么你们台湾总爱故意去骂大陆的呢.?你们那么喜欢骂人..难道你们觉得自己学曰本的东西就代表自己很时尚很有品味.?
[YT] loveroychiu : 你写错的不是乔字或者愉字,而是把曹乔写成了曹瑜..总是大陆大陆的骂.自以为比我们有品..你们这样骂人更显得你们更没品而已.!!大家都是喜欢这个戏而已.何必这样骂呢.?
[YT] 谁都看得出孙权的心意,我觉得是大乔不想要拆穿,想要一辈子继续这样下去。
[YT] guigui so pretty!! HEHE:D
[YT] will xiao qiao and zhou yu really end like that?
[YT] …sooo..
i’m waiting for KAI nd DQIAO´s part.. 😛
[YT] 好好看丫!!
[YT] @lololove147 who?
[YT] they change the ending theme song and the apperence so cool!
[YT] @Azuril098 dun anyhow say people if u dun understand them!!!
[YT] @ettevyzxz wherer did liu bei/xiu go???
[YT] 這即有關羽和ˋ貂蟬的回憶耶..看了好想哭 真想他們ˊ___ˋ
[YT] 好棒喔~有鬼鬼欸~鬼鬼的演技進步了!
[YT] Yeah, i just search for her information yesterday.
Anw, she also going to act in Buffet Love, you know right? 🙂
[YT] 大乔真是的..孙权救了自己..应该报答一下吧..就算是很要好的朋友..救了自己性命嘢..!!!唉..
[YT] 鬼鬼终于出现了!可是下一集好像没有修香。): 真是希望还有修香的演出。。。
[YT] 黄月英 = =
[YT] ah xiang’ father at last help ah xiang to fight for her rights to get her own love.
[YT] i hope so too, but in wikipedia, 博炎 is no longer listed as a member of 武虎将 🙁
[YT] li er if not wrong
[YT] i dun think it will end at ep 45 cos is lyk there is a lot of question lyk is real liu bei wake up again then wad will happen to ah xiang den will xiu and ah xiang have a happy ending de still got zhou yu is xiao qiao wad will happen to them and da qiao triangle love and guan yu’s love will in wad kind of ending. there is too much question and can’t possible to answer all the question in lyk 5 episode ba..
[YT] 是博炎,他退出武虎将了。。。我上维基百科时看到的。。。不过他应该还在继续终极三国的演出吧。。。
[YT] sun quan very smart to help da qiao. i think they never thought that da qiao will last minute change school ba..
[YT] 馬超,黃忠,趙雲,關羽好久沒出來了。。。有點想念他們。。。
[YT] 请问一下,是谁退团了?
[YT] 黃月英昰鬼鬼嗎?=]
[YT] Cao cao dont look good. ._.
i want liu bei and guan yu back!
[YT] 可是如果今天我是小喬…
[YT] 宇宙無敵超韌性男朋友
[YT] 是會長和諸葛亮玩吧-,-v
[YT] 不是還有關羽嗎?=]
[YT] 大陸人少在那批評臺灣人寫的劇
我是故意寫錯字 免得法律爭議
[YT] 新的ending的歌詞好配瑜乔哦
任性女孩,爱生气没有理由 -小乔 =__=
韧性男孩, 什么气都能接受-可怜de公瑾
[YT] 周瑜 + 便服 = 帅呢~~
[YT] 我们神经病, 你连周瑜,曹操,小乔 都写不来 =__=
[YT] 鬼鬼出现了。。。
[YT] iloveguigui(: so cute ^___^
[YT] 对啊,我个人比较喜欢看脩,阿香很五虎将。。。看片头曲是发现最近少了很多人,很伤感。。。
[YT] 我上wikipedia是看到说他退团了。。。
[YT] where’s xiu!!???
[YT] Kool=D Happy belated birthday to you tooo!!!
[YT] Thank you!!!!=D
[YT] hahaha random toilet falls out of nowhere
[YT] lol cao cai
[YT] zhou yu shuai worh ! (:
[YT] @thesharonfh 武虎几时才回来?
[YT] 孙权 kelian leh.. hiyo..
[YT] sun quan very lyk da qiao eh .
[YT] 不想看醜化了的諸葛亮
[YT] 小喬不要周瑜,給我們好了
[YT] LOL everytime got the important word surely is xiao qiao say 1. Then will hurt til ppl’s heart. Like Liu Bei that time the Xiang word
[YT] 周瑜愛的那麼深
[YT] 為什麼曹操不為大家想一想
[YT] 那只是劇情需要啦
[YT] 都瞎了還想幫小喬夾菜= 口 =”
[YT] 諸葛亮靠運氣 就不是天下第一軍師了~
[YT] 周瑜演技好差= =
[YT] STFU la you then like a piece of shit lo fcuker
[YT] is my birthday too! 18 dec~
[YT] 周瑜傻眼
[YT] 愉橋迷都是神經病吧
[YT] omg.. i miss wu hu and diao chan!!!
[YT] 不管怎樣,還是希望瑜喬在一起
[YT] zhugeliang is smart!
[YT] 曹操對小喬那麼好
[YT] 周瑜好帥:)
[YT] 我覺得江東強辯團的阿蒙真的很惡心
[YT] after watching ying ye 3+1, i can’t seem to view yuan shao as a bad person anymore. :/
[YT] 果然被我猜到了 – –
失明的 …施明德
紅杉菌 …紅衫軍
編劇你啊 …
[YT] 小喬到底又有沒有為周瑜著想= =
[YT] when is George coming back?:(
[YT] Zhou yu is so Romantic!!
[YT] 明明周瑜就已經很好了
小喬~ 你到底還嫌神麼呢?
[YT] 批評音樂這段很好笑..XD
[YT] Azuril098
ur eyes have many shit..
not piece only..
[YT] 周瑜是自做聪明!都不知道小乔要的什么。
[YT] ‘填單’復國,已經不是好冷,而是冷到爆炸了!!哇,流鼻水了
[YT] 周瑜終於有便服了^^
[YT] 統一和味泉 是台灣很大的兩家食品品牌…
[YT] omg e show is getting more boring?when wil it end?
[YT] 填單復國 是什么意思?我不明白这笑话
[YT] They wear couple colors..
[YT] 幾時可以做到火燒連環喬..
[YT] sunzhong is so wicked in this drama!
[YT] Happie Birthday.
Well, I just saw your comment,
so I decided to wish uue a Happie Birthday.
May God Bless You.
[YT] Cao cao and liu bei are like a piece of shit Fk them
[YT] 為什麼不能看??
[YT] 填單復國
[YT] 孙权 so good to 大乔!!!!
I hope 孙策 faster come back though…
[YT] so romantic zhou yu & xiao qiao<3
[YT] Hey if you guyz notice that the skate board previously not place at tht position de haha!!! So funny sia.
Ya where is xiu?
[YT] where diao chan ?
[YT] 比起让曹操发挥才能我还是比较希望诸葛亮变聪明。。。
[YT] awwe poor cao cao! mumbling again! haha so funny though~
gosh zhou yu and xiao qiao is way too shining. =//= they look so cute together~
[YT] Huh why? Boyan not in wu hu?
[YT] 味泉..是什麼意思..
[YT] Today is my birthday!!! Happy b-day to me, Neena!!!!
[YT] 父子之間都在算來算去..可憐..
[YT] 升級跟加est不就是跳級嗎!?
[YT] 瑜喬真的好閃啊
[YT] 雖然瞎了可是曹操這次賺到摟
[YT] @kerineteo what is gan zhao lie real name?
[YT] i dun think it would be ending at ep 45 or 48 either..maybe there’s another continue series
[YT] where did they go?!?!?!
[YT] btw where is xiu now?
[YT] 孙权对大乔很好
[YT] @minhchau1997 she is gonna b inside the show…
[YT] yea!!!! the ep got gui gui!!!!
[YT] gui gui come out means goin to end alr lehh. so fast. so sian. i wish got somemore zhong ji series!!
[YT] thenew ending song is good.espciallythendin why the song matched th movement of xiu n zhu ge liang.ahhas nice/
[YT] sooo confusing okay let me get this straight can’t hear and sun quan is BLIND???? i hate the next episode it will be so sad and when are the others coming back and wat happened to xiu?
[YT] i guess it is rumors some say it is 45,40,43,42,48 no one knows
btw at least we knoe it is not 40 42 or 43 but it is either 45 or 48
[YT] waa zhou yu so handsome!
[YT] yup ur right xDD
[YT] yeah , i heard tat too. The 4 of them have a new song tat is also going be one of the ending theme in k.o3. No idea why they didn’t include boyan inside
[YT] 黄月英is諸葛亮之妻!!!!! OH NO!! I RATHER 諸葛亮 is 王子!
[YT] haix sun quan ar.. Although sometimes i dun like u, I still pity u la
[YT] @czhang91
according to my fren, white is not a colour. notsure lehh.
[YT] 鬼鬼耶~
虽然我喜欢策乔 不过孙权对大乔的感情也很令人感动
[YT] I didn’t know there will be guigui…quite cool.When is xiu and the other actual main characters coming back?
[YT] Thanks:)
[YT] Thanks:)
[YT] poor 周瑜 :((
[YT] xiao qiao de siman veri lose. cn turn 360 degees
[YT] Wait the new girl is gui gui ?
[YT] not sure but many know gui gui is gonna be ing the drama (or think she is, she was gonna act in momo love with aaron but he was told to act in love buffet so yea… did you know people like and dislike guigui! that is a big surprise for me ….
[YT] 鬼!`
[YT] everyone love 鬼鬼. haha. we are so excited for the next ep
[YT] i heard guigui gonna act in ko.3anguo too. xD as zhugeliang de gf. o.o
i also saw from an article that says that boyan(zhangfei) is no longer in wuhujiang:(
[YT] I hope the others will come back…miss them all!:'(
[YT] lol new ending song!so cute~
[YT] zhou yu wear home clothes also shuai ! haha
[YT] 0424 looks like last time de dongzhuo n the other two. xD
[YT] da qiao loss her hearing and sun quan become blind and another person celver person come ( huang yue ying ) and the change the ending song ! next episode is exciting
[YT] zhouyu and xiaoqiao is so niceee:DDD
[YT] why everyone slowly gone? it’s the same few ppl in the show now, i prefer the start of this show than whats showing now. and i thought fei said xiu’s gone to visit ahgong, but why havent heard from him until now? D:
[YT] @daren252133 ????
[YT] so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] anw, i think the blue background better.
[YT] 我开始有点喜欢孙权了
[YT] how come gan zhao lie not at the table when they eat
[YT] 哇!!鬼鬼耶!!怎麼變的超瘦的!!我差點就認不出那是鬼鬼耶!!酷喔!!
[YT] 好想念修香和其他人。希望他们可以快点回来。
[YT] 阿蒙好可愛!!
[YT] 五虎 zi si cha hui lei
[YT] LOL LOL… they criticise each other’s song..
[YT] @ki826
I totally agree with you. =)
[YT] why is everybody disappearing? liu bei and ah xiang please come back!
[YT] just two more episodes correct?
[YT] lols this is the first time i see zhou yu in his clothes not uniform
[YT] 周瑜好帅
[YT] 太好了!鬼鬼出来了!
[YT] 周瑜沒有錯
[YT] 鬼鬼終於出現了..好期待喔!!!!
[YT] 好期待下一集!
有鬼鬼! 你终于出来了!~ 7.36 孙权的眼睛为什么会包着?
新片尾曲好听! 有加鬼鬼&瑜喬&脩香的镜头! ;D
x333 鬼鬼,孫權,脩,東城衛,阿公,五虎将! ;DDD
[YT] yea thats wat i thought first but rumors are starting that this drama will end soon, which i certainly not, at like ep 45-48. Which will disappoint me cuz the story basically just started. But now they’re gone, and they’re finished filiming? Idk
[YT] love the new ending song ^__^
[YT] 大喬今天好美
[YT] 周瑜is so sweet而且帥帥的
[YT] zhou yu so sweet
[YT] 这好像是第一次看到周瑜穿便服哦~
[YT] ~””~ 為什麼不能看阿?
[YT] sun quan so nice to da qiao… i wonder sun ce noe he like da qiao anot…
[YT] @tek85 好想佢地快d番黎~_~
[YT] 鬼鬼出现了!真好。饰演黄月英。支持孙权和大乔。其实孙权还蛮帅在这部戏里。我所谓的帅不是样子帅。而是。。。你知道。。他救大乔的时候。那种帅,唉,什么时候大家才会出现啊。忠,超,关羽,貂蝉,吖公,脩香。现在越来越少镜头了,这部戏不知道还拍到什么时候。期待!
[YT] 周瑜&小喬so sweet ~~
<3 瑜喬!
[YT] @Janicepj
[YT] 鬼鬼啊~~~
[YT] They’re wearing matching outfits~ haha~
[YT] 我還是比較喜歡小喬之前的頭髮
[YT] 小喬那樣笑 好令人心疼喔…
[YT] 周瑜 的比喻好貼切
[YT] 小喬不知道會長喜歡她
不愧是兩姐妹 都那麽傻
[YT] 他去见夏流阿公了。
[YT] 這是 曹操跟周瑜正式變成敵人嗎?
[YT] Poor Sun Quan! One sided love is so lonely…esp da qiao likes his bro..
[YT] 鬼鬼終於出現了<3
太好了. 等了好久~
[YT] 我的阿鬼!!!我的阿鬼!!!!!!!!!你可终于出现了啊!!!太棒了!!!和诸葛亮一起耍宝吧。。。
[YT] @BIRainy64 脩去了幽州找可爱的阿香啊。。。
[YT] 阿蒙很搞笑叻…丢马桶!
[YT] 我覺得大喬受傷好像是孫堅做的,後來孫權跑出來保護她,兩個人就受傷了,大喬說什麼聽不到,感覺整個事情越來越複雜了,不過我這是是小喬和周瑜,下次又換了大喬和孫權超期待下一集,想要看到大喬和孫權說話的場面。
[YT] 原來屎蓋筆=skype阿 現在才聽出來呢
[YT] 小乔。。。。你摔的那是1万釦啊!
等待他们和好=_= 在忍耐2个星期吧!
[YT] 小乔。。。。你摔的那是1万釦啊!
等待他们和好=_= 在忍耐2个星期吧!
[YT] @dsadwede she break voice, lols.
[YT] @dsadwede she break voice, lols.
[YT] 我觉得是小乔对周瑜的信任不够。 她不了解周瑜的情况就更他翻脸了。
[YT] 新片尾不錯~
[YT] 新片尾不錯~
[YT] @candyXlicious107宇宙无敌超韧性男朋友
[YT] @candyXlicious107宇宙无敌超韧性男朋友
[YT] 哈哈;;統一最大的敵人是味泉…
[YT] 哈哈;;統一最大的敵人是味泉…
[YT] 統一最大的敵人… 我真的跟那兩位想得一樣的說 = =
[YT] 統一最大的敵人… 我真的跟那兩位想得一樣的說 = =
[YT] new song!!
[YT] new song!!
[YT] it might be that they are doing another drama and will be back when they get a vacation or when they are finished.
[YT] it might be that they are doing another drama and will be back when they get a vacation or when they are finished.
[YT] 瑜喬好閃~~
[YT] 瑜喬好閃~~
[YT] i miss wu hu. 🙁
i hope they come back soon.
[YT] oh my lovely guigui~~!!!
[YT] 鬼鬼的声音好像变了、、、
[YT] quick write the ah pao fans paper u all know wat will happend hahaha super funny!!!!
[YT] omg ! yeah 鬼鬼 ! i didn’t know that she will also act here !!! so awesome ! got a shock seeing the preview xD sooo looking forward. 力挺 鬼鬼 !<33
[YT] 鬼鬼 <3
[YT] omg。。鬼鬼!!!! 我要等了半辈子!!!终于等到了!!!!!!我要看下集!!!!!!太兴奋了!!!
[YT] OMG!! GUIGUI!! haven’t see her for a LONG time..!!
[YT] yay im glad they finally added huang yuei ying as gui gui finally….more ppl joining
[YT] 奇怪修怎么不见了
[YT] @AlbeeC50 they all died
[YT] 孙老大 跟袁少 对视的时候 那个叫帅啊。。霸气!!!
[YT] i know i feel like this show was really good, but now its getting worse and worse, ppl r leaving and it just a hard time.
[YT] 孙权 好可怜。。。
[YT] wats the name of the ending song?
[YT] i haven’t watch this drama a while? can anybody tell me where’s diaoqian, xiu, xiang, and other people?
[YT] to Janicepj
i agree. 曹会长 does it; it is even funny.
[YT] thnx sooo much!!
ive been waitin 4 soo long lik!
[YT] the music is so epic when sun jian and yuan shao fights…wow! and lol sun jian is mean to anyone who likes their children. Da Qiao, Xiu, Yuan Shao…….
[YT] gui gui look so different
[YT] 真的太好笑了啦 还est 欸 那之前就是er 咯哈哈哈哈哈
[YT] guigui<333333333333
[YT] 我還是比較喜歡大家都在的時候~
[YT] 可是我也覺得周瑜已經有努力在改變啦
[YT] sun quan is turning good…
[YT] 今天的周瑜好帅哦!~
[YT] 還我武虎將= =!
[YT] 我以為周俞已經明白愛情的意思~
[YT] It’s more funny when xiu did it.. haha
[YT] 他去找阿公啦。。。
[YT] Why does everyone looks so calm when cao cao lost his sight???? SO WEIRD!
[YT] 屎盖笔。。 啊哈哈 好好笑哦 说的是 skype 吗?? 呵呵
[YT] 心想事成啊哈哈。。 要上大号就掉马桶哈哈
[YT] what happen to xiu ar?never appear in this epi after sending xiang to his army last epi
[YT] Where is BEI BEI???haha
[YT] haha i just figure that a while ago
[YT] 小喬..
[YT] shi gai bi means skype when u read fast u will figure it’s the meaning of skype
[YT] new ending..lOl! not bad..i dun wan daqiao to be deaf..omg!!!
[YT] I prefer 曾沛慈’s ending song to this new ending song.. why must they change it ?!?!
[YT] I prefer 曾沛慈’s ending song to the new ending song.. why must they change it?
[YT] o_O omg now becomes da qiao deaf…new ending song ha. 😀
[YT] 2.55 daqiao cute!!
[YT] i will be too
[YT] OMG. Zhou yu and Xiao Qiao are so cute.
[YT] 曹会长也关键字入侵心脉了
[YT] I almost can’t recognise Gui Gui at first glance
She look totally different from my impression
[YT] 孙权好可怜哦,其实他人不坏。。,大桥呆呆的 怎么都没有发现呢?
[YT] wu se de bai se fen mo…lol the white powder that has no color…so what is white? this drama is hilarious
[YT] did cao cao slim down? He looked a little smaller.
[YT] hmmm i dont really want to watch the next episode
[YT] 孙权好可怜哦。。。
[YT] the words fly very fast~ O_O
[YT] 突然覺得 會長~唉 會長加油挺你到底~
[YT] woohoo gui gui is acting going to act zhong ji san guo
[YT] zhou yu looks nice in casual clothes! :]
[YT] Is that the one gui gui acts? 😀
[YT] o sad for sun quan… :O
[YT] It’s really clear!! 😀 lol.
[YT] thanks!!
[YT] Thanks!!
[YT] haha thxs for load
[YT] tats fast man……….
[YT] tyty (:
[YT] cool thx so fast