K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 43

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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383 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 43

  1. [YT] yay! thats really good to hear cuz if it was going to finish soon the ending would seem too rushed and probably be rather disapointing. also it make sense that theres another season cause they only just changed the end theme and it would be silly to go through all the effort if there was only a couple of eps left.

  2. [YT] Also i’m pretty sure there’s going to be more than 45 eps cuz there’s way to many loose ends for them to tie up and conclude in 2 eps! really, this story can go on forever! and i hope it does! i mean, the 3 kingdoms is such a grand story with so many legendary characters that we have yet so see.

  3. [YT] they probably sent away wu hu jiang and xiu cuz they have other projects on hand or probably just to give them a break from filming cuz if you think about it they’ve been working on the same project for about a year now. also the story has expanded and developed to include alot more characters now, hence there’s been alot of guest stars which probably costs the producers quiet a fair bit, therefore the necessary cut back on some of the older characters.

  4. [YT] yeah i mean like xiu. cos he’s now liu bei so i was just more used to calling him liu bei. the real liu bei is still in tie shi kong to recover from his wounds. and sorry xiu went to ask ah gong for help, not dong cheng wei.

  5. [YT] Did anyone saw when zhu ge liang is writing on the toilet bowl, on top actually wrote “ONE DAY 赞啦! ?

    ONE DAY is Ke You Lun aka Zhu Ge Liang’s album, the most recent one.

    Haha. Cute~

  6. [YT] yeah i mean xiao qiao sent her to liu bei army so that they could protect her and at the same time sort of keep her as “prisoner” (zhi2 zi3), but actually liu bei also didnt want it. i cant really explain very well but if you watch episode 42 you will know.

  7. [YT] apparently, diao chan deid, and guan yu wanted to go somewhere to wait for her. zhao yun, ma chao and huang zhong went to fight in some war, ah xiang is being kept “prisoner” by liu bei’s army so that the sun family cannot harm the students from dong han shu yuan as they have her prisoner, and liu bei went to ask dong cheng wei for help.

  8. [YT] 无论喜欢瑜乔还是曹乔..大家支持这个戏就好了.!!为什么你们台湾总爱故意去骂大陆的呢.?你们那么喜欢骂人..难道你们觉得自己学曰本的东西就代表自己很时尚很有品味.?

  9. [YT] loveroychiu : 你写错的不是乔字或者愉字,而是把曹乔写成了曹瑜..总是大陆大陆的骂.自以为比我们有品..你们这样骂人更显得你们更没品而已.!!大家都是喜欢这个戏而已.何必这样骂呢.?

  10. [YT] i dun think it will end at ep 45 cos is lyk there is a lot of question lyk is real liu bei wake up again then wad will happen to ah xiang den will xiu and ah xiang have a happy ending de still got zhou yu is xiao qiao wad will happen to them and da qiao triangle love and guan yu’s love will in wad kind of ending. there is too much question and can’t possible to answer all the question in lyk 5 episode ba..

  11. [YT] 大陸人少在那批評臺灣人寫的劇
    我是故意寫錯字 免得法律爭議

  12. [YT] 我们神经病, 你连周瑜,曹操,小乔 都写不来 =__=

  13. [YT] 為什麼曹操不為大家想一想


  14. [YT] 父子之間都在算來算去..可憐..


  15. [YT] 雖然瞎了可是曹操這次賺到摟

  16. [YT] sooo confusing okay let me get this straight can’t hear and sun quan is BLIND???? i hate the next episode it will be so sad and when are the others coming back and wat happened to xiu?

  17. [YT] not sure but many know gui gui is gonna be ing the drama (or think she is, she was gonna act in momo love with aaron but he was told to act in love buffet so yea… did you know people like and dislike guigui! that is a big surprise for me ….

  18. [YT] why everyone slowly gone? it’s the same few ppl in the show now, i prefer the start of this show than whats showing now. and i thought fei said xiu’s gone to visit ahgong, but why havent heard from him until now? D:

  19. [YT] 好期待下一集!
    有鬼鬼! 你终于出来了!~ 7.36 孙权的眼睛为什么会包着?
    新片尾曲好听! 有加鬼鬼&瑜喬&脩香的镜头! ;D

    x333 鬼鬼,孫權,脩,東城衛,阿公,五虎将! ;DDD

  20. [YT] yea thats wat i thought first but rumors are starting that this drama will end soon, which i certainly not, at like ep 45-48. Which will disappoint me cuz the story basically just started. But now they’re gone, and they’re finished filiming? Idk

  21. [YT] 周瑜is so sweet而且帥帥的

  22. [YT] 鬼鬼出现了!真好。饰演黄月英。支持孙权和大乔。其实孙权还蛮帅在这部戏里。我所谓的帅不是样子帅。而是。。。你知道。。他救大乔的时候。那种帅,唉,什么时候大家才会出现啊。忠,超,关羽,貂蝉,吖公,脩香。现在越来越少镜头了,这部戏不知道还拍到什么时候。期待!

  23. [YT] 我覺得大喬受傷好像是孫堅做的,後來孫權跑出來保護她,兩個人就受傷了,大喬說什麼聽不到,感覺整個事情越來越複雜了,不過我這是是小喬和周瑜,下次又換了大喬和孫權超期待下一集,想要看到大喬和孫權說話的場面。

  24. [YT] omg ! yeah 鬼鬼 ! i didn’t know that she will also act here !!! so awesome ! got a shock seeing the preview xD sooo looking forward. 力挺 鬼鬼 !<33

  25. [YT] 可是我也覺得周瑜已經有努力在改變啦

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