K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 01

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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394 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 01

  1. 哦!!!为什么不可以看!!!!!!!!!
    有没有其他的 LINK???!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. [YT] Ho HO HO I FOUND A BUG in this show! when they started calling names…first of all, jiang wei, they said that jiang wei got the lock maria disease or something so hes retarded. THEN, they called on GAN NING! gan ning’s supposed to be in wu’s school…because hes the bass player of the band with zhou yu, taishi ci, and lu ment! lol wrong here.

  3. [YT] 任容宣长的好难看哦。。在剧中还要装成美女。好做作~特别她笑起来。。脸上的肉都挤出来了。但是电视剧里面却是很美的时候。。背景还有鲜花。。。没想到貂蝉是这样的哦。。。跟历史描述的差太远了吧。。。有点失望。。。
    16秒那里那个女生从楼梯上滚下来会不会很痛哦。 赵云的帅体现的好夸张,还是觉得刘备比较帅哦:)

  4. [YT] :tears:
    our ding xiao yu had grown up so fast!!
    (i only mentioned arron cause jiro and calvin still looks the same; hair style but colored changed…)
    seems like it was when he was shorter and younger and had a huge crush on an qi… but in reality… it was 4-5 years ago…

  5. [YT] 只要是终极系列终极迷们都该支持。。别一直在挑剔批评。。无论是谁演都好风格不变就好。。更何况之前的也好不到哪儿。。只不过是幽默风格较吃香。。新人并不是一开始就会演。。还记得你门的偶像之前演的时候都还只是新人呢。。别自掌嘴巴了。。

  6. [YT] hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  7. [YT] i tot the questions would be really hard since the teacher said it was VERY hard that even she might not know. but.. turns out.. times table? hahs Xiu’s like super cute lohs!

  8. [YT] 幸虧劉備走了,他心計很重,修留下就好了,笑點更多。

    sigh.. 但是劉備遲早都要回來,不知道會發生什麽!很期待。

    Love xiu’s new hair, lovely~~

  9. [YT] wa i wan go this school! exam damn easy
    Bob has 2 horse
    Petty has 5 horse
    If both of them has twice the amount
    find the total
    this question will be like 10 marks question! easy score!

  10. [YT] It is actually a more interesting KO version then KO1 and KO2.
    By the way, any one know why Guan Yu say 我姓關名羽 字雲長 他姓張名飛 字翼德? What does 字雲長 and 字翼德 means ?

  11. [YT] I know that from 康熙 there is a drama called 終極三國, but I only know it by now it is KO3 !!? (maybe cuz I’m not from Taiwan anf not living there)

    I thought the same group of actors from KO1 & KO2 will be in KO3… Honestly, I personally feel a bit disappointed about this KO3 (=.=”) cuz I had been longing for it with the same group of actors.

  12. [YT] kerineteo; yeah it wont be made. but before zhong ji san guo, it is rumoured that the sequel of zhong ji yi jia is zhong ji yi jie. you might want to google it. they will have the sypnosis of it.

  13. [YT] OMG I LOVE JIROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! HIS HAIR IS LIKE SO COOL CAN?!?! and I WAN FAHRENHEIT TO ACT IN THIS SERIES LAAAAA! already used to them acting in this series!!!! )))))))): unfair!

  14. [YT] I think the girl who play Diao Chan looks like Yoyo Mung.

    I think the Zhao Yun guy is a combination of the historical Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun. Historically Zhao Yun was very loyal to Liu Bei, while Zhou Yu was known for his good-looks and was married to Xiao Qiao. I think the series Zhao Yun will later follow Liu Bei (part of 5 tigers). The series Zhao Yun is also very handsome and Xiao Qiao is in love with him. That’s why I postulate he’s a combination of Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun.

  15. [YT] ye they probably are trying to tell us tht xia tian already helped dadong and no accident occured, so thts why dadong, ya se wang, ding xiao yu, and xiu can come on a “vacation” to silver dimension, hehe
    but its pretty funny though ; ]

  16. [YT] ya lor. i also wished they remain with the same story of zhing ji yi jie too…but sad that they changed the story… but in the laster episodes you might find that in some ways this shows still connect to X family and KO One…

  17. [YT] 这部终极三国本来就跟历史的三国不太一样,在小猪的娱乐百分百里就访问过他们了! 女孩子唱够爱也独有风味!! 不要再批评好吧?! 我觉得蛮好看的!

  18. [YT] liubei and xiu character is very different. I can’t adapt to liubei at the start, i’m glad they swapped. LOL.

    如此如此,一般一般 is very hilarious!!!

  19. [YT] 對嘛。。。夠愛 是我終極一家里面最喜歡的歌耶! 現在給她唱成這樣。。。飛輪海沒得演這部戲我已經夠不爽了。。。還把歌唱得這么爛。。。

    說真的, selina 的妹不夠她漂亮之余, 演的戲真的沒有很好, 雖然她是第一次演戲, 可是這么重要的戲份應該給 寒 演才對啊。。。她才算美女吧?

  20. [YT] well xia tian’s mom already went back home in x-family, so it was supposed to be about xia tian going to gold dimension to help da dong, but accidentally fell into Zack’s dimension, and the story goes on there…but unfortunately, they completely changed the story…=(

  21. [YT] they say so, but without fahrenheit, it just feels wrong…

    and people who have already watched it said han and danson just disappeared, so i dont think it would be as good as the last two in the series *sigh*

  22. [YT] 赤璧 – 林志玲(小喬)
    終極三國 – 五熊(小喬)
    雖然五熊和林志玲有點差太遠, 但是五熊還是挺可愛的嗎! 還有這次終級三國不是飛倫海主演, 心裡有些不是滋味, 但換人來演也是不錯的看頭哦!

  23. [YT] who is that guy that breaks everyones heart. on dramawiki it says his name is benji and i googled it and the only guy that comes up is an american who is a singer in china. is this the same guy?

  24. [YT] 禹哲,飞轮海,寒 都不在
    没有了《终极一家》的感觉, 演员都没意思看了。
    女主角靠姐姐打进娱乐圈, 演技天分,又不漂亮,和寒演的比就是差天和地的距离。
    男主角门, 想靠着飞轮海的名打出自己的天地? 还不够水准。

  25. [YT] 如果寒有演這部
    貂蟬是四大美女之一, 寒來演不錯的
    因為我覺得任容宣還好的美, 最多是氣質不錯…
    不過也沒關係, 就看看她演得怎樣吧…

  26. [YT] this is soo funny
    the class didnt noe their mulitplications
    at first xiu thought it was gonna be hard, but like.. he was prob like.. wth is this.. is this for real?? lmao

  27. [YT] the ban dao is sometimes funny; he has funny names: ah gan, lao gan, xiao gan, zhong gan, da gan. it makes me laugh hard. i love how zhang fei actually made gan tumble throughout the school.

  28. [YT] omg arron is so shuai!!!
    his eyes are the most mesmerizing…
    his “eye-liner” is becoming more & more obvious even though he did not apply anything ~~~<3

  29. [YT] i am pretty interested to know who will be the ppl in the silver timezone of fahrenheit. but this show quite lame gt xiao zhong and next ep gt lin zhi xian. like zhao ge and handian cfm appearing soon. haha..

  30. [YT] but it doesn’t seem like xiu will show up much in this drama though……

    and i guess they will continue the trend of a bunch of really retard and stupid ppl….. mildly entertaining though ^^

    and dong chen wei’s singing is soooo much better just because they did the whole thing themselves. and the song seems more suited for a guy to sing it then a girl. a girl singing it just lost all of the song’s vitality and life…..nothing against the singer…just stating my opinion….

  31. [YT] a chord sing de gou ai is much better sia his sound is very good but if a girl sing i dont think de song will bettter and i think de 8 suo zhen onli xiu know how to pou jie … cos his mutiple is good n he is from dong cheng wei i think song will also good … support fahrenheit de

  32. [YT] 他們怎麼拍的啊! 指說像修在鐵時空的頭髮是短的! 但是金時空是長的啊! 所以如果留長的話然後再剪掉的話那會很麻煩耶~! 還是說它們利用兩年的時間讓所以的演員恢復的2005的終極一班&一家的感覺! 超好看的啦~!

  33. [YT] 當大家舉手要脩留下來當劉備時候,我也舉了~但是留下來的脩就有點可憐!

  34. [YT] 雖然是客串,但是大東、亞綸兩個超搶戲的,尤其是大東,另外四子的偷窺的演出,也太搞笑了~

  35. [YT] hahaha th caocao part so witty.
    dont rly agree that th plot or script sucks? different people just have diff taste.
    its not easy to film or what, just appreciate th effort.

  36. [YT] hahah i know the script is lame but that y is kinda funny but yeah selina sis has a weriod face and kinda ugly but i dont think she is that annoying at least she dont have one of those creepy baby voice u know those ones where they tries to act cute

  37. [YT] ahahahaha!!
    the 3 of them so cute behind there showing their fingers up!
    o.o xiu will be leaving at here…
    too bad fei lun hai not main char in this show =(

  38. [YT] haha. Xia tian (Jiro) in X-family became zhong ji tie ke ren. Aaron is meng zhu in X family and Calvin is lan ling wang in X-family. They all (including xiu) helped Xia tian become zhong ji tie ke ren…

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