K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 06

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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351 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 06

  1. can someone put an English subtitle on it???…PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ……………………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. [YT] haha, i like selina too. but i think the younger sister looks more elegant because selina likes to joke around a lot with Hebe and Ella. XD

  3. [YT] 貂蟬應該眉化淡一點的·······比較好看,眉尾應該細點·······其他都很好!!!!

  4. [YT] 為什麼說他瘦也會被劣評
    難道有人覺得這個董卓很胖 = =?

    說明事實而已 囧

    造型跟演技都蠻好 o.o

  5. [YT] 問世間情為何物,直教人生死相許~

  6. [YT] ya… i argee too… i alway being compare wif my sis by my cousin or others becos of she is studying in poly & i studying in ite… that feeling was really hurt… ='(

  7. [YT] 我覺這總是沒什麼好比的吧
    Selina 對演藝圈自然已經熟悉
    任容萱 才剛進演藝圈,是必較多陌生旱害羞吧
    這樣比 ,超無聊的 = =

  8. [YT] Dong Zhuo is the same actor as the Ah Gong in X-family!
    K.O3guo is the sequel of X-family so people will link the stories’ character lorh!

  9. [YT] can you all stop comparing selina and her sister please..
    i have a sister too.. and i dont really like people comparing us..
    think of others felling.. you will hurt either one of them..

  10. [YT] i miss his power 攝心術 呜拉巴哈 i keep on hear the last part 管他回不回得去鐵時空管他時空秩序兄弟重要 and he shout his power

  11. [YT] i have been waiting for xiu’s performace from starting till now i hope that meng zhu dun fault xiu lo please next epis fast come..i am waiting for excellent performance from xiu!!!

  12. [YT] haha ! i see. 😀
    ren rong xuan is actually a softer version of selina.
    her voice is also softer, actions too.
    maybe because selina is in SHE, so her actions are more wild, since Hebe and Ella is also quite wild HAHA.

  13. [YT] woo..攝心術 呜拉巴哈!
    finalli!..haha!..xiu is gonna
    use his power againnnn!:P

    woo.next ep!siian,wait againn!!!
    bt its worth it!..xiu xiu xiu xiuu!!
    攝心術 呜拉巴哈!
    攝心術 呜拉巴哈!
    攝心術 呜拉巴哈!

  14. [YT] actually, you can see traces of selina in diao chan (ren rong xuan).
    the face, the voice, and the most obvious one is their surnames.
    both of have bears the same surname, Ren.

  15. [YT] It should be ok if 脩 uses his powers in銀時空because he can use them in 金時空
    灸舞is a good guy, I believe that he won’t punish脩for this
    I’m really looking forward to the episode next week
    Meanwhile,I want a Chord back !!!!!!!!

  16. [YT] but i tink it shld be successfull and like he would be ok and plus jiu wu would scold him cause they need to maintain good over bad in all the shi kong!

  17. [YT] Fahrenheit in this show is like cameo only , i wish they can be back !! I miss them too , they are really Cute and i wish fahrenheit can join in Wu Hu Jiang TOO!

  18. [YT] I MIss Fahrenheit in Zhong Ji Yi Ban And Zhong Ji Yi Jia !! those who likes Xiu , go to Xiu Blogs , he this morning wrote blog saying that Zhong Ji San Guo had already finish acting !!!

  19. [YT] XIA LIU AH GONG~he is so cute =) i miss xia liu ah gong..they r almost exactly the same although he is bad guy now but he still very nice~i miss zhong ji yi jia sia~~~

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