K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 11

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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349 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 11

  1. [YT] 因該不事吧! 因為鐵時空是用異能來鬥戰的! 而銀時空是用武功來鬥戰!! 所以可能不事的話喔~! 先別說香有沒有打鬥過or what 的! 要不然怎麼可能他沒有像修一樣慢慢的忘記故事了!

  2. [YT] 對呀!! 它們時空的一些邏輯有時我覺得怪怪的! 像是他們的教學程度都只有小學的程度而已, 怎麼會發明槍, 解碼器…etc!! 哈哈~!

  3. [YT] y dun xiu freeze the time sia like in zhong ji yi jia… i know againest rule but he did it before he can do it again ma… lol now we talking about life and dead lei… lol… bet the director forget about this point:)

  4. [YT] 关羽和曹操,两个都不能死!!!要不然,轮到我去杀董卓!!!哈哈,开玩笑的啦。。。



  5. [YT] i mean 寒 wouldnt act 阿香 even if she’s in this show
    寒should act 大喬,小喬’s big sister
    but its not really posible that she plays a part in it

  6. [YT] interesting! dunno hw long it will take and will last thru to the sanguo period where we can see zhuge liang. xfamily has quite alot of eps so i hope this show can at least go till 20 plus eps.

  7. [YT] 阿香應該也喜歡脩吧~~

  8. [YT] 狗会看到阿漂没错,不过董卓会怕鬼是因为亏心事做多吧? 哈哈~

  9. [YT] Um, is ma cao going missing or something?
    I hope no one is missing!
    Next episode is so exciting! xD Hahah.
    And sun shang xiang and xiu are like somehow so cute together! xD hahahah.
    Can’t wait for the next episode! 😀

  10. [YT] Oh no, i don’t want cao cao to turn bad!
    Okay, i think even if he really does, i don’t want wu hu jiang to separate into san guo!
    They seem so perfect together, don’t separate!
    Hahha and dong zuo seems cute to be inside the dog, as in the way he talks or something. Hahha, cute xD
    Xiu’s very funny too! xD Haha.

  11. [YT] 終極三國的劇情本來就是造著三國演義裡面走的







  12. [YT] ………..我說的不是三國演義……我指的是終極三國裡的…….
    三國演義我也看過我也知道曹操是個什麼樣的人…….你搞錯我的問題了…….= =

  13. [YT] xiu and pei ci was sooooooooooo cute when they were like ‘it’s the highest level of “okay”, you have to add est!’
    cuteeeeee xDDDD
    hahahaha and xiu is mad cute when he’s making up excuses for pei ci to stay and live with them xD

  14. [YT] 我有意见阿,
    ROFL! dong zhuo oso cute sia LOL.
    somemore he called himself 人家
    no girls den call themselves 人家 de meh? LOL

  15. [YT] Xiu is so cute when he ask the dog Dong Zhuo to eat…the way he move his eyebrow…so DAMN CUTE…and he is so sweet to Sun Shang Xiang…he is so anxious when he found tat she is lost…LOVE XIU…

  16. [YT] mayb. mayb not.
    Bcause rmb the meng zhu dun wan to change the history of yin shi kong.
    So ifthe meng zhu sent her. It will coz the butterfly effect which i dun tink the meng zhu will do tt.

  17. [YT] mayb. mayb not.
    Bcause rmb the meng zhu dun wan to change the history of yin shi kong.
    So ifthe meng zhu sent her. It will coz the butterfly effect which i dun tink the meng zhu will do.

  18. [YT] oh no cao cao is getting more and more ambitious…

    cant wait for next epi~

    wonder wat will happen to sunshangxiang and xiu if xiu switch back with liu bei~

  19. [YT] 董卓:走火入魔? 不會吧 可是我做人很單純啊 我一天到晚只是想害人而已啊 難道這樣還不夠單純嗎 哈 這超好笑=ˇ=

  20. [YT] 希望最後曹操不要變壞阿~~~

  21. [YT] 修和五虎將拿的東西都很好吃的感覺呢!


  22. [YT] poor 阿西… has to play a dog. Some older people would find that insulting, but I’m glad he took to the role so well and made it absolutely hilarious 😀

  23. [YT] 原来狗是真的有阴阳眼
    好怕好怕哦 LOL.
    cant believe that’s the evil 董卓.

    LOL @ 曹操 for giving that stupid face !

    如此如此 这般这般…

    omg omg 黄忠 ate the dog food !! LMAO !
    黄忠 is such a glutton. :DD

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