K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 13

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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414 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 13

  1. [YT] In 1:02 , Xiu say it correct ! In Ep 14 preview , Xiao Qiao and Zhao Yu really got connection , Xiao Qiao never study in Dong Han Shu Yuan Becoz she wants to avoid him .

  2. [YT] xiao qiao will be with zhouyu while daqiao will be with sunce(if im nt wrong thats wat sanguoyanyi wrote)
    dadong is sunce…btw its confirm sunce le~ cos i watch yulebaifenbai…the side gt write…sunce…=)

  3. [YT] 三国是三国,银时空是银时空,故事会有所变化。


  4. [YT] me! although in sch my teacher taught me abit but i was like…boring…but after this show…i want to know more bout it!! this show taught me alot bout san guo~LOVE KO3ANGUO!

  5. [YT] Erm , In school teacher told us about The Romance of 3 kingdom and i think all teachers got tell stories like that and many more history … This story is very common , Cao Cao always the bad person in that story.

  6. [YT] i think 阿香 was afraid of her future ba!
    she means shes gunna lose the life in 東漢書院 with 劉備.
    coz shes gonna be kidnapped back to 江東高校
    shes hintin to 劉備 what if theres no their future within their tomorrow
    wud 劉備 get 阿香back & step into their future with 阿香 i mean get together no matter if they have “tomorrow” & don hesitate nomore
    their love for each other seems so hard.. an i love it!!!

  7. [YT] 不是啦,

  8. [YT] 当然是未来现到,因为紧接着下来的每一分每一秒都是我们的未来啊! Should be future came the first because every single minute and second are going to come is our future. And also tommorrow is future. So future came first 😀

  9. [YT] 有沒有人跟我一樣是從”終極三國”理學三國演義的?! Is there anyone same as me watch KO 3an guo and learn about The Romance of 3 Kindom?!

  10. [YT] i just meant you should’ve been more specific cuz when you said da dong comes out i got the impression that da dong the character from k.o one comes out

  11. [YT] 對呀!! 阿公的分身的是極端的耶!! 金時空是好到爆的牧師, 銀時空是壞到爆的惡人 &鐵時空事瘋瘋癲癲又有點實力的人!! 怪怪喔~~!

  12. [YT] agree!! but if they are not so “clever” then how to they invent weapons, computers and others….!! has anyone relise that! XD (weird logic~~XD)

  13. [YT] i also guess is 寒 also the same reason of 修 was interested asking. And also bcoz during 娱乐百分百 “News” 終極三國 CONCERT, the GTV reporter interview 寒 &五熊 bocz they also went to watch the concert. But why you don’t think of maybe minority is 夏美????

  14. [YT] if cao cao likes xiao qiao, den hw come in chi bi 2 there is nth btw the 2 when xiao qiao helps zhou yu attack cao cao by dragging his time??

  15. [YT] no ah xiang her husband is not cao cao and some new character bcos like what zhang fei said something about yuan jia and sun jia…so is someone from yuan jia!

  16. [YT] i was tinking about that too…maybe …but they deduce it as lack of love that is why they wanted to find a girlfriend for her bcos i tink ah xiang went back to her home….so we are suspecting the person that they introduce to xiu is han from x-family bcos in x-family xiu likes han but bcos of jiro that is why nv chase her.

  17. [YT] 太好了,大东在下一集就会出现了。

    i think i noe why sun shang xiang escape frm her marriage. cos i think her fiance iz cao cao. frm ep.10 or 11 or 12 when sun shang xiang appear to save cao cao n guan yu, she gt say after she save cao cao tt she n his father gt make a promise. think iz the marriage thing

  18. [YT] who is han? sorry, if this concerns the previous x-family, i didn’t watch;D and sun jian is jiro? zhong zhang what! he’s sunjian. caocao! nice hairstyle!

  19. [YT] yaaaaaa jiro 大東~~~總于都出現了!!


  20. [YT] 孫尚香在三國裏是與劉備政治聯姻

  21. [YT] 天天天天!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. [YT] since 大东 coming out, i hope the others like 亚纶, 亦辱 and chun will come out too! and i hope and believe that the girl in the photo is 寒…

  23. [YT] i also think sun shang xiang’s shi fu is definitely from tie shi kong. If not she would not have known how to use the U-Pod system and the bing qi ni. I hope she will reveal the shi fu in the later eps…

  24. [YT] i think Ah Xiang’s shifu is Tie Shi Kong, Bing Qi Jing Guan Ju’s shop owner. The old man that sold the “Ni Nong Wo Nong” bracelet.

    Just guessing only ~

  25. [YT] hehe Aaron ^^
    i kinda want xiu to be with sun shang xiang and jiro to be with han~ both couples look so cute together.. so desperate for next week KEKE <3
    and iuno x)

  26. [YT] 不能說ㄉ秘密means三國演義啦
    如果說了她們的未來 就會有蝴蝶效應阿


  27. [YT] 不是啦


  28. [YT] lmao , dong zuo kena killed by own son siaa … actualli oso cn tell de , his son gt bei pan him before take the suo ma li ya giv zhao yunn ^^

  29. [YT] is because 貂蝉 tiao bo li jian and seduce them as well (in the book) that’s why in one of the previous episodes Xiu said he doesn’t think the diao chan here is so bad xD

    lucky it doesn’t happen here 🙂

  30. [YT] but da qiao supposed to go with sun ce or someone else right

    but its still highly possible that its han 😀 why they only broadcast once a week ._.

  31. [YT] 可是在終極一家第一集裏,脩說過 除了在自己誕生的時空之外,在其他時空,也同時會誕生于我們一模一樣的個體,他們就是我們的分身 脩說的是同時,怎麽可能神行者生於兩百年前,而他分神生於二十年前?所以我想,神行者大概不是關羽的分身吧?

  32. [YT] zack不敢杀夏天是因为夏天有终级铁克人的力量。 他们的互相影响只是在靠近时,其中一人会脆弱。我了解的是这样。

  33. [YT] 年龄差距不是问题。董卓和夏天的阿公也是啊。因为不同时空所以会这样。

  34. [YT] 分身 so is different bodies den 神行者 die he wont die yet n i think maybe u are just a new born baby in iron dimension,you might be a old man/lady in silver dimension…

  35. [YT] 阿香:等一下我运功运好了你就用力打我一下。

  36. [YT] i know right! i’ve always been wondering about that since the real liu bei wants to take over anyways, but xiu doesn’t so its different already!

    so confusing

    hope to see arron soon.

    but.. his hair O.O
    and i bet the girl is han ^^
    OMG I WANT AARON!!!! AARON!!!! aaron must come out or i’ll be so sad =(
    <3 Aaron 4ever

  38. [YT] OMG!!!! JIRO’S COMING OUT AGAIN~~~~~~~~
    i can’t believe that he’s sun shang xiang’s bro.. but then doesnt sun xiang shang marry liu bei… who is xiu… meaning jiro [well, the dude who’s her bro ]and xiu are brother in laws!?!?!? xDDD lmfao. that’s awesome

  39. [YT] doesn’t make sense, his existance already changed the history, how does he know the real liu bei would do what he’s doing? he might already have screwed up the dimension =\

  40. [YT] why always never see cao cao like the rest of the people go pronote this show… at outer places…. he is also one of the main cast ma… can’t cast him out cause he is bad guy ma….

  41. [YT] poor Xiu…stuck in the questions of love…XIU YOU GOT THE RIGHT TO BE IN LOVE…不要只弹琴不谈情了and he look HOT playing the guitar…

    wat happened to him in the next ep??? cant wait for next week to come…next week is so long…

  42. [YT] the part when Xiu is shy is SO CUTE LA!!! XIU IS SO CUTE!!! and Mei Niang also like like Xiu…HaHa…wan him to hold her hand…but Ah Xiang is jealous and push it away…HaHa…

  43. [YT] Xiu is so smart…noe tat Ah Xiang wan to follow him…and the part when Xiu carry the thingy and walk towards them is funny…and he more and more like a leader le…the way he tok…

  44. [YT] Zhang Fei is funny…everything 大哥会生气…HaHa…and Xiu is heartache when Fei hit Ah Xiang veri hard…is part is nice…the show is getting nicer and nicer le…

  45. [YT] OMG…Xiu is SO MAN LA…so protective of Ah Xiang…they are so cute when they qurrel
    at 0920 Xiu got shock expression is priceless and the way he laugh is so cute…HaHa…

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