K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 17

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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386 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 17

  1. [YT] Lol ma chao jumping up and down the couch! and guan yu becoming super saiyan! 2 bad for diao chan, is this really where she exits out of the whole history? Like she’ll not be a main character anymore…?

  2. [YT] LOL the new 召喚獸 is really funny and it fits… and omg i love dong zhou’s laugh! ITS THE BEST! and wow xun yu is a really bad person…i hate him.

  3. [YT] wahh! I wanted a better new opening! all they added was ah xiang…I mean, they coulda took new picture of benji, with this bandana off, and they should of added the wu characters! wheres zhou yu, sun ce…?! LOL they advertised ps3 and dynasty warriors…and LOL at Lu Bu’s music!

  4. [YT] i dont its yizhi la. if he got a chance to lay his hands on the pen, i think he wld rather keep it for himself than give it away.. my guess is the pen in diao chan bag is fake de!

  5. [YT] the conclusion is ” liu bei want to be the student leader and ask dong zhuo to destroy cao cao ” not ” Liu bei want to ask dong zhuo to put him in the position “

  6. [YT] just a guess but 偷笔的该不会是荀彧吧?!?!?!
    can’t wait for the next episode!
    dont want the couple to separate! they’re so sweet together~ why dont they just tell 貂蝉 that they fed him 忘东忘西忘情水???
    anywayz… cant wait!

  7. [YT] WOW, that’s fast!

    Well I guess it might be, but that would mean Ah Xiang is framing someone else. And unless it’s one of the bad guys (Li Ru etc.) I don’t think she’ll do that.

  8. [YT] WOW, that’s fast!

    Well I guess it might be, but that would mean Ah Xiang is framing someone else. And unless it’s one of the bad guys (Li Ru etc.) I don’t think she’ll do that.

  9. [YT] Because at 8:10, Ah Xiang’s voice is saying that “You! You are the one who stole the brush!” like she’s talking to somebody. And when she said that, the people at 8:10 were outside, and they’re not the ones Ah Xiang is talking to.

  10. [YT] 想法單純一點….就是董卓搞的鬼!!

  11. [YT] if i dint read the comment i wudnt had realised, 原来 that cute nerd is yi zhi o.o;

    Oh no, guanyu love diaochan so much
    yet he unconsiously drank that stupid drink, resulting in forgetting their promises.

    Why nobody let diaochan noe?!

  12. [YT] 应该不会是曹操~因为当啊香讲~'就是你,偷笔的人就是你'的时候,曹操都跟武虎将和其他人在一起~应该不是他~在加 08.13张飞eh了一声~这个人…

  13. [YT] 最討厭華陀的藥了
    真心想xx編劇, 關羽不要跟貂蟬分開!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. [YT] 偷笔的应该是荀彧,也许他妒嫉关羽,所以陷害貂蝉,更何况曹操的表情很惊慌,董卓也没事,相信编剧编荀彧偷剧情会更精彩。

  15. [YT] 貂蟬好可憐噢被人家陷害

  16. [YT] WHAT! Who stole the brush?! Is it LuBu, DiaoChan,XiaoQiao? Or is it Dong Zhuo?! haha, The chicken they hear wrongly become the ‘there’, HAHA!
    CANT WAIT FOR EP18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. [YT] 可是依據官方網站
    是說貂蟬會跟呂布隱姓埋名 為愛走天涯

  18. [YT] Jiang Gan has been erased from the opening and replaced by Ah Xiang. While I’m elated that she’s now a regular in the main cast, where has Jiang Gan disappeared to? He was funny!

  19. [YT] ~友情是不能随随便便就被破坏的~
    小喬不要走, 不要回江東高校嘛!!
    有機雞, 太搞笑了啦!!

  20. [YT] 不吵架. 不挑对方缺点. 不可以欺骗. 不可以乱发脾气. 不可以每天一次手都没牵. 不可以嫌对方胖. 还有,再忙每天都要说一句我喜欢你 ~ omggg, so sweet xD

  21. [YT] Looking forward to next episode!
    They should have put it 2 episodes in one week. If not, we’ll need to wait for very long 🙁 Argh.

    Hope Diao Chan and Guan Yu will be back to normal next episode! 😀

  22. [YT] 阿香喜歡上脩是脩賺到,在公在私都為他排難解



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