My Queen Episode 21

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279 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 21

  1. [YT] wow. if she die, ethan must be a jinx to be with. girls with him bound to meet mishaps! hahaha
    but its really not making sense that romeo was more injured than wushuang when wushuang was nearer to the scene of accident

  2. [YT] Hahha, i seriously love the ending! 😀
    And all the couples there looked so loving (:
    Hahah, kinda hope to see more of jj and jiajia together xD
    hahah, they seem sweet too xD hahaha.
    Love this show~ (:

  3. [YT] shldnt it be to the hospital?
    and she is up front at the scene won she be bleeding or smth?
    even luo mi ou is on cast why she still like no disfigure or wad
    i think the story might be better if she die ( no offence just my own opinion )

  4. [YT] 靜茹有說她自己是這齣戲忠實戲迷 本來不想參加客串怕自己不會演 破壞了戲 但想想也是留下美好回憶 就來參一咖了 呵.. ^^..

  5. [YT] 与其一直相信时间会带走你们的爱,倒不如相信时间会证明你们的爱。无双,这一刻,你终于放下了,你真的值得被真心对待。好喜欢这一幕啊!

  6. [YT] 小天真的演活了盧卡斯這個角色…

  7. [YT] What ethan said was super touching. I want to cry. I find it so sad, seeing ethan crying and talking to that radio station person like that .. Right now, i feel that i want to do all the things i want to do such that i would not regret. Regret, according to how he act, is damn painful, damn .. dk how to say leh 😡 .

  8. [YT] i guess because the minute the explosion happened,she flew away and landed in the truck with the mattress so she was okay. and when she flew off, her name tag was left behind and that burned.

  9. [YT] it doesnt matter about the error , ha ha , i love this drama ,
    i mean if the drama must be in common sense , then what fun would it be , an it will be unable to end up like that ,
    ha ha , great drama .

  10. [YT] they prob is one of those politic mag
    some politic mag will report the news , just like if 911 happen again ,(touch wood ) i belive .that news will be go i direct of sport programm as wel , ha ha ,
    beside , u can see it is a politic mag in the very first when they search for politic case .

  11. [YT] 老大,你一直说喜欢。你知道喜欢和爱是有区别的吗?如果你真的那么那么喜欢你口中的她,连爱字都说不出口吗?如果连这样一个字都说不出口,你还在这里死去活来痛不欲生的样子,有p用阿?难怪人家因为父母反对就不和你在一起了。

  12. [YT] 我非常希望 妳能看到我的發言 雖然 家人很反對 可是 我真的很喜歡妳 妳是我第一個遇到不會嫌棄我 反而鼓勵我的人

  13. [YT] 我喜歡上一個大我9歲的女生 可是 家人的反對 讓她壓力很大 我真的很喜歡她 我非常希望我能再跟她在一起 不管我在怎麼痛苦 我真的非常非常喜歡妳 大9歲又怎樣

  14. [YT] I think as long as the truck is located no more than 20 feet then it’s possible. My cousin was in an accident last time and the car blew up about 4 feet from her and she ended up flying really far.

  15. [YT] 台灣偶像劇基本上來說不拖是不太可能的
    漸漸轉變成自己構想 而不是翻拍他國故事
    從命中到敗犬 真得已經算不錯得了!

  16. [YT] I fell in love with Ethan thru this series, then last week I went to watch FTLY. I got to say, FTLY is much more touching. I couldn’t stop crying for entire episodes in that series. Somehow Ethan has a wider range of acting in FTLY, cos it’s very dramatic. For those who have not seen Fated To Love You, go watch it!!!

  17. [YT] 真的覺得人生無常,我昨天去看了總達客運的翻車現場,撿到一塊司機的名牌,出事的是以前常載我的司機。

  18. [YT] I’m really impressed by Ethan’s acting in there. I was so touched by that scene in FTLY where he was grieving the miscarriage, but this one here…definitely surpassed that scene. I think he really improved!

  19. [YT] 好好玩喔^^ 廣播電台可以講好久喔 都不會有插撥 by the way 梁靜茹竟然上了敗犬女王 演了一個小人物 真可惜= =大才小用

  20. [YT] 好好玩喔^^ 廣播電台可以講好久喔 都不會有插撥 by the way 梁靜茹竟然上了敗犬女王 演了一個小人物 真可惜= =大才小用

  21. [YT] woww.. tis drama has so many mistakes and things tht doesnt make any sense.. she got throw over from across the street and nothing happened to her. and the truck driver went thru the entire day without realizing tht theres a girl in the back?! but i still love tis drama:D

  22. [YT] 大炳演得很專業,根本看不出他演戲前天惹了大禍。。。

    8:09 楊雅筑笑得很僵。


  23. [YT] 不管今天給我多少個負號
    只能說 劇本很爛

  24. [YT] haha~是沒錯啦

  25. [YT] 可是也太扯了 不是第一時間送到醫院而是送回家… 而且那麼靠近爆炸地點 還沒事 沒骨折之類的… 雖然是電視劇可是真的太扯了= =

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