K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 10

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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314 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 10

  1. [YT] I wonder…i saw in trailer about vol 10,there was a part where Liu Bei they all bit Li Ru while they were visiting Guan Yu and Cao Cao.Where is it?

  2. [YT] -pass the sign that says 361-
    -walk back-
    -look at the sign-
    -look at each other-
    -continue to walk-
    x) they’re so cute and funny XD

    “Okay, i’ll massage his heart, and you give him mouth to mouth”
    “Uh… how about i massage his heart, and you give him mouth to mouth?”
    “HEY! His life is in danger, why are you caring about stuff like this??” *thinks* thank god i picked first, i win!
    xDDDDDDD guan yu is fcking cuteee
    it was so funny when lu uncle yelled RAPEEE! xD funny~~

  3. [YT] can someone please refresh me on what happened at the end of x-family with that love triangle, my memory’s a bit fuzzy. no one ended up with anyone right? even though xia tian and han liked each other and it turned out that they weren’t siblings?

  4. [YT] 孫尚香是銀時空的人吗,为什么脩会有这种感觉?
    No offence 😀

  5. [YT] 脩談戀愛了,為什麼要忘掉寒去喜歡香?

  6. [YT] 劉備和孫尚香那段好好笑~

  7. [YT] 怎么不找寒做孫尚香呢??會比較好吧 因為脩是喜歡寒的呀 那他在銀時空就可以和她談戀愛了呀(鐵時空首席戰鬥團東城衛是彈琴不談情的呀)到了銀時空就可以談情了吧

  8. [YT] wait…I want to ask if the real history, the pets ceng and liu bei right…but this one is xiu not liu bei…so liu bei is suppose to like her not xiu… sorry…hope u understand…thx.

  9. [YT] that’s the problem, we think they are only gonna use 1 set of 生死签. of course i dont hope so. what really happens we gotta wait till this coming friday lo. 😀

  10. [YT] if they both get a set of 签 and use the method, then they both get to live right? or… I don’t understand.. why only one of them get to survive? can you explain a bit more please?? I can’t wait!! thanks 🙂

  11. [YT] 如果两张都是死签,先抽的人抽了签之后,把签吞下去,打开剩下的签,那剩下的一定也是死签,那他就可以说他吞下的那张是生签。

    get it ?

  12. [YT] 其實,在”三國演義”裡孫尚香不是劉備的原配!昭烈皇后,甘氏才是他的原配!糜夫人,糜竺之妹;穆皇后,吳氏,吳懿之妹也是劉備的老婆!孫尚香(孫夫人),孫權之妹,與劉備結為政治婚姻,後劉備入蜀,孫權接回她,再無記錄。

  13. [YT] now i understand why 孙尚香 says she can only save one of them.
    i rmb reading somewhere abt the 抽生死签 part. the 签 that the prisoner that was using is also being tempered, with 2 死签. so the prisoner swallowed one of them and asked the guards to open up the remaining one, and if that one shows 死, means the one he swallowed is 生. so using his wit, he was freed.

    smart eh, i think 孙尚香 will also use this method to get one of them out.

  14. [YT] no he is originally from yin shi kong. in ko.1, he has also cuan yue shi kong to jin shi kong together with dong cheng wei. thats why he knew da dong and the rest

  15. [YT] Wow. Frankly speaking, pei ci look cute (:
    Hahah, it would be cool to see xiu with a girlfriend in this dimension since he can’t be in love in tie shi kong. Hahah. It would a good oppurtunity(?)

  16. [YT] Dong Zuo purposely want them to escape the prison so dong zuo can let them be killed for escaping the prison.. So they wont wanna fall into the trap. Last part did mention this..

  17. [YT] due to this show, i finally got out my dad’s volume of Romance of Three Kingdom which he had been pestering me to read! i hated it, coz it was all history and super boring, but KO3anguo made everything alive! in fact, i finished reading the whole volume in one day! considering it is so super thick (my dad’s is the original version, with all the traditional chinese words) it is quite a feat!<3 KO3anguo

  18. [YT] Haha, how come Ma Cao looked so fierce when he told Zhang Fei “hao xiao ma?”
    Hahah. Actually i think it wouldn’t be that bad if they all knew Xiu’s secret thought.. No offence.
    Anyway, they are really cute! xD hahah.
    They all crossed their legs and changed their legs when they heard what ma cao said xD hahaha.

  19. [YT] 恩。。。而且我感觉如果有脩在不会跟曹操变成敌人的。好像是因为真正的刘备有可能吧。。。。如果我说对了的话我也不缺定了

  20. [YT] lol faster next saturday i wanna watch if xiu got like sun shang xiang but he always say dong cheng wei zhi tan qin bu tan qin and cao cao like become bad one le faster ! faster! i want to watch

  21. [YT] 感覺貂蟬有夠白目 .. 而且哭得難看

  22. [YT] you should go on sugoideasDOTcom so click on this person profile and then go into her playlists, find the KO3 playlist and then you can have the whole thing out and playing automatically and all the parts are there making it easier.

  23. [YT] 聽説大東的龍紋鏊是三國製作的,不知道在終極三國會不會出現類似 的武器。


  24. [YT] This drama has a lot of gorgeous guys. One of my colleague looks like one of them. But … why he looks like 董卓?!!! Why not 武虎將or 劉備 or 呂布 instead?sigh !

  25. [YT] LOL, they keep saying 糟了 to romantic gestures !
    they see the heart shape formed by candles : 糟了 我们中计了
    when a ring goes into 关羽’s finger : 糟了 是紧箍咒

  26. [YT] i think 曾沛慈 is suitable for the role as Sun Shang Xiang…she got the character of role…and she is so cool jumping off from the horse…

  27. [YT] HaHa…我的初吻 tat part is funny…another version of 够爱…and Xiu hao shuai ahhh…Xiu you are not alone…i prefer tis Liu Bei den the real 1…dunnoe the real 1 come back how will things going to be like…

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