Sisters Episode 26

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

16 thoughts on “Sisters Episode 26

  1. 編劇到底有沒有常識啊?

    報戶口她不會自己報?  那裡需要報到李家去?

    那單身的人不就都沒有戶口, 都沒有健保了?

    簡直胡扯!  沒知識也要查查 網絡。

  2. 這個 “呢”, 那個 ”呢“, 呢來呢去, 真令人討厭。


    ”呢“, ”所謂的“,  ”一個動作“。。。。。。去TMD!

  3. 還有這麼溫柔的志軒連彩翎都會說話了,因為小孩不能像用正方這種硬逼她說話她當然不敢說,而且在怪老公怪婆婆誰想繼續在那阿,要不是如芬可能想畢竟正方還是彩玲的爸爸所以不跟她離婚可能想給彩玲完整的愛,但她明明知到她老公和她婆婆是怎樣的人還留在他身邊我真的很不懂

  4. 我的媽呀也太天生一對了吧,姦夫淫婦 鬼頭鬼腦 奸商淫婦,抓到也好趁這時離婚如芬就可以跟她心愛的志軒結婚,但我們只看預告但還不知道志軒這幾年有沒有結婚或女朋友,這些我們都忘了想到,但我希望志軒把現在深在地獄的如芬給拉出來,因為正方嗎她媽正男輕女很嚴重又希望如芬趕快再生男生,不是也逼他們離婚,小孩不管怎樣身下來不健康也不是他們想要這樣阿,我超討厭那種歧視重男輕女孩歧視孫女這種婆婆因該會下地獄會有報應,本來會好但就因為他們家太不快樂常常因為不生小孩,然後一直說汙辱孫女的話而吵架,她不是全聽不到讓小孩聽到當然他會越怕不敢表達

  5. 果然李正方和王曼琳才是一对!都是为了钱的人,所以才知道世界上没有什么烂人,只有不合适的人

  6. RF can have another child with Jim if she could learn how to stand up and love for herself instead of giving in to her fate…..She will definitely get rid of her anxiety and depression     

  7. RF can have another child with Jim if she could learn how to stand up and love for herself instead of giving in to your fate…..She will definitely get rid of her anxiety and depression 

  8. 如芬 really needs to divorce 正方 how much more can she take he is such a horrible husband
    maybe should take a step back from her husband it seems like he never thought of her feelings throughout the whole situation maybe if he was just honest and discussed things with her all these problems could have been avoided i like them together but it seems she is the only one that thinks for the family unlike him maybe if she step back he will not take her for granted anymore

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